C++Sublimation: Snake Eating (Becoming a Butterfly in Seven Days)

Deeply study the object-oriented thought. Learn the application of C++syntax in practice. Learn the methods of class analysis. Learn game programming ideas and processes. Learn the programming ideas of greedy snakes.

23196 people study

primary 28 class hours Updated 2020/04/05

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 Yuan Chunxu
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

College students, middle school students, beginners, soldiers who are willing to work in the IT field

You will learn:

Deeply study the object-oriented thought. Learn the application of C++syntax in practice. Learn the methods of class analysis. Learn game programming ideas and processes. Learn the programming ideas of greedy snakes.

Course introduction:

The game rules and constraints of the greedy snake are introduced in detail;

The animation principle involved in the game, key processing, random position processing, cycle processing, snake eating algorithm, snake body movement algorithm, snake head turning algorithm, etc. are explained in detail;

The class design scheme is explained in detail, and the unit base class, food class, snake class, game class and their inheritance and combination relations are designed according to the game scale.

Lead everyone to design the internal and external method details of each class hand by hand, complete the greedy snake coding and explain the coding ideas and details.

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Course outline- C++Sublimation: Snake Eating (Becoming a Butterfly in Seven Days)

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