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AI AI Development Foundation: Python Practice

Python is widely used in the field of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, etc. If you are planning to conduct practical learning through Python, you may want to know about the resources recommended in this anthology. These resources can help you systematically learn the application of Python in the field of artificial intelligence and master practical skills.

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AI AI development foundation: Python actual combat document list

Data Analysis with Python - Second Edition
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: This book was written by Wes McKinney, the founder of Pandas project, and details the specific details and basic points of using Python to operate, process, clean and regularize data. Version 2 is a comprehensive revision and update of Python 3.6, covering the new version of pandas, NumPy, IPython and Jupyter, and adding a large number of actual cases, which can help you solve a series of data analysis problems efficiently. Major updates in Version 2 include: • All codes, including the update of Python tutorial to Python 3.6 (Python 2.7 is used in the first version) • Updated the installation guidelines for Python third-party release Anaconda and other required Python packages • Update the Pandas library to the new version in 2017 • A new chapter on more advanced pandas tools and some tips • Brief introduction to the use of new statsmodes and scikit-learn
Python Data Visualization Programming Practice
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Application Document Uploader: huayongbin Upload time: July 24, 2020
Introduction: Python data visualization programming practice
Principle, Practice and Application of Python Artificial Intelligence
label: python artificial intelligence
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: April 2, 2023
Introduction: This book skillfully combines Python language and AI knowledge for layout, so that readers can not only comprehensively learn Python programming language, but also systematically understand the basic principles of AI and deeply master AI *, which is a key technology of the new generation of AI, and is equipped with rich teaching cases and cutting-edge hot applications, Each knowledge point has a corresponding Python language implementation. The book is divided into nine chapters. Chapter 1 mainly explains the development history, driving factors and key technologies of AI. Chapter 2 is the Python programming language, which systematically introduces the syntax rules, data types, program structure, file operation and graphical programming of Python. Chapter 3 is the basis of probability and statistics, which is the theoretical basis of artificial intelligence. Chapter 4 is the * y method, which explains the essence of artificial intelligence algorithm. Chapter 5 Deep Learning and Neural Networks is the key chapter of this book. This chapter gives a comprehensive and in-depth explanation of current multi-layer neural networks based on deep learning, such as convolutional neural networks, recursive/cyclic neural networks, short-term memory neural networks, etc. Chapter 6 TensorFlow Deep Learning focuses on the use of TensorFlow, an open source framework for deep learning, and how to use TensorFlow to develop and deploy various deep learning models. Chapter 7 Data collection and data set production, details how to collect data from the Internet through web crawlers and other methods and make data sets. Chapter 8 elaborates how to use GPU parallel computing equipment and CUDA programming to accelerate the model training of AI deep learning. Chapter 9 carefully selects seven AI experiment cases, including intelligent data analysis, intelligent understanding of video images, natural language processing and other aspects. From simple to difficult, they can be used as the experimental teaching content of the book. This book can be used as a learning book for senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in artificial intelligence, computer, electronic information, intelligent science and technology, data science and big data, robot engineering, etc., as well as a reference book for researchers, engineering technicians and intelligent application enthusiasts engaged in artificial intelligence research and development. Chapter 1 Overview 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Concept and definition of artificial intelligence 1.3 Three schools of artificial intelligence 1.3.1 Semiotic School 1.3.2 Connectionist School 1.3.3 Behaviorist School 1.4 Origin and development of artificial intelligence 1.5 Drivers of the new generation of AI 1.5.1 Data volume * spontaneous growth 1.5.2 Significant increase in computing capacity 1.5.3 Algorithm development such as deep learning 1.5.4 Mobile AI innovation application traction 1.6 Key technologies of artificial intelligence 1.6.1 Machine learning and deep learning 1.6.2 Knowledge map 1.6.3 Natural language processing 1.6.4 Human computer interaction 1.6.5 Computer vision 1.6.6 Biometric recognition 1.6.7 SLAM technology 1.6.8 VR/AR/MR technology Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions Chapter 2 Python Programming Language 2.1 Introduction to Python 2.1.1 Development of Python language 2.1.2 Installation of Python development environment 2.1.3 Python running 2.2 Basic Python syntax and data types 2.2.1 Problem solving by program 2.2.2 Python program syntax elements 2.2.3 Common Functions 2.2.4 Python Basic Data Types 2.2.5 Python composite data type 2.3 Python program structure 2.3.1 Branch structure 2.3.2 Cycle structure 2.3.3 Circular reserved word 2.3.4 Exception handling 2.4 Python functions and modular programming 2.4.1 Basic Use of Functions 2.4.2 Transfer of parameters 2.4.3 Return value of function 2.4.4 Variable Scope 2.4.5 Anonymous Functions 2.4.6 Function Application 2.4.7 Code reuse and modular programming 2.5 Python object-oriented programming 2.5.1 Definition and use of class 2.5.2 Attributes and methods 2.5.3 Inheritance 2.6 Python file operation and graphical programming 2.6.1 Basic operation of documents 2.6.2 Graphical interface tkiner 2.6.3 Word practice system Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions Chapter 3 Basics of Probability and Statistics 3.1 Probability theory 3.1.1 Probability and conditional probability 3.1.2 Random variable 3.1.3 Discrete random variable distribution Python experiment 3.1.4 Continuous random variable distribution Python experiment 3.2 Basis of mathematical statistics 3.2.1 Population and sample 3.2.2 Statistics and sampling distribution 3.2.3 Law of large numbers and central limit theorem 3.3 Parameter estimation 3.3.1 Point estimation 3.3.2 Criteria for evaluating estimators 3.3.3 Interval estimation Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions Chapter 4 * Optimization Methods 4.1 * Optimization method basis 4.1.1 * Mathematical model of optimization problem 4.1.2 * Classification of optimization problems and application cases 4.1.3 Mathematical Basis 4.2 Convex optimization 4.2.1 Convex set 4.2.2 Convex function 4.2.3 Convex optimization concept 4.2.4 Python example 4.3 * Small binary multiplication 4.3.1 * Principle of small multiplication 4.3.2 Python example 4.4 Gradient descent method 4.4.1 Gradient descent idea 4.4.2 Gradient descent algorithm steps 4.4.3 Classification of gradient algorithm 4.4.4 Python example 4.5 Newton method 4.5.1 Basic principle of Newton method 4.5.2 Steps of Newton method 4.5.3 Newton method for solving unconstrained optimization problems 4.5.4 Python example 4.6 Conjugate gradient method 4.6.1 Conjugate direction 4.6.2 Basic principle of conjugate gradient method 4.6.3 Iteration steps of conjugate gradient method 4.6.4 Python Examples Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions Chapter 5 Deep Learning and Neural Networks 5.1 Deep learning 5.1.1 Concept of deep learning 5.1.2 Principle of deep learning 5.1.3 Deep learning training 5.2 Basis of Artificial Neural Network 5.2.1 Neuron sensor 5.2.2 Neural network model 5.2.3 Learning methods 5.2.4 Learning rules 5.2.5 Activation function 5.2.6 Gradient descent method 5.2.7 Cross entropy loss function 5.2.8 Over fitting and under fitting 5.3 Convolution neural network 5.3.1 Introduction to convolutional neural network 5.3.2 Convolution neural network structure 5.3.3 Convolution neural network calculation 5.3.4 Typical convolutional neural network 5.4 Cyclic neural network 5.4.1 Introduction to cyclic neural network 5.4.2 Cyclic neural network structure 5.4.3 Cyclic neural network calculation 5.5 Long - and short-term memory network 5.5.1 Introduction to short-term memory network 5.5.2 Long - and short-term memory network structure 5.5.3 Long - and short-term memory network calculation Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions Chapter 6 TensorFlow Deep Learning 6.1 Introduction 6.2 TensorFlow Technical Features 6.3 TensorFlow Component Structure 6.4 Fundamentals of TensorFlow Programming 6.4.1 TensorFlow program structure 6.4.2 TensorFlow programming model 6.4.3 Common APIs of TensorFlow 6.4.4 TensorFlow Variable Scope 6.4.5 TensorFlow batch standardization 6.5 TensorFlow Neural Network Model Construction 6.5.1 Neuron function and optimization method 6.5.2 Convolution function 6.5.3 Pooling function 6.5.4 Classification function 6.5.5 Optimization method 6.6 TensorFlow Running Environment Installation 6.6.1 Python installation 6.6.2 Installation of pip tools 6.6.3 Sublime installation 6.7 Construction of TensorFlow deep learning model 6.7.1 Generating fitted data sets 6.7.2 Construction of linear regression model data flow diagram 6.7.3 Running the Built Data Flow Diagram in Session 6.7.4 Linear regression model of output fitting 6.7.5 Visualization of TensorBoard neural network data flow diagram Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions Chapter 7 Data Collection and Data Set Production 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Python data collection 7.2.1 Web mechanism and crawler principle 7.2.2 Python third-party library 7.2.3 Three crawler libraries 7.2.4 Regular expression 7.2.5 Using API 7.2.6 Crawler advancement 7.3 Production of training data set 7.3.1 Data access 7.3.2 Data cleaning 7.4 Data collection and data set production examples Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions Chapter 8 GPU Parallel Computing and CUDA Programming 8.1 Introduction 8.2 GPU general calculation 8.2.1 Von Neumann system architecture 8.2.2 Introduction to GPU development 8.2.3 Early GPGPU programming 8.2.4 NVIDIA and CUDA 8.3CUDA 8.3.1 GPU hardware 8.3.2 CPU and GPU 8.3.3 Calculation capability of GPU 8.3.4 CUDA software architecture 8.3.5 CUDA hardware framework 8.3.6 CUDA programming model 8.3.7 Deep learning and GPU acceleration calculation 8.3.8 CUDA environment construction under deep learning 8.4 Cases of CUDA Accelerated Deep Learning 8.4.1 CUDA application in TensorFlow framework 8.4.2 CUDA application in PyTorch framework Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions Chapter 9 Python Artificial Intelligence Experiment 9.1 Curve fitting experiment 9.1.1 Test content 9.1.2 Test steps 9.2 Prediction of Titanic passenger death probability 9.2.1 Test content 9.2.2 Test steps 9.3 Stock forecast 9.3.1 Test content 9.3.2 Test steps 9.4 License plate recognition 9.4.1 Test content 9.4.2 Test steps 9.5 Wear a mask for identification 9.5.1 Test content 9.5.2 Test steps 9.6 Automatic poem writing experiment 9.6.1 Test contents 9.6.2 Test steps 9.7 Chat robot experiment 9.7.1 Test contents 9.7.2 Test steps Summary of this chapter After class thinking questions
Python project case development from introduction to practice: reptiles, games and machine learning
label: python Reptiles machine learning
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: 2022-06-28
Introduction: This book takes Python 3.5 as the programming environment, starts with the basic programming ideas, and gradually launches Python language teaching. It is a programming book for the majority of programming learners. This book uses cases to drive the explanation of knowledge points, and decomposes Python knowledge points into different cases. Each case has its own focus. At the same time, it shows the design idea and design concept of the actual project, so that readers can draw inferences from one instance. The cases in this book are practical, such as campus network search engines, small translators, and crawling Baidu pictures. With slight modifications, these crawler cases can be applied to actual projects; There are also cases of WeChat robot development through WeChat communication protocol, text classification of machine learning, handwriting recognition based on convolutional neural network, etc; In addition, there are some familiar game cases, such as Lianliankan, Pushbox, Chinese chess, online gobang, two person mahjong, figure puzzles and airplane fights. Through this book, readers will master Python programming technology and skills, learn object-oriented design methods, and understand all relevant content of program design. Chapter 1 Python Basics 1 1.1 Introduction to Python 1 1.2 Python Syntax Basics 2 1.2.1 Python data type 2 1.2.2 Sequence data structure4 1.2.3 Python Control Statement12 1.2.4 Python functions and modules18 1.3 Python object-oriented design 22 1.3.1 Definition and use class 22 1.3.2 Constructor23 1.3.3 Destructor24 1.3.4 Instance Properties and Class Properties24 1.3.5 Private Members and Public Members 25 1.3.6 Method 26 1.3.7 Inheritance of Classes 27 1.3.8 Polymorphism29 1.3.9 Object oriented application case - poker licensing program 31 1.4 Python graphical interface design 34 1.4.1 Creating Windows Windows35 1.4.2 Geometric Layout Manager35 1.4.3 Tkinter assembly39 1.4.4 Tkinter font 49 1.4.5 Python Event Handling 51 1.4.6 Graphic interface design application case - developing number guessing game 55 1.5 Use of Python Files57 1.5.1 Opening/Creating a Document57 1.5.2 Reading Text File59 1.5.3 Writing Text Files60 1.5.4 Intra file movement62 1.5.5 Closing of documents 63 1.5.6 Reading/writing binary files 64 1.6 Third party library of Python 66
Collection of python project development cases
label: python Automotive Electronics
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: 2022-01-09
Introduction: Python Project Development Case Collection has developed 8 development directions and 23 projects from the perspective of beginners. It allows readers to learn in practice step by step and improve their actual development ability in practice. The book is divided into 8 parts: console programs, small games, practical gadgets, web crawlers, data analysis, artificial intelligence, Web sites and WeChat/small programs, including: student information management system, enterprise code generation system, simple renju game (console version), Mary Adventures, color board airplane war, DIY character painting, drawing board tools Word assistant, picture batch processor, RCQ reader library, train ticket analysis assistant, Gaode Map 58 rental, Mahua FunAge film and television works analysis, Excel data analyst, intelligent parking lot license plate recognition and billing system, AI intelligent contact management system, 51 Mall BBS Q&A community, Sweet Orange Music Network, smart campus evaluation system, image guessing idiom applet, what to eat today applet, WeChat robot. This book will not only take you to enjoy the wonderful world of Python development, enlighten your programming thinking, but also let you enjoy the charming development charm of Python! To facilitate readers' learning, the website of Tomorrow College ( provides the supporting resources for this book, and the source code and related resources of the project are also provided in the cloud disk resource package. Readers can choose any way to download the resources they need; At the same time, you can also access more learning resources and technical support by logging on the website of Tomorrow College.
