Python pyPdf2&pyPdf multi page PDF document processing error

When a pdf file has multiple pages, it will come out to see you! The way to snicker is to directly modify the file (1) pyPdf path, which is about here:/usr/lib/python2.7/site packages/pyPdf/generic.pyif data. has_key (key): # multiple definitions of key not permitted raise ut

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Github synchronous warehouse (not Fork)

1. Create a new warehouse 2. Click Action 3. Copy and copy code to modify # File:. github/workflows/redo sync. yml name: Automatic synchronization on: schedule: - cron: '0 4,16 * *' workflow_dispatch: watch: types: started repository_dispatch: typ

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Github uploads the project to github using git (the simplest method)

First of all, you need a github account. If you don't have one, go ahead and register first! To use git, we need to install the git tool first. The download address is given here. After downloading, we can directly install it all the way: Enter Github homepage and click New repository to create a new project. 2. Fill in the corresponding information and click Create to create the repository name: warehouse name Des

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How to clear binlog in MySQL

1) : Execute the "reset master;" command, which will delete all the binary du logs. The number of the new log starts from "00000 1". The command is as follows: ABCD MySQL>reset master; (2) : Execute the "Purge master logs to 'mysql bin'" command, which will delete all logs before the "" number, and delete all logs before the "mysql bin" MySQL>purge master l in the following

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Python pyinstaller parameter

Description of optional parameters - Generate a program demo.exe file in the F dist folder, which is applicable to a module without multiple dependencies. py file - D default option. In addition to the main program demo.exe, many dependent files will be generated in the dist folder. It is recommended to use the - c default option, which is only valid for Windows, and the console - w is only valid for Windows, Do not use the console - p Set the import path - i Set a custom icon for the generated demo.exe file -- key followed by encryption parameters

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