Disassembly Elementary Video Course

By learning the basic course of disassembly, you can reverse and optimize simple C language programs. If you want to do program cracking, you should still be competent.

6677 people study

primary 20 class hours Updated on June 25, 2018

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

It is suitable for programmers who have a certain C/C++foundation, want to continue on the C/C++road, and have a persistent pursuit of technology.

You will learn:

By learning the basic course of disassembly, you can reverse and optimize simple C language programs. If you want to do program cracking, you should still be competent.

Course introduction:

This set of courses is the basic stage of the disassembly series of courses. Later, the advanced and advanced disassembly courses will be launched successively. The teaching goal of the whole set of disassembly course is to let everyone have a glimpse of the mystery of the computer program world and lay a solid foundation for becoming a qualified Hacker in the future.

Disassembly technology is widely used in the field of computer programming. From program performance optimization to functional analysis of competing software, from game plug-in production to anti plug-in system of large manufacturers, from trojan virus anti human to anti-virus software security, practitioners need to have a deep knowledge of disassembly.

If you are determined to become a real programming god, you need to learn this course skillfully and be able to apply it to your future work.

To learn the disassembly course, you need to have a certain foundation of C language, and if you have rich programming experience, you will be able to learn more knowledge from this course and solve your original doubts about programming languages, computer systems, etc.

At the same time, as the teacher of this course (also the supervisor, director, temporary worker), I suggest you review the content of this course periodically until you know the course and its related content! At each stage, this course will enable you to understand different levels of knowledge.

Come on, boy, learn disassembly! Disassembly technology will open the door to the real computer world for us, so that we can know what is going on and why it is going on, so that we can really be the masters of computers and control our computers!

After careful arrangement and deployment, the course covers the basic knowledge of disassembly

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Course outline- Disassembly Elementary Video Course

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