Pod Common Fields - Custom Environment Variables

two thousand seven hundred and two Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited Understanding the course
Course Introduction
discuss {{interaction.discussNum ? '(' + interaction.discussNum + ')' : ''}}
Suitable for people
One stop master of Docker, Kubernetes, DevOPS personnel, Linux operation and maintenance engineers, development engineers, cloud computing engineers, network engineers
You will learn
Comprehensively master the migration of Kubernetes 1.30 and SpringCloud microservices, deeply analyze logs and CI/CD
  • Master the Kubernetes cluster installation and docking container runtime Cotrainerd, as well as how many highly available nodes can be expanded by a single node;
  • Master Kubernetes core resources Pod, multi container Pod, Pod probe, Pod scheduling, Pod affinity, node affinity
  • Master the deployment DaemonSet、Job、CronJob
  • Master Kubernetes load balancing service, Kube Proxy, Iptables, and ipvs
  • Master the separation of application and configuration resources ConfigMap Secret、DownwardAPI、PV、PVC、SC、
  • Master Ingress 7-tier load balancing, HTTP, HTTPS traffic scheduling, annotation configuration, and grayscale publishing
  • Master cluster backup etcd, Velero cluster disaster recovery, rancher visualization, and various application project migration
  • Master the architecture and deployment of SpringCloud microservices, and migrate to Kubernetes platform
  • Master Jenkins and use dynamic Slave to complete the CICD of Java applications and SpringCLoud microservices
  • Master ELK+Kafka to complete the log collection and analysis of the SpringCloud microservice application
Course Introduction

0 Basic Introduction Linux Sre Engineer Full System Courses: https://edu.51cto.com/topic/5099.html

Trainer Introduction

Xu Liangwei, a platinum lecturer of 51CTO and a highly selected teacher, has more than 10 years of experience in development&operation and maintenance. He used to be an architect of well-known enterprises, and a specially invited technical consultant of an Internet Unicorn company. He is good at Linux, Shell, Nginx, Tomcat, JVM, Haproxy, LVS, Keepalived, Zabbix, Ldap, Git, Jenkins, ELKStack, Ansible, SaltStack, Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Ceph, etc. In addition, it has conducted in-depth research in cloud platform architecture, microservice architecture and other fields. The teaching style is easy to understand, the core of the teaching content is prominent, and the teaching is driven by practical projects. It is very popular among students and employers.

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After joining the group, Mr. Aite will provide the purchase order number and join the VIP Q&A group. Any questions about the course can be asked in the group


Modules involved in the course:


Course advantages

1. It is easy to understand from Xiaobai's perspective.

2. Start with the most basic Docker and Container and gradually expand to form a network knowledge structure.

3. Avoid copying, pasting and reading PPT. Tear YAML by hand throughout the course. Students can understand, understand and write by themselves.

4. Explain Kubernetes knowledge step by step, supplemented by a large number of cases to help understand.

5. Each chapter carefully designs multiple practice cases to consolidate the knowledge learned.

6、 Provide detailed course supporting PDF documents (more than 1500 pages in total) to reduce the time for students to take notes and spend more time on practice.

7. Enjoy the exclusive VIP exchange group of the course, answer questions at any time, interact with lecturers and students, and quickly solve problems in learning.

Course gains

1. Master the introduction and practice of Docker, including Dockerfile writing, image production and advanced image optimization.

2. Master Docker data storage, network configuration, and the implementation of Docker CI/CD based on Jenkins.

3. Master the basic knowledge of Kubernetes, component architecture, cluster installation, high availability configuration, cluster upgrade and backup.

4. Master Kubernetes common resources: Pod Deployment、DaemonSet、Service、Ingress、ConfigMap、Secrets、Job、CronJob。

5. Master Kubernetes advanced scheduling, RBAC permission management, persistent storage and dynamic storage (StorageClass).

6. Master Kubernetes business migration, including PHP, Python, Java, GO, SpringCloud microservices and Kafka middleware.

7. Master the Kubernetes micro service log collection based on ELK Stack+Kafka.

8. Master the Kubernetes microservice architecture CI/CD based on Jenkins, GitLab and SonarQube.

Course outline









Course case diagram















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