Yin Cheng takes you to learn Python video tutorial - objects and deep and shallow copies

The difficulty of a set of excellent basic programming language videos is to explain the principles and stimulate interest. This course was recorded by Yin Cheng, a teacher from Tsinghua University. The feature of this course is to explain the principles. Including the writing of game plug-ins, wifi password cracking, big data analysis, etc

18835 people study

primary 21 class hours Updated on September 8, 2017

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Beginner, developer who has other programming experience and wants to learn Python, and is interested in big data and hacker technology

You will learn:

The difficulty of a set of excellent basic programming language videos is to explain the principles and stimulate interest. This course was recorded by Yin Cheng, a teacher from Tsinghua University. The feature of this course is to explain the principles. Including the writing of game plug-ins, wifi password cracking, big data analysis, etc

Course introduction:

First, give an overview of the syllabus:


The following are some screenshots of black technology in the course:


1. Modify game memory and write game plug-in


2. Wifi cracking


3. Crawlers crawling for beautiful women pictures


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Course outline- Yin Cheng takes you to learn Python video tutorial - objects and deep and shallow copies

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