Python Hardware Programming Practice
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: 2022-05-26
Introduction: A quick introduction to Python driven and grounded by local authors. This is the first practical guide to Python based on open source hardware. The development instance, complete project file and source code based on pcDuino are highly operable. Python Hardware Programming Practice is mainly aimed at Python beginners with weak computer foundation, trying to use the language style of easy to understand and easy to understand to explain the basic concepts of Python. On the premise of establishing the basic concept of Python, guide the reader to learn the choice of Python version, the construction of Python development environment under different platforms, and the basic syntax of Python step by step, and finally enable the reader to realize some simple application development with Python. Python Hardware Programming Practice is mainly applicable to beginners without Python foundation, including but not limited to engineers with hardware background, non computer professional readers, Python amateurs and students. preface Chapter 1 Introduction to Python/1 1.1 What is Python/1 1.2 Four definitions of Python/1 1.2.1 A scripting language/1 1.2.2 An interpretive language/3 1.2.3 A high-level language/3 1.2.4 An object-oriented language/4 1.3 Features of Python/5 1.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of being a scripting language/5 1.3.2 Features of Python/7 1.4 Python application/9 1.4.1 What Python can do/10 1.4.2 What Python is more suitable for/10 1.4.3 What can you do with Python/12 1.5 Basic Knowledge of Python/13 1.5.1 Suffix of Python file/13 1.5.2 Abbreviations and abbreviations of Python/13 1.5.3 Python official website/13 1.5.4 Python Logo/13 Chapter 2 Download and Install Python/14 2.1 Common problems caused by inappropriate Python version/14 2.2 Two major Python versions/15 2.2.1 Python Version History/15 2.2.2 Difference between Python 2 and Python 3/16 2.3 How to select the appropriate version/20 2.3.1 Choose Python 2 or Python 3/21 2.3.2 Choose whether Python is 32-bit or 64 bit/21 2.4 Release format of common software/23 2.4.1 Source code format/23 2.4.2 Binary format/25 2.5 Download the appropriate Python installation package/26 2.5.1 What forms does Python provide/26 2.5.2 Select a more stable and faster domestic download source/29 2.6 How to install Python/29 in Windows 2.6.1 Installing Python/29 in Windows 7 2.6.2 Frequently asked questions after installing Python in Windows/35 2.7 Installing Python/36 in Linux 2.7.1 Installing Python/36 in Ubuntu 2.7.2 Why not recommend beginners to install Python/37 in Ubuntu 2.8 Installing Python/38 on Mac Chapter 3 Select the Appropriate Python Development Environment/39 3.1 Common things for developing Python on different platforms/39 3.2 Common features of Python development on different platforms/40 3.2.1 The most original development method of Python/41 3.2.2 Interactive development using Python shell/41 3.2.3 Developing with Python IDE/43 3.3 Python IDE/44 3.3.1 Relationship between Python IDE, editor, terminal, etc./44 3.3.2 Common IDE of Python/46 3.3.3 Frequently asked questions and answers of Python IDE/62 3.4 Python development in Windows/65 3.4.1 The most original Python development mode/65 3.4.2 Interactive development with Python shell/72 3.4.3 Developing with Python IDE/79 3.5 Python development in Linux/79 3.5.1 The most original development mode of Python/80 3.5.2 Interactive development with Python shell/82 3.5.3 Developing with Python IDE/83 3.6 Python development in Mac environment/83 3.6.1 The most original development mode of Python/83 3.6.2 Interactive development with Python shell/86 3.6.3 Developing with Python IDE/86 3.7 Which environment should be selected to develop Python/87 Chapter 4 Basic Knowledge of Python/89 4.1 SheBang and Python file encoding declaration/89 4.1.1 #!/ usr/bin/python / 89 4.1.2 Python file coding declaration/89 4.2 Indent in Python/92 4.2.1 Indentation of other languages only affects code aesthetics/92 4.2.2 Python indentation will affect code logic/93 4.3 Meaning of __name__ and __main__ in Python/98 4.3.1 __name__ Details/98 4.3.2 __main__ Details/99 4.3.3 Purpose of using __name__ and __main__ together/99 4.4 Object oriented programming in Python/103 4.4.1 Meaning of self and __init__/103 4.4.2 Beginners should not pay too much attention to object-oriented/109 4.5 Variables in Python/109 4.5.1 Declaration and definition of basic variables/109 4.5.2 Variable Scope/112 4.6 Branch Structure in Python/115 4.7 Functions in Python/116 Chapter 5 Some Interesting Python Experiments/118 5.1 View system platform information in Python/118 5.2 Python Processing Harmonic and Signal Transformation/119 5.3 More useful and interesting Python syntax/123 5.3.1 Exchange different variable values in Python/124 5.3.2 Slicing of variables of set class in Python/124 5.3.3 For Loop and Enumerator in Python/125 5.3.4 Conditional assignment in Python/126 Chapter 6 Common Python Application Examples/127 6.1 Python Application in Network/127 6.2 Application of Python in Graphic Interface/132 6.2.1 Common GUI graphic library of Python/132 6.2.2 Python GUI graphics library: PyQt/132 6.3 Python Application in Database/136 Chapter 7 Python and Open Source Hardware/141 7.1 Relationship between Python and open source hardware/141 7.2 Basic Knowledge of pcDuino/141 7.2.1 What is open source hardware/141 7.2.2 Common open source hardware/142 7.2.3 Why pcDuino/146 7.2.4 How to configure open source hardware pcDuino/147 7.3 Using Python/155 on open source hardware pcDuino 7.3.1 Web server/156 7.3.2 Water leakage monitoring/162 7.3.3 Using Z-Wave to Realize Smart Home/166 Appendix A How to Use Python Related Resources/174 Appendix B How to continue to learn Python/181 in depth Appendix C Python Learning Materials/182
Learn Python network crawling from scratch
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: March 12, 2022
Introduction: Python is the preferred language for data analysis, and there is a lot of data and information in the network. How can I get the data and information I need from it? The simplest and direct way is to use crawler technology to solve the problem. Learning Python Crawler from scratch is a primer for beginners to learn how to crawl network data and information. The book contains not only Python related content, but also data processing and data mining. The content of this book is very practical. The explanation is interspersed with 22 practical cases of reptiles, which can greatly improve the practical ability of readers. This book is divided into 12 chapters. The core topics include the introduction to Python zero basic syntax, crawler principles and web page construction, my first crawler program, regular expressions, Lxml library and Xpath syntax, using API, database storage, multi process crawler, asynchronous loading, form interaction and simulated login, Selenium simulation browser, and Scrapy crawler framework. In addition, through some typical crawler cases, the book explains the method of making maps and charts with longitude and latitude information and word clouds, so that readers can experience the fun behind the data. This book is suitable for beginners, enthusiasts and related students in colleges and universities of reptile technology, as well as data crawler engineers as reference books, and also suitable for various Python data analysis training institutions as teaching materials Chapter 1 Introduction to Python Zero Basic Syntax 1 Chapter 2 Principles of Crawler and Web Page Construction 17 Chapter 3 My First Crawler 26 Chapter 4 Regular Expression45 Chapter 5 Lxml Library and Xpath Syntax 63 Chapter 6 Using API 88 Chapter 7 Database Storage 109 Chapter 8 Multi process Crawler 139 Chapter 9 Asynchronous Loading 159 Chapter 10 Form Interaction and Simulated Login 182 Chapter 11 Selenium Simulation Browser209 Chapter 12 Scrapy Crawler Framework229
Python 3 Web crawler data collection
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Application Document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: This book uses simple and powerful Python language to introduce network data collection, and provides comprehensive guidance for collecting various data types in the new network. The first part focuses on the basic principles of network data collection: how to request information from the network server with Python, how to basically process the server's response, and how to interact with the website by means of automation. The second part introduces how to use web crawlers to test websites, automate processing, and how to access the network in more ways.
