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Course Introduction
discuss {{interaction.discussNum ? '(' + interaction.discussNum + ')' : ''}}
Suitable for people
IT job seekers with 0-10 years of work experience
You will learn
Master the interviewer's criteria for judging employees and key inspection items in the interview process, reveal the inspection logic and specific inspection methods
Course Introduction

Give you the background of the interview and light up the highlight of your workplace. Programmer interview guidance course for byte recruitment experts 》Uncover the secret behind the interview for you, and let every interview be worthy of your efforts and talents!

Course Author

Wendy, Byte skipping HR recruitment experts, Focusing on the recruitment direction of R&D and algorithm posts, he has about 10 years of work experience, and has rich professional knowledge and practical experience in the field of talent search and recruitment. Before joining the leading Internet company, he once worked in a leading hunting company in China, with rich skills in talent mining, recruitment process optimization, candidate experience management, etc.

Course gains

1. Cognitive decoding of enterprises and interviewers: master the criteria for interviewers to judge good employees and key inspection items in the interview process, reveal the inspection logic and specific inspection methods

2. Resume refinement and emotional control: master how to dig out highlights from ordinary experiences to create resumes that attract interviewers, and effectively relieve tension during interviews

3. On site performance and question answering strategy: learn how to make effective self introduction, master the principles and skills of technical and project experience questions, and improve the quality of interview answers

4. Coping with challenges in the process of job hunting: provide practical answers and strategies to 30 common questions of job seekers in the process of job hunting

Suitable for people

one Fresh graduates : Facing the challenge of job hunting, I hope to understand the recruitment process of the enterprise and the psychology of the interviewer, so as to improve the interview effect

2. New entrants and job hoppers : Expect to find more matching jobs or complete career transitions by improving the quality of resumes and interview skills

3. Job seekers for technical positions : Seeking systematic interview preparation, including technical question and answer strategy and efficient presentation method of project experience

4. Workplace developers : Explore and improve self presentation skills, better demonstrate self value and potential in interviews, and have the ability to face workplace challenges such as salary negotiation

Course outline

Special instructions

In order to respect and protect the personal privacy of external experts, and ensure that their current work and career development will not be affected, we have specially adjusted the voice of the audio content in the course. We are committed to providing high-quality content, while maintaining the privacy rights of our team members

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{{pageType==='video '?' The discussion area grabs the sofa, and you can get double credits': 'The discussion area is empty, please say two sentences~'}}
{{ noteHeaderTitle }} note {{hasMyNote? 'My notes':' Take notes'}}
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Quality Notes
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