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College students brave RHCE and CKA certification!!!

lecturer assistant headmaster mb658f77af5f225 2024-05-23 14:45:58
Red Hat Certification
Issued by: Red Hat
Enterprise bidding
Certificate holding priority
Certificate Introduction
Tips for preparing for exams
Examination Instructions
Market heat
four point seven
Recruitment demand
Lecturer rating
four point five
Candidate rating
four point nine
four point eight

Hello everyone! My name is Hu Bo, a senior student from an ordinary private college in Chongqing. In an experimental class in my junior year, I saw that a student in our class was very skilled in tapping commands. I was really shocked at that time. How could the word "WC" be more slick than Dev? After class, I went to talk with him for a while. It turned out that he was already learning Linux. But at that time, I was a college student, so I didn't learn technology in time until December 2023, When I see many technical recruitment positions on the recruitment website, Linux is needed Although I had learned the technology of Linux before, I forgot it when I didn't use it often. So I was very worried at home, so I contacted 51CTO after consulting my friends again and learned Linux, that is, Red Hat certification RHCE.

RHCE learning:

On December 30, 2023, I signed up for the 34 Red Hat RHCE certification boutique class. After I signed up for the class, the head teacher cola pulled me into the group, and then told me how to learn. Because I had learned Linux before, but many of them had forgotten, I started taking elective courses. When I entered the class, I also set up a flag and won RHCE before graduation, because I had enough time at home at that time, I basically study for 8 hours every day. It's not boring to watch Geng Yanzu give lectures At that time, I was surprised that this lesson could be said like this. Everyone knows it here, but I won't say more, hey hey hey I applied for the exam environment a few days before the New Year, which requires RHCSA+RHCE to register for the exam with full marks three times in a row. I remember that I would make mistakes when typing according to the document during the first practice, and I was very upset. Later, I asked the assistant teachers Cai Cai and Congcong for some experience in problem brushing, summarized my mistakes, and then understood him, Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do These 11 words are really classic.

At that time, what I thought was that I could not do it once but twice. Every time I did it, I would cut off the time to check that I still needed to understand the problems. When I could not understand them, I would choose to watch the video, or Baidu, and then consult the teacher again. To solve problems, you need to try to solve them slowly , so that you can understand this point deeply. At that time, I really lost my mind several times when I swiped full marks for three times. Basically, I missed a letter of CE for the third time, so I had to reward myself three times. I can't hold it anymore.

March 15, 2024 is the time of the exam. At that time, we were in the Chengdu exam site. I brought my own keyboard and mouse, mainly because the notebook keyboard of the exam site was awkward. The examiners will deploy the environment in advance, and after the deployment, they will call for the exam. They are still nervous before the exam, When I saw the exam questions, I thought: Steady!  

  RHCSA container question:

1. Create files in root mode and use Chown command Change the owner and group of the file; 2. Use ordinary users to ssh. I will talk more about the others.

  RHCE question

Pay attention to the role path and collection path in ansible.cfg when taking the CE exam. This is a relatively easy place to make mistakes, otherwise you will not be able to carry out the questions you use the role later. Pay attention to the questions!!!! The leaders of other topics have said everything. After the exam that day, an email was sent at 12:00 pm. With trembling hands, I opened the email. It was really good. The later learning is Geng Yanzu's extension module, which is indeed a masterpiece.

  CKA study:

When I finished learning Linux, I felt that I still lacked something because Linux is the bottom layer and it is necessary to enter the O&M industry. I discussed with my family for my own future and applied for CKA+CKS before the RHCE exam. After taking the RHCE exam, I learned CKA. I was a little unaccustomed to the teaching style because of the change of teachers. This kubernetes is really something that is difficult to understand, especially the creation of different resources. It is really big, but it is good There are teaching assistants and Mr. Han, who will explain to you separately when they don't understand It's really good. The way to learn is lonely, Since the end of CKA 3, I just finished learning the first module and the second module in early May, and then directly began to learn the fourth module to brush the questions. The exam started at 7:30 a.m. on May 20. Because this CKA exam has high requirements on the network and needs magic, I called our surrounding hotels in advance to inquire about the configuration of the network, and then went to the hotel one day in advance to use the computer to measure speed, By the way, let's see how to deploy the test environment. I got up at 5:00 on May 20 to test the network speed and the speed test environment. Then I can install a psi browser 30 minutes in advance to check whether the environment meets the requirements. Then I can take photos of ID cards and show the examiners what they want to see. 1. There should be no objects under the computer mouse pad and keyboard. 2. The mobile phone should be kept out of their reach, The water bottle must be transparent. The others can follow the examiner.

After that, I began to take the exam, When I saw the examination questions, I was happy that "this time I was stable again" But after finishing two questions, he disconnected me. "WC" was in a panic at that time. Then the examiner directed you to reconnect, and it was like this for more than nine times. The mentality really collapsed. "Is it really going to gg?" There were still 20 minutes left after finishing the examination. I usually wrote the questions within an hour, and then handed in the paper. I didn't dare to tell the head teacher after the examination, A flustered batch, and then waited hard for 24 hours. The next day, they waited anxiously for the QQ mailbox. At about 7:30, the mail arrived. They opened the mail with a feeling of anxiety, That's great! That's great! 90 points pass and win the CKA Wuhu ------ Take off directly

The certificate can only represent that I have learned it. The most important thing is to understand and use the technology. It's hard to pass. The road ahead is long and bright, and it also completes the original Flag. It has obtained RHCE and CKA certification in half a year. I would like to thank the students and teaching assistants who helped me in my learning process, as well as the class and Huimin teacher.




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