Java language rest assured framework for interface testing

Interface test protocol, intercepting request and response, assertion mechanism, rest assured advanced level, Jenkins continuous integration

611 people study

senior 38 class hours Updated on July 15, 2019

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Suitable for:

1. Test in-service; 2. Computer major; 3. Interface tester; 4. Performance testing personnel; 5. Automation test engineer

You will learn:

Interface test protocol, intercepting request and response, assertion mechanism, rest assured advanced level, Jenkins continuous integration

  • Advanced software testing

Course introduction:

Mr. Sihan, with more than ten years of working experience in the testing industry, is a guest speaker at the China Mobile Internet Testing and Development Conference. He has successively worked in Alibaba, Baidu, Testin, Snowball and other companies. He is the author of the open-source project AppCrawler, and is now the first president of Hogwarts Testing Institute.

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