C # SQL Server Database Technology Video Course

Proficiently learn to add, delete, modify, and query SQL Server databases in C # language.

7245 people study

primary 20 class hours Updated on February 18, 2020

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 Wu Zhanwen
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

C # beginner, student at school

You will learn:

Proficiently learn to add, delete, modify, and query SQL Server databases in C # language.

Course introduction:

Environment requirements: 1. Operating system: win7 32/64 bit

2. Development environment: Visual studio 2015 Community

3. Database system: SQL Server 2008 R2 32/64 bit, Access 2003 or above

Learning materials: 1. C # basics, including constants, variables, keywords, and statement control flow

2. ADO.NET Basics

3. Basic operations of SQL SERVER database insertion, query and deletion

Teaching features: use examples to explain various operations of C # on SQL SERVER database, including basic operations such as data addition, data modification, data deletion, data query, etc

Advanced technologies such as table structure reading, database attachment, database separation, etc

Level after learning: After learning, students will basically learn the basic operation of C # on SQL SERVER database

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Course outline- C # SQL Server Database Technology Video Course

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