Python machine learning and practice: the road to Kaggle competition from scratch
label: python kaggle machine learning data mining
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: August 30, 2020
Introduction: Python Machine Learning and Practice: The Road to Kaggle Competition from scratch, written by Fan Miao/Li Chao, published in 2016. Python machine learning and practice is for all readers who are interested in the practice and competition of machine learning and data mining. From scratch, based on Python programming language, and without involving a large number of mathematical models and complex programming knowledge, we will gradually lead readers to become familiar with and master the popular machine learning, data mining and natural language processing tools, such as Scikit learning NLTK, Pandas, gensim, XGBoost, Google Tensorflow, etc. The book is divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 Introduction, introducing machine learning concepts and Python programming knowledge; Chapter 2, Basic, describes how to use Scikit learn as a basic machine learning tool; Chapter 3, Advanced Chapter, deals with how to further improve the performance of existing machine learning systems with advanced technologies or models; Chapter 4 Contest, taking the Kaggle platform as the object, helps readers use the models and techniques introduced in this book step by step to complete three representative competition tasks. Python machine learning and practice directory Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Basic Chapter 3 Advanced Level Chapter Chapter 4 Actual Combat
Python and machine learning: decision tree, integrated learning, support vector machine and neural network algorithm explanation and programming implementation
label: AI machine learning python neural network Decision tree
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: 2022-06-28
Introduction: The topic of Python and machine learning is so broad that it is impossible to cover all aspects with only one book, even if a series is produced. As far as machine learning is concerned, its fields include but are not limited to: supervised learning, unsupervised learning and semi supervised learning. The specific problems can be roughly divided into two categories: classification and regression. Python itself has many third-party libraries for machine learning, but Python and Machine Learning: Decision Tree, Integrated Learning, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network Algorithm Details and Programming Implementation only uses Numpy, a scientific computing library based on Numpy, to implement algorithm code in most cases. The purpose of this is to hope that readers can better understand the details of machine learning algorithms and understand various applications of Numpy from the implementation process. However, as a supplement, Python and Machine Learning: Decision Tree, Integrated Learning, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network Algorithm Details and Programming Implementation will apply the model in the mature third-party library scikit-lear when appropriate. Python and Machine Learning Practice: Decision Tree, Integrated Learning, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network Algorithm Details and Programming Implementation is applicable to students and practitioners who want to know about traditional machine learning algorithms, programmers who want to know how to efficiently implement machine algorithms, and employees and managers who want to know how machine learning algorithms can be applied. catalog Chapter 1 Introduction to Python and Machine Learning 1 1.1 Introduction to machine learning 1 1.1.1 What is machine learning 2 1.1.2 Common terms of machine learning 3 1.1.3 Importance of machine learning 6 1.2 Life is short, I use Python 7 1.2.1 Why Python 7 1.2.2 Advantages of Python in machine learning 8 1.2.3 Installation and use of Anaconda 8 1.3 The first machine learning example 12 1.3.1 Obtaining and processing data 13 1.3.2 Selection and training model 14 1.3.3 Evaluation and visualization results 15 1.4 Summary of this chapter 17 Chapter 2 Bayesian Classifier 18 2.1 Bayesian School 18 2.1.1 Bayesian School and Frequency School 19 2.1.2 Bayesian Decision Theory 19 2.2 Parameter estimation 20 2.2.1 Maximum likelihood estimation (ML estimation) 21 2.2.2 Maximum a posteriori probability estimation (MAP estimation) 22 2.3 Naive Bayes 23 2.3.1 Algorithm statement and basic architecture building 23 2.3.2 Implementation and evaluation of MultinomialNB 31 2.3.3 Implementation and evaluation of GaussianNB 40 2.3.4 Implementation and evaluation of MergedNB 43 2.3.5 Vectorization of algorithm50 2.4 Semi naive Bayesian and Bayesian network53 2.4.1 Semi naive Bayesian 53 2.4.2 Bayesian network54 2.5 Relevant mathematical theories55 2.5.1 Bayesian formula and posterior probability 55 2.5.2 Discrete Naive Bayesian Algorithm56 2.5.3 Naive Bayes and Bayesian Decision 58 2.6 Summary of this chapter 59 Chapter 3 Decision Tree 60 3.1 Information of data 60 3.1.1 Introduction to information theory61 3.1.2 Uncertainty 61 3.1.3 Information gain 65 3.1.4 Generation of Decision Tree 68 3.1.5 Related Realization 77 3.2 Over fitting and pruning 92 3.2.1 Pruning algorithm for ID3 and C4.5 93 3.2.2 CART pruning 100 3.3 Evaluation and visualization 103 3.4 Relevant mathematical theories111 3.5 Summary of this chapter 113 Chapter 4 Integrated Learning 114 4.1 The idea of "integration" 114 4.1.1 It's easy for all to lift 115 4.1.2 Bagging and random forest 115 4.1.3 PAC Framework and Boosting 119 4.2 Random forest algorithm 120 4.3 AdaBoost algorithm124 4.3.1 AdaBoost algorithm statement 124 4.3.2 Selection of weak model126 4.3.3 Implementation of AdaBoost127 4.4 Performance analysis of integrated model129 4.4.1 Performance on Random Datasets 130 4.4.2 Performance on XOR Dataset131 4.4.3 Performance on Spiral Datasets 134 4.4.4 Performance on Mushroom Datasets 136 4.5 Interpretation of AdaBoost algorithm138 4.6 Relevant mathematical theories139 4.6.1 Empirical distribution function 139 4.6.2 AdaBoost and forward step-by-step addition model140 4.7 Summary of this chapter 142 Chapter 5 Support Vector Machine144 5.1 Perceptron model145 5.1.1 Linear separability and perceptron strategy 145 5.1.2 Perceptron algorithm148 5.1.3 Dual form of perceptron algorithm151 5.2 From perceptron to support vector machine153 5.2.1 Interval maximization and linear SVM 154 5.2.2 Dual form of SVM algorithm 158 5.2.3 SVM training161 5.3 From linear to nonlinear 163 5.3.1 Brief Introduction to Nuclear Skill 163 5.3.2 Application of nuclear skills 166 5.4 Multi classification and support vector regression 180 5.4.1 One vs Test 180 5.4.2 One to one method (One vs One) 181 5.4.3 Directed Acyclic Graph Method181 5.4.4 Support Vector Regression 182 5.5 Relevant mathematical theories183 5.5.1 Gradient descent method183 5.5.2 Lagrange duality 185 5.6 Summary of this chapter 187 Chapter 6 Neural Network 188 6.1 From perceptron to multi-layer perceptron 189 6.2 Forward conduction algorithm192 6.2.1 Algorithm overview 193 6.2.2 Activation Function195 6.2.3 Cost Function 199 6.3 Back propagation algorithm200 6.3.1 Algorithm overview 200 6.3.2 Selection of loss function202 6.3.3 Relevant realization205 6.4 Special layer structure 211 6.5 Updating of parameters214 6.5.1 Vanilla Update 217 6.5.2 Momentum Update 217 6.5.3 Nesterov Momentum Update 219 6.5.4 RMSProp 220 6.5.5 Adam 221 6.5.6 Factory 222 6.6 Simple network structure223 6.7 Network Structure under "Big Data" 227 6.7.1 The idea of batch228 6.7.2 Cross validation 230 6.7.3 Progress bar231 6.7.4 Timer 233 6.8 Relevant mathematical theories235 6.8.1 Deduction of BP algorithm235 6.8.2 Softmax+log Likelihood Combination238 6.9 Summary of this chapter 240 Chapter 7 Convolutional Neural Network241 7.1 From NN to CNN 242 7.1.1 Sharing of "vision" 242 7.1.2 Forward conduction algorithm243 7.1.3 Fully Connected Layer250 7.1.4 Pooling 251 7.2 Rewrite NN 252 with TensorFlow 7.2.1 Back propagation algorithm252 7.2.2 Rewrite Layer structure253 7.2.3 Implementing SubLayer structure255 7.2.4 Rewrite CostLayer structure261 7.2.5 Rewrite network structure262 7.3 Expand NN to CNN 263 7.3.1 Realization of convolution layer263 7.3.2 Realization of pooling layer266 7.3.3 Realization of special layer structure in CNN 267 7.3.4 Implementing LayerFactory 268 7.3.5 Extended network structure270 7.4 CNN performance272 7.4.1 Problem description272 7.4.2 Building CNN model273 7.4.3 Model analysis 280 7.4.4 Method of applying CNN 283 7.4.5 Inception 286 7.5 Summary of this chapter 289 Appendix A Introduction to Python 290 Appendix B Introduction to Numpy 303 Appendix C Introduction to TensorFlow 310
The beauty of Python data visualization (Zhang Jie)
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: May 28, 2023
Introduction: This book mainly introduces how to use matplotlib, Seaborn, plotnine, Basemap and other packages in Python to draw professional charts. This book first introduces the basic knowledge of Python language programming, as well as NumPy and Pandas' data operation methods; Then compare and introduce the graphic syntax of matplotlib, Seaborn and plotnine. This book systematically introduces the methods of using matplotlib, Seaborn and plotnine to draw common two-dimensional and three-dimensional charts such as category comparison, data relationship, time series, overall and local, and geospatial charts. In addition, this book also introduces the specifications and differences between business charts and academic charts, and how to use matplotlib to draw HTML interactive page animations. catalog Chapter 1 Python Programming Basics 1 1.1 Basic knowledge of Python two 1.1.1 Installation of Python 3.7 two 1.1.2 Package installation and use three 1.1.3 Basic Python Operations four 1.2 Six common data structures 5 1.2.1 List five 1.2.2 Dictionary six 1.2.3 Tuple six 1.3 Control statement and function writing six 1.3.1 Control statement six 1.3.2 Function Writing eight Chapter 2 Data Processing Basis ten 2.1 NumPy: numerical operation 11 2.1.1 Creating Arrays 11 2.1.2 Index and transformation of array twelve 2.1.3 Combination of arrays thirteen 2.1.4 Statistical Functions of Arrays fourteen 2.2 Pandas: Table processing 15 2.2.1 Series data structure fifteen 2.2.2 Data structure: DataFrame 16 2.2.3 Data type: Categorical eighteen 2.2.4 Table transformation nineteen 2.2.5 Transformation of variables twenty 2.2.6 Sorting of tables twenty 2.2.7 Table splicing twenty-one 2.2.8 Fusion of tables twenty-two 2.2.9 Table grouping operation twenty-three 2.2.10 Data import and export twenty-six 2.2.11 Treatment of missing values twenty-eight Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Data Visualization 29 3.1 matplotlib . thirty-three 3.1.1 Graphic objects and elements thirty-three 3.1.2 Common chart types thirty-six 3.1.3 Drawing of sub graph thirty-eight 3.1.4 Coordinate system transformation forty-one 3.1.5 Chart export forty-four 3.2 Seaborn 44 3.2.1 Common chart types forty-five 3.2.2 Chart style and color theme forty-six 3.2.3 Sectional drawing of chart forty-eight 3.3 plotnine 50 3.3.1 geom_??? () and stat_??? () 51 3.3.2 Mapping of aesthetic parameters fifty-four 3.3.3 Measurement Adjustment fifty-eight 3.3.4 Coordinate system and its measurement sixty-four 3.3.5 Legend sixty-nine 3.3.6 Theme system seventy-one 3.3.7 Parting system seventy-three 3.3.8 Position adjustment seventy-four 3.4 Application principle of visual color seventy-six 3.4.1 RGB color mode76 3.4.2 HSL color mode seventy-seven 3.4.3 LUV color mode79 3.4.4 Matching principle of color theme eighty 3.4.5 Pick up and use of color theme scheme eighty-four 3.4.6 Application case of color theme eighty-seven 3.5 Basic types of charts ninety-one 3.5.1 Category comparison ninety-one 3.5.2 Data relationship ninety-two 3.5.3 Data distribution ninety-three 3.5.4 Time series ninety-four 3.5.5 Local and overall ninety-four 3.5.6 Geospace ninety-five Chapter 4 Category Comparison Chart 96 4.1 Column chart