Learn Operation 2.0 from scratch - How to find an operation video tutorial

This course is a serial course, which helps more operators find operation jobs and solve the problems of operators' survival and knowledge system in the form of pure free courses

52754 people study

primary 10 class hours Updated on August 29, 2017

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 Zheng Wenbo
  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

1. Students who are interested in operation; 2. Personnel interested in operation; 3. Growing operators;

You will learn:

This course is a serial course, which helps more operators find operation jobs and solve the problems of operators' survival and knowledge system in the form of pure free courses

Course introduction:

This set of courses is an operation 2.0 course from scratch. The main course knowledge consists of 1-5 courses that explain how novices learn operation knowledge, find operation jobs, and enterprises' requirements for operation. 6-10 courses are mainly about four basic operations, user operations, content operations, product operations, and channel operations. This course is a serial course, which helps more operators find operation jobs and solve the problems of operators' survival and knowledge system in the form of pure free courses.

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Course outline- Learn Operation 2.0 from scratch - How to find an operation video tutorial

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