[Wang Ding] Brain gymnastics: from programming method to thinking training video course

This is to train everyone's programming ability and even scientific thinking methods. In the end, it will not only enable students to learn the method of computer programming, but also enable them to have a unique vision and perspective when facing various social phenomena

15532 people study

primary 5 class hours Updated on May 5, 2014

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Computer practitioners, students, etc

You will learn:

This is to train everyone's programming ability and even scientific thinking methods. In the end, it will not only enable students to learn the method of computer programming, but also enable them to have a unique vision and perspective when facing various social phenomena

Course introduction:

Many science and engineering students will learn the course of C language programming in college, but very few can really write programs or start programming after learning it, which is a very cruel reality. The reason is that most students' learning methods are not correct, and they spend a lot of time and energy on grammar learning to cope with the final exam or computer level two exam. These exams are not very helpful for the improvement of programming ability.

This series of courses will record a series of videos based on this reality. Starting from specific cases of program design, the methods and steps of program design are detailed by analyzing problems, solving problems and summarizing methods. This is to train everyone's programming ability and even scientific thinking methods. In the end, it will not only enable students to learn the method of computer programming, but also enable them to have a unique vision and perspective when facing various social phenomena.

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Course outline- [Wang Ding] Brain gymnastics: from programming method to thinking training video course

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