Alibaba Cloud Cloud Computing Authentication
Enterprise demand
four point four
Professional technical certification for architecture, development, operation and maintenance personnel using Alibaba Cloud cloud computing products
Alibaba Cloud AI authentication
Enterprise demand
For people who use Alibaba Cloud AI products in algorithm research, development, application, pre-sales, architecture, etc
Alibaba Cloud Cloud Planner Certification
Enterprise demand
two point two
Information/technology department heads, technical backbones/architects, and technical/operation and maintenance personnel for enterprises and ecological partners who are or will be doing business on the cloud
AliCloud native microservice authentication
Enterprise demand
three point one
The engineer certification includes the skills and knowledge required by cloud native microservice talents, and defines the criteria for talents in the industry cloud native microservice field
AliCloud native container authentication
Enterprise demand
three point six
Engineer certification that includes the skills and knowledge required by cloud native container talents, and defines the criteria for talents in cloud native container field
Alibaba Cloud big data authentication
Enterprise demand
three point six
Professional technical certification for big data development engineers is also applicable to practitioners of architecture, analysis, operation and maintenance in big data industry
Alibaba Cloud big data analyst certification
Enterprise demand
two point seven
It is suitable for professionals engaged in big data analysis and BI, aiming to improve their professional skills in data processing, analysis and machine learning
Alibaba Cloud database authentication
Enterprise demand
AliCloud online certification for students, developers and O&M personnel. Obtaining this certification can prove that you have mastered the core functions and application skills of AliCloud database products
Alibaba Cloud Relational Database Authentication
Enterprise demand
three point six
For database administrators, database architects, database developers, database operation and maintenance personnel, and enthusiasts interested in database technology
Alibaba Cloud Network Authentication
Enterprise demand
three point three
For Alibaba Cloud network products and solution engineers
Alibaba Cloud DevOps authentication
Enterprise demand
two point five
It is applicable to all roles of students, new entrants and R&D teams, aiming to improve the practical ability of project management, agile R&D and DevOps
Alibaba Cloud security certification
Enterprise demand
three point six
It is a professional technical certification for the architecture, development, operation and maintenance personnel who use Alibaba Cloud security products.
Alibaba Cloud data warehouse authentication
Enterprise demand
one point five
Data warehouse engineers and architects who use Alibaba Cloud data warehouse products are also suitable for data warehouse platform data management personnel, data mining personnel and enthusiasts
Alibaba Cloud Datamation Operator Certification
Enterprise demand
one point five
Professional certification for data operators in Internet, e-commerce, new retail and other industries
Alibaba Cloud industrial visual intelligence certification
Enterprise demand
one point five
For engineers, industrial equipment integration and software integration personnel using Alibaba Cloud industrial vision intelligent products
Alibaba Cloud data center IT operation and maintenance certification
Enterprise demand
three point six
It is aimed at the IT operation and maintenance personnel of Alibaba Data Center, involving the server technology, network technology, generic cabling technology, operation and maintenance specifications and other technologies of Alibaba Data Center.
AliCloud IoT authentication
Enterprise demand
Technicians developing in the field of Internet of Things
Cloud computing ACA (Alibaba Cloud Computing Assistant Engineer ACA certification)
Enterprise demand
three point eight
Student groups and developers can also be used as entry certificates for operation and maintenance personnel.

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Cloud native ACA (Alibaba Cloud native assistant engineer ACA certification)
Enterprise demand
two point two
For students, sales and other non-technical groups, as well as development&operation and maintenance personnel who have learning certification needs for cloud native

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Cloud computing ACP (Alibaba Cloud computing engineer ACP certification)
Enterprise demand
four point four
Professional technical certification for architecture, development, operation and maintenance personnel using Alibaba Cloud cloud computing products

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Cloud native microservice ACP (Alibaba Cloud native microservice engineer ACP certification)
Enterprise demand
three point one
The engineer certification includes the skills and knowledge required by cloud native microservice talents, and defines the criteria for talents in the industry cloud native microservice field

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Cloud computing ACE (Alibaba Cloud cloud computing architect ACE certification)
Enterprise demand
four point seven
Alibaba Cloud high-level technical certification for cloud architects, solution architects, cloud operation and maintenance experts and other technical personnel

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

AI ACP (Alibaba Cloud AI engineer ACP certification)
Enterprise demand
For people who use Alibaba Cloud AI products in algorithm research, development, application, pre-sales, architecture, etc

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

AI ACA (Alibaba Cloud AI Assistant Engineer ACA Certification)
Enterprise demand
two point seven
Professional technology certification for AI technology enthusiasts and beginners

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Big data ACP (Alibaba Cloud big data engineer ACP certification)
Enterprise demand
three point six
Professional technical certification for big data development engineers is also applicable to practitioners of architecture, analysis, operation and maintenance in big data industry

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Cloud security ACA (Alibaba Cloud Security Assistant Engineer ACA certification)
Enterprise demand
one point five
AliCloud online certification for student groups and development and operation and maintenance personnel

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Cloud security ACP (Alibaba Cloud security engineer ACP certification)
Enterprise demand
three point six
It is a professional technical certification for the architecture, development, operation and maintenance personnel who use Alibaba Cloud security products.

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Big Data ACA (Alibaba Cloud Big Data Assistant Engineer ACA Certification)
Enterprise demand
three point four
Professional technical certification for using Alibaba Cloud big data products, mainly involving Alibaba Cloud's big data computing, storage, development platform, and basic data application products

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Internet of Things ACA (Alibaba Cloud Internet of Things Assistant Engineer ACA certification)
Enterprise demand
one point five
IOT development technicians, IOT product managers, IOT installation and commissioning personnel, IOT product operations, IOT product sales managers, etc

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Internet of Things ACP (Alibaba Cloud Internet of Things engineer ACP certification)
Enterprise demand
Technicians developing in the field of Internet of Things

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Primary certification of IT operation and maintenance (certification of primary IT operation and maintenance engineer of Alibaba Cloud data center)
Enterprise demand
For Alibaba data center operation and maintenance personnel, involving Alibaba data center server technology, network technology, generic cabling technology, operation and maintenance specifications and other technologies

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority

Advanced certification of IT operation and maintenance (senior IT operation and maintenance engineer certification of Alibaba Cloud data center)
Enterprise demand
three point six
It is aimed at the IT operation and maintenance personnel of Alibaba Data Center, involving the server technology, network technology, generic cabling technology, operation and maintenance specifications and other technologies of Alibaba Data Center.

Enterprise bidding ·

Certificate holding priority