05 chatglm source code analysis tokenizer sp

one hundred and eighty-six Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited Understanding the course
Course Introduction
discuss {{interaction.discussNum ? '(' + interaction.discussNum + ')' : ''}}
Suitable for people
Students with computer science background and python foundation who want to change careers and focus on large model application
You will learn
Have a deep understanding of the RAG principle and practice of the big model, and be able to further improve and adapt to the actual business in the current course practice.
Course Introduction

01 chatglm source code analysis- Outline

02 chatglm source code analysis- GLM Principle Introduction

03 chatglm source code analysis- Why do you want to learn such fine-tuning methods as lora

04- Chatglm source code analysis- Introduction to model configuration and py file

05 chatglm source code analysis- tokenizer-sp

06 chatglm source code analysis- tokenizer-chatglm

07 chatglm source code analysis- Model Introduction 1

08 chatglm source code analysis- Position code introduction

09 chatglm source code analysis- Overall introduction to position coding

10 chatglm source code analysis- Trainable position code

11 chatglm source code analysis- Sinusoidal position code

12 chatglm source code analysis- Relative position code

13 chatglm source code analysis- Introduction to alibai location coding

14 chatglm source code analysis- Introduction to rope principle

15 chatglm source code analysis- Rope code introduction

16 chatglm source code analysis- Introduction to model structure class

17 chatglm source code analysis- Analysis of coreattention source code

18 chatglm source code analysis- Analysis of selfattention source code

19 chatglm source code analysis- Glmblock source code analysis

20 chatglm source code analysis- Source code analysis of pre training model

21 chatglm source code analysis- Introduction to condition generation and classification tasks of llm

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{{pageType==='video '?' The discussion area grabs the sofa, and you can get double credits': 'The discussion area is empty, please say two sentences~'}}
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