Win Together 51CTO and Oracle Achieve Online Cooperation in China


Recently, Beijing Wuyou Chuangxiang Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 51CTO) and Oracle Oracle University has reached strategic cooperation again, which is the fifth strategic cooperation after the cooperation in 2019. At the same time, 51CTO is also Oracle The first online cooperation between universities in China.


(Authorized in 2023-2024)

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(Authorized from 2020 to 2021)


(Authorized from 2019 to 2020)

Oracle At present, it has the world's leading database technology and is also used by the world's outstanding companies to manage key business functions, systems and processes five hundred Strong medium, with 97% % of enterprises are using Oracle Software. More than fifty thousand name IT Person access Oracle Database certification, but there is still a large gap of well-trained and skilled database managers.

51CTO School As an online education platform, it currently has four products, including quality courses, video courses, enterprise version and education version, covering employment training, knowledge payment and enterprises E-learning Universities Mooc Four areas, help IT Technicians and college students can learn freely and efficiently on computer and mobile phone platforms to achieve employment, career change and skill improvement. At present, the total number of learners on the platform exceeds six hundred 10000 people, more than lecturers three thousand Name, course exceeds thirteen thousand Gate, the total number of videos exceeds two hundred and sixty thousand , total class hours exceed one hundred and thirty thousand Hours, total learning times exceed one Billion times.

this 51CTO And Oracle Achieving online cooperation is of strategic significance to the development and promotion of the database industry, 51CTO It will also give full play to its own advantages Oracle University cooperation will provide more high-level and capable database talents for the society.

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