C++MySQL 8.0 database cross platform programming practice

Learn to install and configure mysql8.0 and mysql's official graphical interface in Windows and ubuntu systems, learn the c api of mysql's sql, transactions, locks and stored procedures, and solve problems such as Chinese garbled code and file storage;

37712 people study

intermediate 67 class hours Updated on March 21, 2019

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

1. Students with basic knowledge of C language; 2. Students who have a basic knowledge of C++and want to do practical learning; 3. Used in work or database programming

You will learn:

Learn to install and configure mysql8.0 and mysql's official graphical interface in Windows and ubuntu systems, learn the c api of mysql's sql, transactions, locks and stored procedures, and solve problems such as Chinese garbled code and file storage;

Course introduction:

Environmental Science:

Main use of the course C++programming. All demonstration codes are cross platform. The development environment used in the course on the Windows platform is the vs2017 community version, and the Linux environment uses g++and make under ubuntu 18.04.

MySQL uses version 8.0. The official version of MySQL graphical management tool is MySQL Workbench 8.0. The server will demonstrate the installation and configuration in windows10 and ubuntu18.04.

The mysql api uses the ibm ysqlclient, a 64 bit version used in Windows, and is installed directly through apt get in Linux.

Explanation method:

Through mind mapping +The explanation method of code operation. Each function implemented will demonstrate and analyze the code. For details, see the directory and video introduction.

The course provides all the source code for students.

 MySQL API C++database programming mind map.png Introduction to other platforms mysql.png

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Course outline- C++MySQL 8.0 database cross platform programming practice

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