Core advantages

Multidimensional and massive map service data

Basic map data: 180 million POI of Baidu Maps covers the world, and 70 million km of global road network covers the world

Positioning and track data: the daily positioning of Beidou satellite is 150 billion times, and the daily average track mileage covers 2 billion kilometers

Flexible and reliable support

Flexible deployment: private cloud, virtual machine, hybrid cloud

Technical support: single machine concurrent 2000+, average service control response less than 50ms, massive rendering of millions of data, support for more than 100 million user-defined data storage

Map service with dual networks and platforms

Professional products: Baidu Map Open Platform, Baidu Private Network Map (DuGIS)

Flexible response: meet different network environments and different business scenarios

Advanced services: data hosting platform, trajectory management engine, map visualization platform, remote sensing intelligent analysis platform

Professional leading space-time big data analysis service

Detailed and comprehensive: comprehensive data coverage and fine data granularity

Rich categories: traffic data, business district data, crowd behavior data

Technology leadership: passenger flow prediction, functional area identification, street view semantic

Solution Architecture

Intelligent operation service

Fine management of insurance subject matter
Intelligent track analysis management
Insurance loss determination and claim management
Intelligent resource dispatching
Construction of automobile insurance user level system

Intelligent marketing service

Precise site selection of outlets
Customer marketing management
Marketing area division
Marketing and customer promotion
Fine management of customer address

Intelligent analysis service

Identification of address fraud risk
Position consistency judgment
Risk zoning analysis
Visual cockpit
Positioning security

Financial Map Solution Manual

Manual download

cooperative partner

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Product and technology trends

Business cooperation

QR code of public account

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