005: Software Culture - Basic Programming Video Course

Xu Tong once taught at Tsinghua University. Advocate and practitioner of IT education. 20 years of software development and scientific research experience, information technology teaching experience. Professional planning instructors, curriculum design and learning software development must have some technical groundwork. This part mainly talks about the technical foundation, which belongs to the content of software culture. This part belongs to basic skill, tree

4832 people study

primary 18 class hours Updated on December 10, 2017

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

C++junior developer, undergraduate computer student

You will learn:

Xu Tong once taught at Tsinghua University. Advocate and practitioner of IT education. 20 years of software development and scientific research experience, information technology teaching experience. Professional planning instructors, curriculum design and learning software development must have some technical groundwork. This part mainly talks about the technical foundation, which belongs to the content of software culture. This part belongs to the basic skills, and sets up the understanding of computer history; Basic understanding of software and hardware. With these foundations, it is the catalyst for us to learn software development.

Course introduction:

Computer history; Computer master** Computer companies; Future computer development; Computer composition; Learning process; How to learn; Programming concept; Memory and programming; Programming language classification; Development direction of software development; How to position yourself.


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Course outline- 005: Software Culture - Basic Programming Video Course

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