series ninety-seven 4.1.1 Single data series bar chart ninety-eight 4.1.2 Column chart of multiple data series one hundred 4.1.3 Stacked Column Chart one hundred and one 4.1.4 Percentage Stacked Column Chart one hundred and two 4.2 Bar chart series one hundred and four 4.3 Unequal width column chart one hundred and five 4.4 Cleveland Point Map one hundred and six 4.5 Slope map one hundred and eight 4.6 Nightingale rose diagram 110 4.7 Radial column diagram114 4.8 Radar draw117 4.9 Word Cloud Picture 119 Chapter 5 Data Relational Chart122 5.1 Scatter chart series one hundred and twenty-three 5.1.1 Two dimensional scatter chart of trend display one hundred and twenty-three 5.1.2 Two dimensional scatter diagram of distribution display one hundred and thirty-one 5.1.3 Bubble Chart one hundred and thirty-six 5.1.4 Three dimensional scatter diagram one hundred and thirty-nine 5.2 Surface fitting one hundred and forty-two 5.3 Contour map one hundred and forty-five 5.4 Scatter plot series one hundred and forty-seven 5.5 Waterfall Diagram one hundred and forty-nine 5.6 Correlation coefficient diagram one hundred and fifty-six Chapter 6 Data Distribution Chart 159 6.1 Statistical Histogram and Kernel Density Estimation Chart one hundred and sixty-one 6.1.1 Statistical histogram one hundred and sixty-one 6.1.2 Kernel density estimation diagram one hundred and sixty-one 6.2 Data Distribution Chart Series one hundred and sixty-five 6.2.1 Scatter data distribution map series one hundred and sixty-six 6.2.2 Column distribution diagram series one hundred and sixty-eight 6.2.3 Box diagram series one hundred and sixty-nine 6.2.4 Violin Diagram one hundred and seventy-five 6.3 Two dimensional statistical histogram and kernel density estimation chart one hundred and seventy-nine 6.3.1 Two dimensional statistical histogram one hundred and seventy-nine 6.3.2 Two dimensional kernel density estimation diagram one hundred and eighty Chapter 7 Time Series Chart 184 7.1 Line chart and area chart series one hundred and eighty-five 7.1.1 Line chart one hundred and eighty-five 7.1.2 Area chart one hundred and eighty-five 7.2 Calendar Chart one hundred and ninety-two 7.3 Quantified oscillogram one hundred and ninety-five Chapter 8 Local Integral Chart199 8.1 Pie chart series two hundred 8.1.1 Pie chart two hundred 8.1.2 Ring chart two hundred and two 8.2 Mosaic diagram two hundred and three 8.3 Waffle pie chart two hundred and six 8.4 Block/Point Column Chart Series 208 Chapter 9 High dimensional Data Chart213 9.1 Transformation display of high-dimensional data two hundred and fifteen 9.1.1 Principal component analysis two hundred and fifteen 9.1.2 t-SNE algorithm217 9.2 Sectional drawing two hundred and eighteen 9.3 Matrix Scatter Chart two hundred and twenty-one 9.4 Thermal diagram two hundred and twenty-four 9.5 Parallel coordinate system diagram two hundred and twenty-seven 9.6 RadViz Figure 229 Chapter 10 Geospatial Chart231 10.1 Maps of different levels two hundred and thirty-two 10.1.1 World map two hundred and thirty-two 10.1.2 Country Map two hundred and thirty-eight 10.2 Grading statistical map two hundred and forty-one 10.3 Point tracing map two hundred and forty-four 10.4 Maps with columns two hundred and forty-eight 10.5 Isometric map two hundred and fifty 10.6 Point map two hundred and fifty-two 10.7 Simplified schematic diagram two hundred and fifty-six 10.8 Post mark method two hundred and sixty Chapter 11 Data Visualization Cases 263 11.1 Example of business charting two hundred and sixty-four 11.1.1 Basis of business charting264 11.1.2 Cases of business charting ① 269 11.1.3 Business diagram drawing cases ② 270 11.2 Example of academic chart drawing two hundred and seventy-three 11.2.1 Fundamentals of academic charting274 11.2.2 Cases of academic charting276 11.3 Data analysis and visualization cases two hundred and seventy-eight 11.3.1 Drawing of schematic subway route map 278 11.3.2 Drawing of actual subway line map280 11.3.3 Application of subway route map281 11.4 Visual demonstration of dynamic data two hundred and eighty-six 11.4.1 Making of dynamic bar chart286 11.4.2 Preparation of dynamic area map291 11.4.3 Production of 3D cylindrical map animation296 reference. three hundred and one
Python Programming AI Case Practice
label: AI python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: 2022-05-31
Introduction: This book is intended for programmers who have programming knowledge of other high-level programming languages. It introduces today's very attractive and advanced computing technology and Python programming through practical examples. By learning more than 500 practical examples provided in this book, readers will learn to use the interactive IPython interpreter and Jupyter Notebook and quickly master Python coding methods. After learning the basic knowledge of Python in Chapters 1-5 and some key contents in Chapters 6 and 7, the reader will be able to process the important practical contents of AI cases in Chapters 11-16, including natural language processing, Twitter data mining for emotion analysis, cognitive computing using IBM Watson, supervised machine learning using classification and regression, Unsupervised machine learning through clustering, computer vision based on deep learning and convolutional neural network, deep learning based on recurrent neural network, big data processing based on Hadoop, Spark and NoSQL databases, Internet of Things, etc. Readers will also directly or indirectly use cloud based services, such as Twitter, Google Translate, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure, OpenMapQuest, PubNub, etc. Reviewer comments Translator's Preface preface About the author Before starting to read this book Part I Basic Python Knowledge Quick Start Chapter 1 Python and Big Data Overview 2 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Quickly review the basic knowledge of object-oriented technology3 1.3 Python5 1.4 Python Library 7 1.4.1 Python standard library 7 1.4.2 Data science database 8 1.5 Try IPython and Jupyter Notebook9 1.5.1 Using the IPython interaction mode as a calculator 10 1.5.2 Executing Python programs with the IPython interpreter 11 1.5.3 Writing and executing code in Jupyter Notebook 12 1.6 Cloud and Internet of Things 16 1.6.1 Cloud 16 1.6.2 Internet of Things 17 1.7 How big the big data is 18 1.7.1 Big Data Analysis 22 1.7.2 Data science and big data are bringing changes: use case 23 1.8 Case study: big data mobile applications24 1.9 Introduction to Data Science: Artificial Intelligence - an interdisciplinary between computer science and data science 26 1.10 Summary 28 Chapter 2 Python Program Design Overview 29 2.1 Introduction 29 2.2 Variables and assignment statements30 2.3 Arithmetic operation31 2.4 print functions, single quotation marks and double quotation marks34 2.5 Triple quoted string 36 2.6 Obtaining Inputs from the User37 2.7 Decision: if statement and comparison operator39 2.8 Objects and dynamic types43 2.9 Introduction to Data Science: Basic Descriptive Statistics 44 2.10 Summary 46 Chapter 3 Control Statement48 3.1 Introduction 48 3.2 Overview of Control Statement49 3.3 if statement49 3.4 if... Else and if Elif... else statement 50 3.5 While Statement53 3.6 for statement54 3.6.1 Iteratible Objects, Lists, and Iterator 55 3.6.2 Built in function range55 3.7 Enhanced Assignment56 3.8 Sequence Control Iteration and Formatting String56 3.9 Iteration of boundary value control57 3.10 Built in function range: in-depth discussion 59 3.11 Using Decimal Type to Process Currency Amounts 59 3.12 Break and continue statement63 3.13 Boolean operators and, or and not63 3.14 Introduction to Data Science: Centralized Trend Measurement - Mean, Median and Mode 66 3.15 Summary 67 Chapter 4 Functions 69 4.1 Introduction 69 4.2 Function definition70 4.3 Multi parameter function72 4.4 Generation of random numbers74 4.5 Case study: a luck game 76 4.6 Python standard library 79 4.7 Functions in math module80 4.8 Using tab auto completion in IPython 81 4.9 Default parameter value82 4.10 Keyword parameter83 4.11 Variable length parameter list83 4.12 Method: Functions belonging to object84 4.13 Scope rule85 4.14 import: in-depth discussion 87 4.15 Transfer parameters to function: in-depth discussion88 4.16 Recursion 91 4.17 Functional programming93 4.18 Introduction to Data Science: Off center Trend Measurement 95 4.19 Summary 96 Chapter 5 Sequence: Lists and tuples 97 5.1 Introduction 97 5.2 List98 5.3 Tuples102 5.4 Sequence unpacking104 5.5 Sequence slicing 106 5.6 Using del declaration108 5.7 Passing lists to functions 109 5.8 List sorting 110 5.9 Sequence search 111 5.10 Other methods of listing 113 5.11 Using List Simulation Stack115 5.12 List deduction116 5.13 Generator expression118 5.14 Filtering, mapping and reduction 118 5.15 Other sequence processing functions120 5.16 Two dimensional list122 5.17 Introduction to Data Science: Simulation and Static Visualization 124 5.17.1 Legend of 600, 60000, 600000 dice roll 124 5.17.2 Realize the visualization of the number and percentage of different points in dice126 5.18 Summary 132 Part II Python Data Structure, String and File Chapter 6 Dictionary and Collection136 6.1 Introduction 136 6.2 Dictionary137 6.2.1 Creating a Dictionary137 6.2.2 Traversal dictionary 138 6.2.3 Basic dictionary operations138 6.2.4 Keys and values method of dictionary 140 6.2.5 Comparison of dictionaries 141 6.2.6 Example: student achievement dictionary 142 6.2.7 Example: word count 143 6.2.8 Dictionary update method144 6.2.9 Dictionary derivation 145 6.3 Collection146 6.3.1 Comparison of Collections 147 6.3.2 Mathematical operation of set148 6.3.3 Variable operators and methods of set150 6.3.4 Collective derivation 151 6.4 Introduction to Data Science: Dynamic Visualization151 6.4.1 Working principle of dynamic visualization152 6.4.2 Realize dynamic visualization154 6.5 Summary 156 Chapter 7 Array Oriented Programming with NumPy 158 7.1 Introduction 158 7.2 Creating arrays from existing data159 7.3 Array properties160 7.4 Filling an array with a specific value162 7.5 Creating Arrays from Range162 7.6 Performance comparison between list and array: introduce% timeit164 7.7 Array operator165 7.8 NumPy calculation method167 7.9 General function168 7.10 Index and section170 7.11 View: light copy 171 7.12 View: deep copy 173 7.13 Remodeling and transposition 174 7.14 Introduction to data science: pandas Series and DataFrame176 7.14.1 Series177 7.14.2 DataFrame181 7.15 Summary 188 Chapter 8 String: In depth discussion 190 8.1 Introduction 190 8.2 Formatting String191 8.2.1 Representation type191 8.2.2 Field width and alignment 193 8.2.3 Number Formatting 193 8.2.4 Format method of string 194 8.3 Splicing and Repeating Strings195 8.4 Removing white space characters from a string 196 8.5 Character case convertion196 8.6 String comparison operator197 8.7 Finding substrings 197 8.8 Replacing substrings199 8.9 String splitting and concatenation199 8.10 String test method201 8.11 Original String202 8.12 Introduction to Regular Expression202 8.12.1 Re module and fullmatch function203 8.12.2 Replacing substrings and splitting strings207 8.12.3 Other search functions, access matching 207 8.13 Introduction to Data Science: pandas, regular expressions and data governance 210 8.14 Summary 214 Chapter 9 Documents and Exceptions215 9.1 Introduction 215 9.2 Documents216 9.3 Text file process217 9.3.1 Writing Data to a Text File: Introduction to the With Statement217 9.3.2 Reading data from text file218 9.4 Updating text files220 9.5 Serializing with JSON221 9.6 Focus on security: pickle serialization and deserialization224 9.7 Additional notes on document224 9.8 Handling Exceptions225 9.8.1 Division by zero and invalid input226 9.8.2 Try statement226 9.8.3 Catching multiple exceptions in one exception clause 229 9.8.4 What exception is thrown by a function or method229 9.8.5 What code should be written in the statement sequence of the try clause 229 9.9 finally clause229 9.10 Explicitly throw an exception 231 9.11 (Optional) Stack