[Xia Caojun] C++programming FFMpegSDK beauty live streaming practice - based on qt5, opencv video course

Based on c++programming, learn the development method of recording video (rtsp and system camera) and recording audio (qt), learn the meaning of various parameters of audio and video, learn audio and video coding (h264+acc), open cv, audio and video packaging (flv), and push streaming based on rtmp protocol. Learn the time conversion and synchronization strategy of ffmpeg audio and video. Learning ng

102305 people study

intermediate 67 class hours Updated on August 30, 2017

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Students who want to learn audio and video technology, or who have some C/C++programming foundation and want to put into practice

You will learn:

Based on c++programming, learn the development method of recording video (rtsp and system camera) and recording audio (qt), learn the meaning of various parameters of audio and video, learn audio and video coding (h264+acc), open cv, audio and video packaging (flv), and push streaming based on rtmp protocol. Learn the time conversion and synchronization strategy of ffmpeg audio and video. Learn about nginx rtmp and other live server configurations.

Course introduction:

I. Introduction to Course Environment

1. System environment :windows10  ubuntu16.04

Win7 and above systems are sufficient. XP systems have not been verified, and the development and use frameworks are cross platform. You can directly modify the project configuration without code adjustment and migrate to Linux and Mac environments.

The live broadcast server is configured in the ubuntu 16.04 64 bit virtual machine.


2. Development tools :vs2015 

You can use vs2013. Try not to use too low a version. Too low a version does not support C++11 features well. You can use QTcreator on Linux or Mac environments.

three Program platform X86 32-bit

64 bit can be used. All third-party libraries called must be 64 bit. The arm platform can be directly ported, but the source codes of ffmpeg, qt, and opencv libraries need to be compiled.

4. Development Library Version

QT 5.9 32-bit

FFmpeg 3.3 32-bit

Opencv 3.2 32-bit


Provide all source code

II Course Introduction

1. Based on c++programming, learn the development method of recording video (using opencv to support rtsp and system camera), recording audio (qt5), learning the meaning of various parameters of audio and video, learning audio and video coding (h264+acc), skinning bilateral filtering and beautifying (opencv), audio and video packaging (flv), and streaming based on rtmp protocol. Each module of multithreading technology interacts.

2. Learn the live server configuration of nginx rtmp and crtmpserver.

    3. The course explains the live broadcast of the flash plug-in of ffplay and html

   4  Some design patterns based on c++language to complete the live beauty streaming project.


three Sample course content

1. Live streaming process

2. Class diagram of live streaming project


3. Live streaming audio and video synchronization calculation

4 Provide all project codes

 Source Code.png

IV. Course Catalog



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Course outline- [Xia Caojun] C++programming FFMpegSDK beauty live streaming practice - based on qt5, opencv video course

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