Windows Programming Application Development Video Course

It has the ability to code Windows platform programs at Win32 API SDK level, can participate in GUI program development of Windows application engineering category, and has fault tolerance performance for algorithm strategies; Improved software design experience, preliminary object-oriented software design ideas, and targeted application event driven programming to develop applications.

41859 people study

primary 86 class hours Updated on October 11, 2018

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Students, who have work experience, want to learn Windows programming, and have some c or c++programming foundation

You will learn:

It has the ability to code Windows platform programs at Win32 API SDK level, can participate in GUI program development of Windows application engineering category, and has fault tolerance performance for algorithm strategies; Improved software design experience, preliminary object-oriented software design ideas, and targeted application event driven programming to develop applications.

Course introduction:

      The course is mainly taught by Mr. Ding Songtao and assisted by Mr. Xia Caojun
The course provides all the source code, and develops and uses the next new version of vs In 2015, it is guaranteed to adapt to * * applications without any * * version bugs. Since the PPT is used for enterprise training and has copyright, it cannot be provided directly. It provides documentation and source code, and course questions can be asked at any time.
Mr. Ding Songtao is a doctor of Nanjing University, a certified lecturer of Microsoft China, a computer teacher of Jiangsu Microsoft Technology Center, the Council of American Universities, and a co-founder of Jetti Technology Co., Ltd., with more than 15 years of experience in program development.


1 Course introduction and environmental preparation

  1. Course introduction (course code added to the course group 165714616 for download)

  2. Explain the steps of code to Windows program execution and the bugs that will appear in each step (Xia Caojun)

  3. Vs the role of various files (projects, solutions, resources, codes) in the project, and configure project dependencies (Xia Caojun)

  4. Vs project configuration details and debugging demonstration (Xia Caojun)

2 Windows process programming

  1. Introduction to process and layout

  2. CreateProcess function explanation and "pit filling programming" code demonstration - how to program according to Windows protocol

  3. CPU protection mode and process space

  4. Deep analysis of process address space based on global variable case demonstration - connotation of logical address, linear address and physical address (paging, kernel mode, memory mapping)

  5. What does CloseHandle close? Concept, explanation and code demonstration of kernel objects

  6. Concept analysis of process snapshot in process list acquisition - process control using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot - process list acquisition explanation and code demonstration

  7. Resource leakage in C++runtime and operating system scheduling process - code demonstration of resource leakage in termination process

  8. Terminate other process code cases

  9. Principle of process space intrusion technology - core code explanation of memory modifier

  10. Process Memory Modifier Practice - Object Program and Memchange Interface Development

  11. MemChange Main function body logic completed

  12. MemChange - Read each page of memory

  13. Process Memory Modifier Practice - Project Complete

3 Windows multithreading programming technology

  1. A function is a collection of code instruction sequences. The execution process of a function is that the operating system is promoting the thread thread concept and the relationship between functions and threads. Understand the Windows application program design

  2. Explanation and code demonstration of thread creation principle and CreateThread function principle

  3. Thread kernel object context and object parameters

  4. Thread termination and its resource problems

  5. Why do low priority threads execute SetThreadPriority first

  6. Why don't I write code in the written order—— Analysis of the essence of the instruction of disorderly advancing threads in the operating system, and the time related errors in thread synchronization

  7. Principle of thread synchronization critical area and CreateMutex code demonstration

  8. Analysis and code demonstration of cost principle of thread lock in Interlock and CreateMutex

  9. Semaphore synchronization explanation and code demonstration

  10. CreateEvent event synchronization details and code demonstration

4 Windows SDK programming

  1. Introduction to Windows GUI Program Design and Code Demonstration Get the window program and close it

  2. Windows GUI Program Programming Ideas and HelloWindows Program

  3. Analysis of windows message driven principle

  4. Window Registration Details

  5. Create and display window update client and message pickup code and principle analysis

  6. Analysis of the principle of window callback function

  7. Windows form registration and display code writing and debugging

  8. Explanation of message mechanism principle (event driven)

  9. Typing game program example - complete project creation and menu addition

  10. Item Add icon and add menu response event code

  11. Keyboard response message WM_CHAR message processing and code demonstration

  12. Demonstration of mouse message response principle and setting background color code

5 Windows standard control programming

  1. Button control and Win32 form interactive programming - comprehensive case demonstration based on stone scissors cloth game

  2. Table driven programming technology - game business logic and development strategy analysis

  3. Game strategy function completed and passed unit test

  4. Random number generation, development, game integration and summary

  5. Opening and Closing Win32Dialog Dialog

  6. Window Add Button Text Box and Input Box Controls

  7. Text box editing effect radio and standard button event processing and project completion

  8. Implementation of pop-up dialog box for information transfer between forms

  9. Information transfer between windows completed

  10. Control use comprehensive case needs analysis and interface design completed

  11. Comprehensive case - main window frame interface icon code construction completed

  12. Comprehensive case - complete picture display and analyze setwindowLong interface

  13. Comprehensive case - processing WM_COMMAND message and completing exit procedure

  14. Comprehensive case - summary of window top picture display and hiding function

6 MFC and Windows program development

  1. MFC Development Windows Application Guide

  2. Reject the App Wizard MFC encapsulation explanation and create the first creation program through it

  3. MFC message driver is event programming probability and writing MFC message cycle code

  4. MFC Comprehensive Case MFC Development of Windows Applications

  5. MFC integrated application - complete window initialization, message mapping and constructor

  6. MFC integrated application - complete Timer message

  7. Why must parameters be initialized before using Windows API- MFC comprehensive case - Paint message project completion and summary

7 Windows file programming

  1. Encoding format of windows files

  2. File format - in-depth interpretation of bugs in Windows XP system - explanation of BOM principle

  3. The Principle of Stream File Encryption and the Dilemma of Caesar Encryption

  4. Memory Map File - Memory DC and Client Area DC

  5. ReadBmp case code framework construction

  6. The drawing code of UI and BMP is completed

  7. Memory mapping principle and file finding

  8. Memory mapping file coding completed and summarized

  9. Analysis of stack overflow in the use of multi byte and wide byte conversion methods and A2W, W2A byte conversion macros (Xia Caojun)

  10. Use MultiByteToWideChar to convert multi byte to wide byte (Xia Caojun)

8 Windows service programming and dynamic link library

  1. Analysis of windows service development framework

  2. Registered ServicesMain interface function is completed

  3. Windows Service CtrlHandler complete

  4. Windows service sample program complete

  5. Analysis of Dynamic Link Library Principle

  6. Code demonstration of static library lib

  7. Dynamic link library class export project creation and dependency setting (Xia Caojun)

  8. Reference the dynamic link library lib+dll, and set the general cross platform dynamic library header file (Xia Caojun)

  9. Analysis of dllmain entry file and demonstration of multithreaded calling code (Xia Caojun)

  10. A character set conversion function that uses WideCharToMultiByte to convert a wide byte into a multi byte and encapsulates the internal allocation space

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Course outline- Windows Programming Application Development Video Course

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