expansion and backtracking 232 9.12 Getting Started with Data Science: Using CSV Files234 9.12.1 Python standard library module csv234 9.12.2 Reading CSV file data into pandas DataFrame 236 9.12.3 Reading Titanic disaster data set237 9.12.4 Simple data analysis using Titanic disaster dataset 238 9.12.5 Histogram of passenger age239 9.13 Summary 240 Part III Python Advanced Topics Chapter 10 Object Oriented Programming242 10.1 Introduction 242 10.2 Custom Account Class244 10.2.1 Trial Account Class245 10.2.2 Definition of Account class246 10.2.3 Composition: Object Reference as a Class Member 248 10.3 Attribute access control248 10.4 property249 for data access 10.4.1 Trial time class 249 10.4.2 Definition of Time class251 10.4.3 Design description of Time class definition254 10.5 Simulate "Private" Properties255 10.6 Case study: shuffle and split simulation 257 10.6.1 Trial Cards and DeckOfCards 257 10.6.2 Card class: import class attributes258 10.6.3 DeckOfCards class 260 10.6.4 Display poker images using Matplotlib 262 10.7 Inheritance: base classes and subclasses 265 10.8 Building inheritance hierarchy: introducing polymorphism 267 10.8.1 Base Class CommissionEmployee267 10.8.2 Subclass SalariedCommission Employee270 10.8.3 Dealing with Commission Employee and SalariedComm-issionEmployee273 10.8.4 Description of object-oriented and object-oriented programming274 10.9 Duck type and polymorphism 274 10.10 Operator overload276 10.10.1 Trial use of Complex class277 10.10.2 Definition of Complex class278 10.11 Exception Class Hierarchy and Custom Exceptions279 10.12 Named tuples 280 10.13 Introduction to the new data class of Python 3.7 281 10.13.1 Creating Card data class282 10.13.2 Using Card data class284 10.13.3 Advantages of data class over named tuples 286 10.13.4 Advantages of data type over traditional type 286 10.14 Unit testing using document strings and doctest 286 10.15 Namespace and scope290 10.16 Introduction to Data Science: Time Series and Simple Linear Regression 293 10.17 Summary 300 Part IV Case Study of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud and Big Data Chapter 11 Natural Language Processing 304 11.1 Introduction 304 11.2 TextBlob305 11.2.1 Creating a TextBlob object307 11.2.2 Marking text as sentences and words307 11.2.3 Part of Speech Tag308 11.2.4 Extracting noun phrases 309 11.2.5 Using TextBlob's default emotion analyzer for emotion analysis309 11.2.6 Using NaiveBayesAnalyzer for Emotion Analysis310 11.2.7 Language detection and translation311 11.2.8 Deformation: complex and singular 312 11.2.9 Spelling and spelling correction313 11.2.10 Normalization: stem extraction and word form restore314 11.2.11 Word frequency314 11.2.12 Obtaining word definitions, synonyms and antonyms from WordNet 315 11.2.13 Deleting stop word317 11.2.14 n yuan 318 11.3 Visualize word frequency using histogram and word cloud 319 11.3.1 Visualize word frequency with pandas 319 11.3.2 Visualize word frequency with word cloud 321 11.4 Readability evaluation using Textatic library 324 11.5 Using SpaCy Named Entity Recognition 326 11.6 Using spaCy for similarity detection327 11.7 Other NLP libraries and tools328 11.8 Machine learning and deep learning natural language application328 11.9 Natural Language Dataset329 11.10 Summary 329 Chapter 12 Twitter Data Mining 331 12.1 Introduction 331 12.2 Overview of Twitter API 333 12.3 Creating a Twitter account 334 12.4 Obtaining Twitter credentials and creating an application334 12.5 What is Tweet336 12.6 Tweepy339 12.7 Twitter authentication via Tweepy340 12.8 Getting information about a Twitter account341 12.9 About Tweepy Cursor: Get followers and friends of an account 343 12.9.1 Identifying followers of an account343 12.9.2 Determining the target of an account 345 12.9.3 Get the latest tweets of a user345 12.10 Search for the latest tweet346 12.11 Hot topic discovery: Twitter hot topic API348 12.11.1 Places with hot topics 348 12.11.2 Getting a list of hot topics 349 12.11.3 Create word cloud based on popular topics 351 12.12 Cleaning or pretreatment before tweet analysis352 12.13 Twitter Streaming API353 12.13.1 Creating a subclass of StreamListener353 12.13.2 Start stream process356 12.14 Tweet sentiment analysis357 12.15 Geocoding and mapping 361 12.15.1 Obtaining and mapping tweets362 12.15.2 Utility functions in 366 12.15.3 LocationListener class367 12.16 How to store tweets 368 12.17 Twitter and Time Series 369 12.18 Summary 369 Chapter 13 IBM Watson and Cognitive Computing 370 13.1 Introduction 370 13.2 IBM Cloud Account and Cloud Console372 13.3 Watson Service372 13.4 Additional services and tools375 13.5 Watson Developer Cloud Python SDK377 13.6 Case Study: Traveler Translation Companion APP377 13.6.1 Preparation378 13.6.2 Running APP379 13.6.3 script code analysis 380 13.7 Watson resource390 13.8 Summary 391 Chapter 14 Machine Learning: Classification, Regression and Clustering 392 14.1INTRODUCTION392 14.1.1 scikit-learn393 14.1.2 Categories of machine learning 394 14.1.3 Built in data set in scikit learn396 14.1.4 Steps of typical data science research396 14.2 Case study: classification using k-nearest neighbor algorithm and Digits dataset (Part 1) 397 14.2.1 k-nearest neighbor algorithm398 14.2.2 Loading a Dataset399 14.2.3 Visual data402 14.2.4 Split data for training and test404 14.2.5 Creating model405 14.2.6 Training model405 14.2.7 Forecast number category406 14.3 Case study: classification using k-nearest neighbor algorithm and Digits dataset (Part 2) 407 14.3.1 Model accuracy indicator407 14.3.2 k-fold cross validation 410 14.3.3 Running multiple models to find the best model411 14.3.4 Super parameter adjustment413 14.4 Case study: time series and simple linear regression 413 14.5 Case Study: Multiple Linear Regression Based on California House Price Dataset 418 14.5.1 Loading a Dataset418 14.5.2 Exploring Data with Pandas 420 14.5.3 Visual feature422 14.5.4 Split data for training and test426 14.5.5 Training model426 14.5.6 Test model427 14.5.7 Visual prediction of house price and expected house price 427 14.5.8 Regression model index428 14.5.9 Selecting the best model429 14.6 Case study: unsupervised learning (Part 1) - dimensionality reduction 430 14.7 Case study: unsupervised learning (Part 2) - k-means clustering 433 14.7.1 Loading Iris Dataset435 14.7.2 Exploring Iris data set: descriptive statistics using pandas 436 14.7.3 Using Seaborn's pairplot visualization dataset 438 14.7.4 Using KMeans Estimator 440 14.7.5 Principal component analysis dimensionality reduction 442 14.7.6 Selecting the best cluster estimator 444 14.8 Summary 445 Chapter 15 Deep Learning 447 15.1 Introduction 447 15.1.1 In depth learning application449 15.1.2 Deep learning demonstration 450 15.1.3 Keras resources450 15.2 Keras Built in Dataset450 15.3 Customizing Anaconda environment451 15.4 Neural network452 15.5 Tensor454 15.6 Convolutional neural network for vision: multi classification using MNIST dataset 455 15.6.1 Loading MNIST Dataset457 15.6.2 Data Exploration457 15.6.3 Data preparation459 15.6.4 Creating Neural Network Model461 15.6.5 Training and evaluation model468 15.6.6 Saving and Loading Model472 15.7 Visualize the training process of neural network with TensorBoard 473 15.8 ConvnetJS: browser based deep learning training and visualization 476 15.9 Recurrent neural networks for sequences: sentiment analysis using IMDb datasets 477 15.9.1 Loading IMDb Film Review Dataset478 15.9.2 Data Exploration478 15.9.3 Data preparation480 15.9.4 Creating Neural Network481 15.9.5 Training and evaluation model483 15.10 Adjusting the deep learning model484 15.11 CNN model pre trained on ImageNet 485 15.12 Summary 486 Chapter 16 Big Data: Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL and IoT488 16.1 Introduction 488 16.2 Relational database and structured query language492 16.2.1 Books database493 16.2.2 SELECT query497 16.2.3 WHERE clause497 16.2.4 ORDER BY clause498 16.2.5 Consolidate data from multiple tables: INNER JOIN499 16.2.6 INSERT INTO statement500 16.2.7 UPDATE statement501 16.2.8 DELETE FROM statement502 16.3 Overview of NoSQL and NewSQL big data database502 16.3.1 NoSQL Key Value Database 503 16.3.2 NoSQL document database503 16.3.3 NoSQL columnar database504 16.3.4 NoSQL diagram database504 16.3.5 NewSQL database505 16.4 Case study: MongoDB JSON document database 506 16.4.1 Creating MongoDB Atlas Cluster506 16.4.2 Saving Tweets to MongoDB507 16.5 Hadoop515 16.5.1 Overview516 16.5.2 Summarize the word length in Romeo-AndJuliet.txt through MapReduce 518 16.5.3 Create Apache Hadoop cluster in Windows Azure HDInsight 518 16.5.4 Hadoop Stream520 16.5.5 Implementing mapper520 16.5.6 Implementing reductor521 16.5.7 Preparing to run MapReduce example522 16.5.8 Running MapReduce job523 16.6 Spark525 16.6.1 Overview525 16.6.2 Docker and Jupyter Docker Stack526 16.6.3 Word count using Spark529 16.6.4 Spark word count on Windows Azure 532 16.7 Spark stream: use the pyspark notebookDocker stack to calculate Twitter topic tags 535 16.7.1 Streaming Tweets to Socket535 16.7.2 Summarize the topic tag of tweets and introduce Spark SQL538 16.8 Internet of Things and Dashboard543 16.8.1 Publishing and subscribing 545 16.8.2 Visualizing PubNub Sample Real Time Streams with Freeboard Dashboard 545 16.8.3 Simulate a thermostat connected to the Internet with Python 547 16.8.4 Creating a dashboard using 549 16.8.5 Creating a Python PubNub Subscriber 550 16.9 Summary 554 Index 556
Python big data analysis algorithm and example (Deng Liguo)
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: May 28, 2023
Introduction: In the era of big data, big data analysis is a key technology. Python is an excellent big data analysis software. This book combines Python 3 with third-party open source tools to analyze big data, and programs to achieve data extraction, processing, analysis and visualization at the minimum cost. This book is divided into eight chapters. First, it introduces the background and industry application of big data analysis, and gives the analysis of data feature algorithm; Then, based on Python 3, introduce the scenario applications of typical third-party big data analysis tools; Finally, the big data analysis algorithm and classic example application are described in detail. This book is suitable for researchers engaged in big data analysis, practitioners of computer or mathematics and other related majors for reference study, and can also be used as a professional book for senior undergraduate or graduate students of computer or mathematics and other majors. Chapter 1 Overview of Big Data Analysis 1 1.1 Background of big data analysis 1 1.2 Application of big data analysis 2 1.3 Big data analysis algorithm 3 1.4 Big data analysis tool 6 1.5 Summary of this chapter 9 Chapter 2 Data Feature Algorithm Analysis 10 2.1 Data distribution analysis 10 2.1.1 Determination of centralized trend of data distribution characteristics 10 2.1.2 Determination of dispersion of data distribution characteristics 15 2.1.3 Measurement of skewness and kurtosis of data distribution characteristics 19 2.2 Data correlation analysis 21 2.2.1 Data relationship21 2.2.2 Main contents of data correlation analysis 24 2.2.3 Determination of correlation 24 2.3 Data clustering analysis 26 2.3.1 Definition of cluster analysis 26 2.3.2 Cluster type 27 2.3.3 Clustering application 29 2.4 Principal component analysis of data 29 2.4.1 Principle and model of principal component analysis 30 2.4.2 Geometric interpretation of data principal component analysis 31 2.4.3 Export of data principal components32 2.4.4 Prove that the variance of principal components decreases in turn 34 2.4.5 Calculation of data principal component analysis 35 2.5 Data dynamic analysis 36 2.6 Data visualization 40 2.7 Summary of this chapter 42 Chapter 3 Big Data Analysis Tools: NumPy 43 3.1 Introduction to NumPy 43 3.2 NumPy Environment Installation Configuration 44 3.3 ndarray objects45 3.4 Data types47 3.5 Array properties 49 3.6 Array creation routine52 3.7 Slicing and index57 3.8 Broadcasting 60 