C language core programming

1. Understand the computer device itself through C language, and be able to skillfully learn the basic skills of C program development. 2. Deeply explain various specious bugs of C language from the perspective of engineering development. 3. Establish the C language core library through the simulation model, and lay the foundation for developing high-quality C language programs.

21946 people study

intermediate 54 class hours Updated on November 17, 2018

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Students, who have work experience, want to master C language, and have basic concepts of operating system, compiler, and assembly (not necessary)

You will learn:

1. Understand the computer device itself through C language, and be able to skillfully learn the basic skills of C program development. 2. Deeply explain various specious bugs of C language from the perspective of engineering development. 3. Establish the C language core library through the simulation model, and lay the foundation for developing high-quality C language programs.

Course introduction:

Core Programming in C Language: Ding Songtao

Course Introduction

To be precise, C is not a high-level language. It is actually an intermediate language between high-level languages and low-level languages. It directly deals with memory and has rich data types and operators. But C is by no means a simple language. On the contrary, learning C well requires considerable effort This course starts from cases and combines with engineering practice scenarios to demonstrate the use of Experience and engineering skills of system level development with C language , showing The implementation principle of C language core library functions such as printf and malloc, and the simulation prototype of CRT (C language runtime) on Win32 platform

Course objectives  

one adopt C language Understand the computer device itself and be able to learn Basic skills of C program development

2. Deeply explain various specious bugs of C language from the perspective of engineering development

3. Passed Simulation model established C language core library, laying the foundation for developing high-quality C language programs

Teacher Ding Songtao's case of this course comes directly from engineering practice. Enterprise training is carried out in Siemens Automation, General Electric, and China Science and Technology Electronics 28 institutes and other customers, Its engineering technology training covers C language development Practical technical examples in, especially suitable for those who want to master C language programmer friend.

Course content

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Course outline- C language core programming

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