Practical Practice of Interview Algorithm Questions (II)

Proficiently learn the algorithm and data structure of the common test in the interview, enhance the algorithm ability, and improve the interview results

250 people study

intermediate 19 class hours Updated on January 15, 2019

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

People who have some programming foundation and want to improve their algorithm ability; Students majoring in computer science; Candidates for software R&D positions;

You will learn:

Proficiently learn the algorithm and data structure of the common test in the interview, enhance the algorithm ability, and improve the interview results

Course introduction:

1、 Course content:

This course is the second season of the series of courses "Practical Interview Algorithm Problems". In this season, the lecturer carefully selected two categories of eight classic algorithm problems:

Class I: geometric problems

1. Trapping Rain Water

2. Trapping Rain Water II

3. The Skyline Problem

4. Rectangle Area II

Category II: game problems

5. Chalkboard XOR Game

6. SlidingPuzzle

7. OrderlyQueue

8. GuessTheWorld

2、 Course features:

This course explains from multiple perspectives, from the simple to the deep, and leads you to consolidate and deepen your understanding of common algorithms and data structures in interviews, learn common solutions, and improve your performance in algorithm interviews in interviews.

The algorithms involved in the course include sorting, searching, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, etc. The data structures involved include linked lists, arrays, heaps, graphs, etc.

3、 Learning environment configuration:

Chrome browser

4、 Level after study:

Proficiently learn the use of linked lists, arrays, heaps, graphs and other common data structures, and skillfully use common sorting and search algorithms,

Familiar with dynamic programming, recursion, greed and other algorithm design ideas, familiar with algorithm complexity analysis methods.

5、 Reference learning materials

Introduction to Algorithms Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, etc

Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, etc

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Course outline- Practical Practice of Interview Algorithm Questions (II)

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