3.9 Array Operation and Iteration61 3.10 Bit Operations and String Functions87 3.11 Mathematical operation function91 3.12 Arithmetic operation93 3.13 Statistical function97 3.14 Sorting, searching and counting functions 101 3.15 Byte exchange 104 3.16 Replicas and views 105 3.17 Matrix Library107 3.18 Linear Algebra Module109 3.19 Matplotlib library112 3.20 Matplotlib drawing histograms 114 3.21 IO file operation116 3.22 NumPy example: GPS positioning 117 3.23 Summary of this chapter 120 Chapter 4 Big Data Analysis Tool: SciPy 121 4.1 Introduction to SciPy 121 4.2 File input and output: 122 4.3 Special function: SciPy.special 123 4.4 Linear algebra operation: SciPy.linalg 124 4.5 Fast Fourier transform: sipy.fftpack 124 4.6 Optimizer: SciPy.optimize 125 4.7 Statistical tool: SciPy.stats 126 4.8 SciPy Instance127 4.8.1 Least squares fitting 127 4.8.2 Minimum value of function128 4.9 Summary of this Chapter130 Chapter 5 Big Data Analysis Tool: Matplotlib 131 5.1 Basic drawing 131 5.2 Image, sub area, sub image, scale 137 5.3 Other kinds of drawings140 5.4 Summary of this chapter 147 Chapter 6 Big Data Analysis Tool: Pandas 148 6.1 Pandas Series148 6.2 Pandas data frame151 6.3 Pandas faceplate155 6.4 Pandas Quick Start 158 6.5 Summary of this chapter 172 Chapter 7 Big Data Analysis Tools: Statsmodes and Gensim 173 7.1 Statsmodels 173 7.1.1 Statsmodes statistical database173 7.1.2 Overview of Statsmodes typical fitting model175 7.1.3 Statsmodes Example 176 7.2 Gensim 178 7.2.1 Basic Concept178 7.2.2 Preprocessing of training corpus 179 7.2.3 Transformation of subject vector 180 7.2.4 Calculation of document similarity 181 7.3 Summary of this chapter 182 Chapter 8 Big Data Analysis Algorithms and Examples 183 8.1 Descriptive statistic183 8.2 Hypothesis test188 8.3 Reliability analysis 192 8.4 Analysis of contingency table195 8.5 Correlation analysis 196 8.6 Analysis of Variance198 8.6.1 Single factor ANOVA 199 8.6.2 Multivariate ANOVA 201 8.7 Regression analysis203 8.8 Cluster analysis 207 8.9 Discriminant analysis212 8.10 Principal component analysis 216 8.11 Factor analysis 218 8.12 Time series analysis221 8.13 Survival analysis224 8.14 Typical correlation analysis245 8.15 RoC analysis250 8.16 Distance analysis 255 8.17 Correspondence analysis264 8.18 Decision tree analysis265 8.19 Neural Networks - Deep Learning 271 8.19.1 Basic model of deep learning 271 8.19.2 Examples of news classification275 8.20 Monte Carlo Simulation 280 8.20.1 Basic model of Monte Carlo simulation 281 8.20.2 Example of Monte Carlo simulation calculation of call options281 8.21 Association rule287 8.21.1 Concept of association rule288 8.21.2 Apriori algorithm and example 289 8.21.3 FP tree frequency set algorithm292 8.22 Uplift Modeling 301 8.23 Integration method306 8.24 Abnormality detection311 8.25 Text mining 315 8.26 Boosting algorithm (lifting method and Gradient Boosting) 322 8.27 Summary of this chapter 325 References 326
Python Learning Document
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: 394595753gu Upload time: 2019-09-07
Introduction: python geek project programming
Python core technology and practice
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Application Document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: August 17, 2023
Introduction: In the era of artificial intelligence, Python is undoubtedly the hottest programming language. Some people boast that it is powerful and easy to learn. Others say that its learning curve is not so steep, but more people find that Python is easy to get started but not easy to master. Have you ever been so foolish that you couldn't distinguish the usage of "list", "tuple", "dictionary", "set", etc., and even tried to use indexing in the set? Have you ever worked hard on the idea of object-oriented, but when you were asked to design a slightly more complex system, you were helpless? Have you ever envied that others can skillfully use decorators, generators and other advanced operations, but when you write code, you are afraid to deal with such boundary conditions as exception throwing and insufficient memory? It can be seen that if you want to master this language, you must really understand the knowledge concepts, such as properly deepening the understanding from the source code level, then being familiar with the actual engineering applications, and independently completing the project development. In this way, you can become a real language expert. In this column, Jing Xiao will take you to learn Python from the perspective of engineering. Based on the latest version 3.7 of Python, the column focuses on the combination of language knowledge and engineering applications, including a large number of exclusive interpretations and practical work cases. The content is difficult and easy to take into account. It can not only help you consolidate the core foundation, but also teach you various advanced operations, so that you can gradually and systematically master the language Python. The column is divided into four modules according to the advanced difficulty. The first two parts are mainly the basic part and advanced part of Python. Apart from the necessary concepts and operation explanations, both the basic and advanced chapters emphasize the key, difficult and error prone points in learning, and start from different dimensions such as performance analysis and practical application examples, so that you can easily understand and master them. The third part is the specification chapter, which teaches you to write high-quality Python programs by explaining specific programming skills such as reasonable code decomposition, using assert, and writing unit tests. The fourth part is the practical part. This part will take you to connect the Python knowledge you learned earlier through the development of the quantitative trading system project, and add a lot of practical experience and skills, so that you can obtain quality improvement in the development of independent projects.
Python project case development: from introduction to actual combat - crawler, game and machine learning
label: python programming machine learning
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: liuguangjun196 Upload time: March 29, 2023
Introduction: Python Project Case Development from Introduction to Practice - Crawlers, Games and Machine Learning was published by Tsinghua University Press in 2019. This book takes Python 3.5 as the programming environment, starts with basic programming ideas, and gradually launches Python language teaching. It is a programming book aimed at programming learners. This book uses cases to drive the explanation of knowledge points, and decomposes Python knowledge points into different cases. Each case has its own focus. At the same time, it shows the design idea and design concept of the actual project, so that readers can draw inferences from one instance.   The cases in this book are practical, such as campus network search engines, small translators, and crawling Baidu pictures. With slight modifications, these crawler cases can be applied to actual projects; There are also cases of WeChat robot development through WeChat communication protocol, text classification of machine learning, handwriting recognition based on convolutional neural network, etc; In addition, there are some familiar game cases, such as Lianliankan, Pushbox, Chinese chess, online gobang, two person mahjong, figure puzzles and airplane fights. Through this book, readers will master Python programming technology and skills, learn object-oriented design methods, and understand all relevant content of program design. The contents of this book are as follows: Chapter 1 Python Basics 1 1.1 Introduction to Python 1 1.2 Python Syntax Basics 2 1.2.1 Python data type 2 1.2.2 Sequence data structure4 1.2.3 Python Control Statement12 1.2.4 Python functions and modules18 1.3 Python object-oriented design 22 1.3.1 Definition and use class 22 1.3.2 Constructor23 1.3.3 Destructor24 1.3.4 Instance Properties and Class Properties24 1.3.5 Private Members and Public Members 25 1.3.6 Method 26 1.3.7 Inheritance of Classes 27 1.3.8 Polymorphism29 1.3.9 Object oriented application case - poker licensing program 31 1.4 Python graphical interface design 34 1.4.1 Creating Windows Windows35 1.4.2 Geometric Layout Manager35 1.4.3 Tkinter assembly39 1.4.4 Tkinter font 49 1.4.5 Python Event Handling 51 1.4.6 Graphic interface design application case - developing number guessing game 55 1.5 Use of Python Files57 1.5.1 Opening/Creating a Document57 1.5.2 Reading Text File59 1.5.3 Writing Text Files60 1.5.4 Intra file movement62 1.5.5 Closing of documents 63 1.5.6 Reading/writing binary files 64 1.6 Third party library of Python 66 Chapter 2 Sequence Application - Word Guessing Game 67 2.1 Introduction to the function of guessing words67 2.2 Program design thinking 67 2.3 Key technology random module68 2.4 Procedure of programming 71 Chapter 3 Database Application - Intelligence Question and Answer Test 73 3.1 Introduction to intelligence question and answer test function73 3.2 Program design thinking 73 3.3 Key technologies74 3.3.1 Steps to access the database74 3.3.2 Creating Databases and Tables75 3.3.3 Insertion, update and deletion of database76 3.3.4 Querying Database Tables77 3.3.5 Example of database use - student address book 77 3.4 Steps of programming 80 3.4.1 Generating Test Question Library80 3.4.2 Reading test question information81 3.4.3 Interface and logic design81 Chapter 4 Calling Baidu API Application - Little Translator 83 4.1 Introduction to functions of mini translator 83 4.2 Program design thinking 83 4.3 Key technologies84 4.3.1 Introduction to urllib library84 4.3.2 Basic use of urllib library84 4.4 Steps of program design 90 4.4.1 Design Interface 90 4.4.2 Using Baidu Translation Open Platform API 90 Chapter 5 Crawler Application - Campus Web Search Engine 95 5.1 Function analysis of campus network search engine 95 5.2 Campus network search engine system design 95 5.3 Key technologies98 5.3.1 Regular Expression98 5.3.2 Chinese word segment103 5.3.3 Installing and using jieba 103 5.3.4 Adding a custom dictionary to jieba 104 5.3.5 Keyword extraction for text categorization 105 5.3.6 deque 106 5.4 Procedure design 107 5.4.1 Information acquisition module - implementation of web crawler 107 5.4.2 Index module - building inverted thesaurus 111 5.4.3 Web page ranking and search module113 Chapter 6 Crawler Application - Grab Baidu Pictures 116 6.1 Program function introduction116 6.2 Program design thinking 116 6.3 Key technologies117 6.3.1 Downloading image files locally 117 6.3.2 Crawl the pictures in the designated webpage 117 6.3.3 Beautiful Soup Library Overview 119 6.3.4 Using Beautiful Soup Library Operation to Parse HTML Document Tree 121 6.3.5 Use of requests library125 6.4 Steps of program design133 6.4.1 Analyzing Web Page Source Code and Web Page Structure 133 6.4.2 Design code136 Chapter 7 itchat application WeChat robot 139 7.1 Introduction to itchat function139 7.2 Thinking of program design140 7.3 Key technologies140 7.3.1 Installing itchat 140 7.3.2 WeChat login of itchat 140 7.3.3 Message types of itchat 141 7.3.4 itchat reply message143 7.3.5 Obtaining an account by itchat 145 7.3.6 Some simple applications of itchat 147 7.3.7 Python calls Turing robot API to realize simple human-computer interaction 150 7.4 Steps of program design152 7.5 Developing a message synchronization robot 153 Chapter 8 WeChat Web Protocol Application - WeChat Robot 155 8.1 Introduction to Robot Functions on WeChat Webpage 155 8.2 Design idea of WeChat web robot 155 8.2.1 Analysis WeChat web page API 155 8.2.2 API Summary158 8.2.3 Other descriptions164 8.3 Steps of programming 166 8.3.1 Operation process of WeChat webpage version 166 8.3.2 Program directory 167 8.3.3 Implementation of WeChat web page version running code 167 8.4 Extended function170 8.4.1 Automatic response170 8.4.2 Mass messaging, regular messaging, and friend status detection173 8.4.3 Automatically invite friends