[Xia Caojun] C++Practical FFmpeg Audio Video Coding Practical Screen Recorder Video Course - based on QT5 and ffmpeg sdk

This course is based on the popular live broadcast technology FFMpeg3.3 audio and video processing framework, and widely used c++cross platform

69275 people study

intermediate 55 class hours Updated 2024/03/26

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  • Course Introduction
  • Course outline

Suitable for:

Students who have some C or C++foundation, want to improve their practical ability, want to learn ffmpeg and qt, and want to learn live broadcast technology

You will learn:

This course is based on the popular live broadcast technology FFMpeg3.3 audio and video processing framework, and widely used c++cross platform

Course introduction:

This course explains the audio and video processing framework based on the live broadcast technology FFMpeg3.3, and the widely used C++cross platform QT5 library (mainly used as the interface). A complete screen recorder project developed, including desktop recording (based on QT (cross platform), directx (efficient)), (based on QT5) microphone recording, audio and video h264 encoding, MP4 packaging. QT rounded border interface.

The development tool is based on vs2013, but also applies to higher versions of vs.

Lecturer: [Xia Caojun]

Code download method
The course provides all source code and project files, which can be downloaded from the learning materials on the course introduction page



Course outline

 FFmpeg Audio and Video Coding Practical Screen Recorder.png

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Course outline- [Xia Caojun] C++Practical FFmpeg Audio Video Coding Practical Screen Recorder Video Course - based on QT5 and ffmpeg sdk

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