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Apache ECharts
An Open Source Visual Chart Library Based on JavaScript


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Rich chart types

It provides more than 20 kinds of charts and more than 10 kinds of components out of the box, and supports any combination of various charts and components.

Powerful rendering engine

Canvas, SVG dual engine one button switch, incremental rendering, stream loading and other technologies realize smooth interaction of tens of millions of data.

Professional data analysis

Through data set management, data filtering, clustering, and regression are supported to help achieve multi-dimensional analysis of the same data.

Elegant visual design

The default design follows the visualization principle, supports responsive design, and provides flexible configuration items for developers to customize.

Healthy open source community

Active community users ensure the healthy development of the project, and also contribute a wealth of third-party plug-ins to meet the needs of different scenarios.

Friendly accessibility

Intelligently generated chart descriptions and decals help visually impaired people understand the chart content and understand the story behind the chart.

ECharts: A Declarative Framework for Rapid Construction of Web-based Visualization

If you have used Apache ECharts in scientific research projects, products, academic papers, technical reports, news reports, education, patents and other related activities, you are welcome to quote this paper.

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