to join group chat175 Chapter 9 Image Processing - Generating QR Code and Verification Code 178 9.1 Introduction to QR code 178 9.2 Key technologies of two-dimensional code generation and analysis 179 9.2.1 Use of qrcode library179 9.2.2 Use of PIL library182 9.3 Steps of 2D code generation and parsing program184 9.3.1 Generating QR code with icon 184 9.3.2 Python parsing QR code picture 186 9.4 Generating the verification code image with Python 186 Chapter 10 Puzzle Games - Lianliankan Games 189 10.1 Lianliankan Introduction 189 10.2 Ideas of program design190 10.3 Key technologies200 10.3.1 Graphic drawing - Tinker's Canvas component 200 10.3.2 Graphic objects on Canvas 200 10.4 Steps of programming 210 Chapter 11 Puzzle Game - Box Pushing Game 215 11.1 Introduction to Box Pushing Games 215 11.2 Thinking of program design216 11.3 Key technologies217 11.4 Steps of programming 218 Chapter 12 Entertainment Games - Two player Mahjong Game 224 12.1 Introduction to Mahjong Games 224 12.1.1 Mahjong terminologies224 12.1.2 Number of plates 224 12.2 Design ideas for two player mahjong game 225 12.2.1 Material picture225 12.2.2 Logic implementation of the game 226 12.2.3 Judgment of touching/eating cards 226 12.2.4 Heel Algorithm 227 12.2.5 Realize computer intelligent licensing 231 12.3 Key technologies233 12.3.1 Sound playing233 12.3.2 Components Returning to Corresponding Position233 12.3.3 Sorting the list of saved mahjong tiles 234 12.4 Steps of Two player Mahjong Game Design 235 12.4.1 Design Mahjong Tiles 235 12.4.2 Designing the main game program237 Chapter 13 Network Programming Case -- Online Chat Program Based on TCP 247 13.1 Introduction to TCP based online chat program247 13.2 Key technologies247 13.2.1 Internet TCP/IP Protocol247 13.2.2 IP Protocol and Port248 13.2.3 TCP Protocol and UDP Protocol249 13.2.4 Socket 249 13.2.5 Multi thread programming254 13.3 Steps of online chat program256 13.3.1 Server side of online chat program256 13.3.2 Clients of online chat program259 Chapter 14 Network Communication Case -- Network Gobang Based on UDP Games 263 14.1 Introduction to online gobang games 263 14.2 Design Ideas of Gobang Games 264 14.3 Key technologies267 14.3.1 UDP programming267 14.3.2 Customizing the communication protocol of online gobang games 269 14.4 Steps of online gobang game programming 271 14.4.1 Steps of server-side programming 271 14.4.2 Steps of client programming 276 Chapter 15 Puzzle Game - Chinese Chess 281 15.1 Introduction to Chinese Chess 281 15.2 Key technologies282 15.3 Design ideas of Chinese chess 284 15.4 Steps of Chinese Chess Implementation287 Chapter 16 Entertainment Games - Figure Puzzle Games 297 16.1 Introduction to character jigsaw games 297 16.2 Ideas of program design298 16.3 Key technologies298 16.3.1 Copying and pasting image area298 16.3.2 Adjusting dimensions and rotation298 16.3.3 Converting to gray-scale image299 16.3.4 Operating pixels 300 16.4 Procedure design 300 16.4.1 Python processing image cutting 300 16.4.2 Logical implementation of the game 302 Chapter 17 Game Design Based on Pygame 306 17.1 Pygame Basics 306 17.1.1 Installing Pygame Library306 17.1.2 Pygame module306 17.2 Use of Pygame 309 17.2.1 The main process of Pygame game development309 17.2.2 Image/graphic rendering of Pygame 311 17.2.3 Processing of keyboard and mouse events in Pygame 314 17.2.4 Use of Pygame typeface 319 17.2.5 Sound playback of Pygame 320 17.2.6 Use of Pygame genies321 17.3 Design of Snake Game Based on Pygame 326 17.4 Design of aircraft war game based on Pygame 333 17.4.1 Game roles333 17.4.2 Display of game interface336 17.4.3 Logic implementation of the game 338 Chapter 18 Machine learning case - based on naive Bayesian algorithm Text classification 343 18.1 Introduction to text classification343 18.2 Ideas of program design343 18.3 Key technologies344 18.3.1 Theoretical basis of Bayesian algorithm344 18.3.2 Naive Bayesian classification346 18.3.3 Text classification using Python 348 18.4 Steps of programming 348 18.4.1 Collecting training data348 18.4.2 Preparing data349 18.4.3 Analysis data349 18.4.4 Training algorithm350 18.4.5 Test algorithm and improve 353 18.4.6 Text classification using algorithm354 18.5 Using Naive Bayesian Classification Algorithm to Filter Spam 355 18.5.1 Collecting training data355 18.5.2 Parsing Text Files into Word Vector356 18.5.3 Email classification using naive Bayesian algorithm357 18.5.4 Improved algorithm359 18.6 Text classification using Scikit-Learn library 360 18.6.1 Common classes and functions for text classification360 18.6.2 Case Realization363 Chapter 19 Case of Deep Learning -- Convolution Neural Network Based Handwriting recognition 366 19.1 Handwriting recognition case requirements366 19.2 Concept and key technologies of deep learning 366 19.2.1 Neural network model366 19.2.2 Convolution neural network for deep learning 367 19.3 Python deep learning library Keras 372 19.3.1 Installation of Keras 372 19.3.2 Network layer of Keras 372 19.3.3 Building Neural Networks with Keras 375 19.4 Ideas of program design376 19.5 Steps of programming 377 19.5.1 MNIST Dataset377 19.5.2 Realization of handwriting recognition case378 19.5.3 Predicting Your Own Handwritten Image382 Chapter 20 Ciyun Actual Battle - Climbing Douban Film Review to Generate Ciyun 383 20.1 Function introduction383 20.2 Ideas of program design384 20.3 Key technologies385 20.3.1 Installing WordCloud 385 20.3.2 Using WordCloud 385 20.4 Steps of programming 389 References 397
Understand Python quantitative trading practice (Duan Xiaoshou)
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: December 24, 2022
Introduction: This book mainly takes the domestic A-share market as an example and uses the third-party quantitative trading platform to describe the application of common machine learning algorithms such as KNN, linear model, decision tree, support vector machine and naive Bayes in trading strategies. At the same time, it shows how to back test strategies so that readers can effectively evaluate their own strategies. In addition, the book also explains the development trend of natural language processing (NLP) technology in the field of quantitative trading, and introduces readers to the forward-looking application of multi-layer perceptron, convolutional neural network, and short-term memory network in quantitative trading using the popular in-depth learning technology. This book does not start with the basic syntax of Python, and it just skims over the traditional trading strategies, directly bringing readers into the world of machine learning. This book is suitable for readers who have some knowledge of Python and are interested in quantitative trading. VII catalog Chapter 1 Xiaowa's Story - From scratch 1.1 How to relieve worries? "Little rich" is also OK 1 1.1.1 Those years, those transactions 2 1.1.2 Automated trading and high-frequency trading 2 1.1.3 Factor investment rises quietly 3 1.2 The rise of machine learning 4 1.2.1 Quantitative investment is flourishing 4 1.2.2 No data is allowed 5 1.2.3 Trading strategy and alpha factor 5 1.3 If you want to be rich, you should first configure the warehouse 6 1.3.1 Downloading and installing Anaconda 6 1.3.2 Basic usage of Jupyter Notebook 8 1.3.3 Practice with real stock data 11 1.4 Summary 15 Chapter 2 Is Xiaowa's Strategy Reliable Backtesting and Classic Strategies 2.1 Simple back test of small watt strategy 16 2.1.1 Download Data and Create Transaction Signal16 2.1.2 Simple Backtesting of Trading Strategies 18 2.1.3 What you need to know about backtesting 20 2.2 Moving average strategy of classic strategy 21 2.2.1 Single moving average index21 2.2.2 Implementation of dual moving average strategy 23 2.2.3 Backtesting the Dual Moving Average Strategy 26 2.3 Classic Strategy: Turtle Strategy 28 2.3.1 Using Turtle Strategy to Generate Trading Signals 28 2.3.2 Place an order according to the trading signal and position 29 2.3.3 Backtesting the Turtle Strategy 31 2.4 Summary 34 Chapter 3 Here Comes AI - Simple Application of Machine Learning in Trading 3.1 Basic concepts of machine learning 35 3.1.1 Supervised learning and unsupervised learning 35 Simply explain Python quantitative trading practice VIII 3.1.2 Classification and regression 37 3.1.3 Evaluation of model performance37 3.2 Basic usage of machine learning tools 37 3.2.1 Basic principle of KNN algorithm 38 3.2.2 KNN algorithm for classification38 3.2.3 KNN algorithm for regression 43 3.3 Simple trading strategy based on machine learning 47 3.3.1 Obtaining stock data 47 3.3.2 Creating Transaction Conditions49 3.3.3 Using Classification Algorithms to Develop Trading Strategies 50 3.4 Summary 54 Chapter 4 Multi source data - with the help of quantitative trading platform 4.1 The data is insufficient, and the platform makes up 55 4.1.1 Selecting quantitative trading platform56 4.1.2 Research environment of quantitative trading platform57 4.1.3 Running code in the research environment58 4.2 Screening stocks with financial data 59 4.2.1 Overview of stock acquisition 60 4.2.2 Obtaining financial data of stock 62 4.2.3 Stock selection through financial indicators 64 4.3 Who is the "Big Boss" 65 4.3.1 Shareholders Found 66 4.3.2 Whether major shareholders increased or decreased their shareholdings 67 4.3.3 Net inflow or outflow of funds 69 4.4 Summary 71 Chapter 5 Here Comes the Factor - Basic Principle and Usage 5.1 Understanding the "Wahl factor" 72 5.1.1 Obtaining main fund flow data 73 5.1.2 Simple feature engineering74 5.1.3 Calculation of "Wahl factor" 75 5.1.4 Training the model with data added with "Wahl factor" 76 5.1.5 What can "factors" do 77 5.2 How to choose stocks? Factor to help 78 5.2.1 Determining the stock pool 78 5.2.2 Obtain all indexes of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges79 5.2.3 Acquire the market value factor of the stock 80 5.2.4 Cash flow factors for acquiring stocks 81 5.2.5 Obtain the net interest rate factor of the stock 82 5.2.6 Growth rate factor of net profit obtained from stock 83 5.3 "Package" many factors 84 5.3.1 Saving four factors into a DataFrame 84 5.3.2 Extraction of principal components by PCA85 5.3.3 Finding stocks with principal component values86 5.4 Summary 87 catalog IX Chapter 6 Is the factor easy to use - there are some things you need to know 6.1 Obtaining factor values for portfolios 88 6.1.1 Establishing a Portfolio and Setting a Date88 6.1.2 Obtaining an Emotional Factor 90 6.1.3 Obtaining all factor analysis results91 6.2 Factor income analysis 92 6.2.1 Quantile statistics of factors 92 6.2.2 Cumulative income of factor weighted multi empty portfolio 94 6.2.3 Gains from multi quantile and short small quantile 96 6.2.4 Quantile cumulative income comparison 97 6.3 Factor IC Analysis 98 6.3.1 Overview of factor IC analysis99 6.3.2 Factor IC Time Series Chart99 6.3.3 Factor IC normal distribution Q-Q chart and monthly mean value 101 6.4 Factor turnover, factor autocorrelation and factor prediction Measurement capability analysis 102 6.4.1 Factor turnover rate analysis 103 6.4.2 Factor Autocorrelation Analysis 104 6.4.3 Factor prediction capability analysis 106 6.5 Summary 107 Chapter 7 When Factors Meet Linear Models 7.1 What is a linear model108 7.1.1 Preparing data for demonstration 108 7.1.2 Try simple linear regression 110 7.1.3 Using the Regularized Linear Model113 7.2 Making Trading Strategies with Linear Models 115 7.2.1 Preparation factor115 7.2.2 Training model117 7.2.3 Stock selection based on model prediction 118 7.3 Can we make money 119 7.3.1 Strategy backtesting function of the platform 120 7.3.2 Writing research results into strategies 121 7.3.3 Backtesting 124 7.4 Summary 126 Chapter 8 Factor Encounters Decision Tree and Random Forest 8.1 What are decision trees and random forests 127 8.1.1 Data samples not applicable to linear model127 8.1.2 Usage and principle of decision tree 129 8.1.3 Usage and principle of random forest 130 8.2 What factors are important? The decision tree can tell you 132 8.2.1 Multiple source factor132 8.2.2 Setting goals and training