C # Programming Foundation and Improvement Video Course

This tutorial systematically explains the basic knowledge of C # in many aspects, and explains the important concepts of C # such as variable type, data structure, syntax, semantics, three characteristics of object-oriented programming, interface programming mode, delegation and event driven mechanism for learners through code cases. The purpose of this tutorial is to help C # zero beginners get started, and to make the beginners

2351 people study

primary 53 class hours Updated on October 12, 2018

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 Teacher Xiaotian
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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

C # beginner; C # Entrepreneur

You will learn:

This tutorial systematically explains the basic knowledge of C # in many aspects, and explains the important concepts of C # such as variable type, data structure, syntax, semantics, three characteristics of object-oriented programming, interface programming mode, delegation and event driven mechanism for learners through code cases. The purpose of this tutorial is to help C # beginners get started, and let beginners overcome the C # knowledge barriers that are difficult to understand at ordinary times, so that everyone can learn C # programming technology from simple to deep, and fall in love with

Course introduction:

1、 This tutorial systematically explains the basic knowledge of C # in many aspects, and explains the important concepts of C # such as variable type, data structure, syntax, semantics, three characteristics of object-oriented programming, interface programming mode, delegation and event driven mechanism for learners through code cases.

2、 This tutorial summarizes and explains the difficult problems that students often encounter at ordinary times, such as what is C # core knowledge such as class, inheritance, polymorphism, interface programming, delegation, and event driven. As long as you learn these difficulties, you will overcome the C # programming obstacles.

3、 The configuration environment for learning this tutorial: VS2005 and above (vs2008, vs2010, vs2012, etc.) are applicable.

4、 The teaching software version and tool version of this tutorial are Visual Studio2010.

5、 The learning materials of this tutorial can be downloaded at the end of each chapter (including source code program+documentation).

6、 This tutorial combines teacher Xiaotian's years of development experience, summarizes the difficult problems in C # programming, and explains the whole process with a large number of practical cases.

7、 This tutorial is designed to help C # beginners get started, and let beginners overcome the C # knowledge barriers that are difficult to understand at ordinary times, so that everyone can learn C # programming technology from the simple to the deep and fall in love with this language.

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Course outline- C # Programming Foundation and Improvement Video Course

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