model135 8.2.3 Which factors are important 137 8.3 Formulated with important factors and random forests Strategy 138 Simply explain Python quantitative trading practice 8.3.1 Initialization of backtesting function138 8.3.2 Preparation before disc139 8.3.3 Machine learning part of the strategy141 8.3.4 List of defining buying and selling stocks 142 8.3.5 Defining Buying and Selling Operations 144 8.3.6 Back testing the strategy 145 8.4 Summary 146 Chapter 9 Factors Encounter Support Vector Machines 9.1 What is support vector machine 147 9.1.1 Basic principle of support vector machine147 9.1.2 The linear kernel is sometimes "in a hurry" 149 9.1.3 RBF kernel "shining" 150 9.2 Dynamic factor selection strategy152 9.2.1 Setting the backtesting environment152 9.2.2 Preparation before opening 153 9.2.3 Machine learning part155 9.2.4 Buying and selling operations157 9.3 Backtesting details of strategy158 9.3.1 Overview of Strategic Benefits 159 9.3.2 Details of strategic transactions 159 9.3.3 Position and income detail161 9.4 Simulated transactions using strategies 162 9.4.1 Simulated transaction 163 9.4.2 Viewing simulated transaction details164 9.4.3 Position and order placement of simulated transaction 165 9.5 Summary 166 Chapter 10 First Knowledge of Natural Language Processing Technology 10.1 Is our idea reliable 167 10.1.1 Thinking about Several Questions 167 10.1.2 Refer to the practice of "Big Boss" 168 10.1.3 Having said so much, what is NLP 169 10.2 Obtaining text data and simple cleaning 170 10.2.1 Obtaining news broadcast text data170 10.2.2 Simple cleaning of text data172 10.3 Chinese word segmentation, "stutter" to help 173 10.3.1 Using "stutter" to participle 174 10.3.2 Using "stutter" for list participation174 10.3.3 Creating a Deactivated Thesaurus 175 10.3.4 Removing the stop words in the text176 10.3.5 Using "stutter" to extract keywords 178 10.4 Summary 180 Chapter 11 news text vectorization and topic modeling 11.1 Let the machine "read" the news181 11.1.1 Preparing text data181 catalog 11.1.2 Convert text to Vector 183 11.1.3 Use TfidfVectorizer to convert text to Vector 185 11.2 Let the machine tell us what the news says 186 11.2.1 What is topic modeling 186 11.2.2 What is LDA model187 11.3 Topic modeling practical188 11.3.1 Loading Data and Word Segmentation188 11.3.2 Merging and saving word segmentation results190 11.3.3 Using LDA for topic modeling191 11.3.4 Improving the model192 11.4 Summary 194 Chapter 12 Emotional Analysis of Stock Evaluation Data 12.1 Does the machine understand our emotions 195 12.1.1 Understanding the Classified Corpus 196 12.1.2 Uploading files to quantitative trading platform197 12.2 Making data sets from corpus 198 12.2.1 Storing Positive Emotional Corpus as a List198 12.2.2 Storing Negative Emotion Corpus as List200 12.2.3 Labeling Data 201 12.2.4 Combining Positive and Negative Emotional Corpus 202 12.3 The grand launch of "naive Bayes" 203 12.3.1 What is "naive Bayes" 204 12.3.2 Preparing data for Bayesian model205 12.3.3 Start training Bayesian models and evaluate their performance206 12.4 Summary 208 Chapter 13 We are also in the limelight of deep learning 13.1 Preparation before starting study209 13.1.1 Flip over the toolbox to see what there is 210 13.1.2 Preparing data for neural network211 13.2 Using Keras to preprocess text213 13.2.1 Using Tokenizer to Extract Features 213 13.2.2 Converting Text to Sequence214 13.2.3 Filled sequence and transformation matrixes 216 13.3 Building a Simple Neural Network Using Keras 217 13.3.1 First, "roll out" a multi-layer perceptron 217 13.3.2 Talk about the principle of multi-layer perceptron 218 13.3.3 Let's talk about activation function220 13.3.4 What does the Dropout layer do 221 13.3.5 Train to see the effect 222 13.4 Summary 224 Simply explain Python quantitative trading practice Chapter 14 goes further - CNN and LSTM 14.1 Start to "roll" a convoluted nerve Network 225 14.1.1 Preparing Libraries and Datasets 225 14.1.2 Processing Data and Modeling 227 14.2 Detailed explanation of convolutional neural network model229 14.2.1 What is the embedded layer used for 230 14.2.2 What is the roll up layer used for 231 14.2.3 What is the pool layer used for 233 14.2.4 Viewing the effect of training model234 14.3 Long and short-term memory network236 14.3.1 Building a simple short-term memory network236 14.3.2 About long-term and short-term memory network237 14.3.3 Training model and evaluation238 14.3.4 Save the model and call 240 14.4 Summary 241 Chapter 15 is written in the back - Xiaowa's journey 15.1 Can we get rich overnight 242 15.1.1 It is a good idea to use the third-party quantification platform Yima243 15.1.2 Is machine learning useful or not 243 15.1.3 "Hang" in the "tree" of A-share Go 244 15.2 What to do in the future245 15.2.1 Learn some database knowledge245 15.2.2 Look at different investment objects247 15.2.3 Opening the International Horizon 249 15.3 Summary 252
Quantitative financial investment and its Python application
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: December 24, 2022
Introduction: Quantitative Financial Investment and Its Python Application includes: (1) Python working environment for quantitative financial investment; (2) Basic knowledge and programming of Python; (3) Quantitative financial investment package Python NumPy application; (4) Quantitative financial investment package Python CiPy application; (5) Basic data structure of quantitative financial investment package Python Pandas; (6) Application of quantitative financial investment package Python Pandas in financial data processing; (7) Financial time series analysis and its Python application; (8) Chinese stock market analysis and its Python application; (9) Machine learning neural network algorithm and its Python application; (10) Machine learning support vector machine SVM and its Python application; (11) Python application of European option pricing; (12) Python application of function interpolation; (13) Python application of option pricing binary tree algorithm; (14) Python application of explicit difference method for partial differential equations; (15) Python application of implicit difference method for partial differential equations; (16) Black Scholes partial differential equation implicit Chapter 1 Quantitative Financial Investment Platform and Python Working Environment 1.1 Overview of domestic and foreign quantitative financial investment platforms 1.2 Interface of ore optimization platform 1.3 Services provided by the optimized mining platform 1.4 Notebook function of ore optimization platform 1.5 Python package supported by optimized mining platform 1.6 Downloading Python 1.7 Python Installation 1.8 Python startup and exit Exercises Chapter 2 Two Basic Python Operations and Programming Basics 2.1 Two basic operations of Python 2.2 Python container 2.3 Python functions 2.4 Python conditions and loops 2.5 Python classes and objects Exercises Chapter 3 Application of NumPy in Quantitative Financial Investment Analysis 3.1 Overview of NumPy 3.2 Preliminary NumPy object: array 3.3 Creating Arrays 3.4 Operation of array and matrix 3.5 Accessing arrays and matrix elements 3.6 Matrix operation 3.7 Missing values 3.8 NumPy application of unitary linear regression analysis Exercises Chapter 4 Application of SciPy in Quantitative Financial Investment Analysis 4.1 Overview of SciPy 4.2 Statistical knowledge 4.3 Optimizing knowledge 4.3.1 Unconstrained optimization problems 4.3.2 Constrained optimization problems 4.3.3 Using CVXOPT to solve quadratic programming problems Exercises Chapter 5 Basic Data Structure of Pandas 5.1 Introduction to pandas 5.2 Pandas data structure: Series 5.2.1 Creating Series 5.2.2 Access to Series Data 5.3 Pandas data structure: DataFrame 5.3.1 Create DataFrame 5.3.2DataFrame data access Exercises Chapter 6 Application of Pandas in Financial Data Processing 6.1 How to create data structure 6.2 Data viewing 6.3 Data access and operation 6.3.1 Re talk about data access 6.3.2 Handling missing data 6.3.3 Data operation 6.4 Data visualization Exercises Chapter 7 Financial Time Series Analysis and Its Python Application 7.1 Basic knowledge of time series analysis 7.1.1 Concept and characteristics of time series 7.1.2 Stability 7.1.3 Correlation coefficient and autocorrelation function 7.1.4 White noise series and linear time series 7.2 Autoregression model 7.2.1 Characteristic root and stationarity test of AR (p) model 7.2.2AR (p) model order determination 7.2.3 Model inspection 7.2.4 Goodness of fit and prediction 7.3 Moving average model and prediction 7.3.1 Properties of MA (q) model 7.3.2 Order determination of MA (q) model 7.3.3 Modeling and forecasting 7.4 Autoregressive moving average model and prediction 7.4.1 Determining the order of ARMA (p, q) model 7.4.2 Establishment and prediction of ARMA model 7.5 ARIMA model and prediction 7.5.1 Unit root inspection 7.5.2 Determination of ARIMA (p, d, q) model order 7.5.3 Establishment and prediction of ARIMA model 7.6 Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model ARCH and prediction 7.6.1 Characteristics of volatility 7.6.2 Basic principle of ARCH model 7.6.3 Establishment and prediction of ARCH model 7.7 Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model GARCH and volatility prediction 7.7.1 Establishment of GARCH model 7.7.2 Volatility forecast Exercises Chapter 8 China Stock Market Analysis and Python Application 8.1 Basic information of shares 8.2 Analysis of stock return risk 8.3 Monte Carlo method based on VaR Exercises Chapter 9 Machine learning neural network algorithm and its Python application 9.1 Topology of BP neural network 9.2 Learning algorithm of BP neural network 9.3 Learning procedure of BP neural network 9.4 Python application of BP neural network algorithm for stock prediction Exercises Chapter 10 Machine Learning Support Vector Machine and Its Python Application 10.1 Machine learning support vector machine principle 10.2 Application of machine learning support vector machine Exercises Chapter 11 Python Application of European Option Pricing 11.1 Python function of option pricing formula 11.2 Using NumPy to Accelerate Batch Computing 11.2.1 Mode of using cycle 11.2.2 Calculation using NumPy vector 11.3 Using SciPy for Simulation Calculation 11.4 Calculation of implied volatility Exercises Chapter 12 Python Application of Function Interpolation 12.1 How to use SciPy for function interpolation 12.2 Application of Function Interpolation -- Construction of Option Volatility Surface Exercises Chapter 13 Python Application of Option Pricing Binary Tree Algorithm 13.1 Python description of binary tree algorithm 13.2 Implementation of binary tree algorithm with object-oriented method 13.2.1 Binary Tree Frame 13.2.2 Binary Tree Type Description 13.2.3 Reimbursement function 13.2.4 Assembly 13.3 Binary tree algorithm for American option pricing Exercises Chapter 14 Python Application of Explicit Difference Method for Partial Differential Equations 14.1 Heat conduction equation 14.2 Explicit difference scheme 14.3 Module assembly 14.4 Conditional stability of explicit schemes Exercises Chapter 15 Python Application of Implicit Difference Method for Partial Differential Equations 15.1 Implicit difference scheme 15.1.1 Matrix solution 15.1.2 Implicit scheme solution 15.2 Module assembly 15.3 Using SciPy Acceleration Exercises Chapter 16 Python Applications of Implicit Difference Methods for Black Scholes Merton Partial Differential Equations 16.1 Proposition of the Initial Boundary Value Problem of Black Scholes Merton Partial Differential Variance 16.2 Implicit difference method for partial differential equations 16.3 Python Application Implementation 16.4 Convergence test Exercises Chapter 17 Preliminary quantitative financial investment of the excellent mining platform 17.1 Quantitative financial investment basis 17.2 Quantitative financial investment and its strategy 17.3 Setting Initial Data 17.4 Select Stock Pool 17.5 Initialize the back test account 17.6 Setting conditions for purchase and sale 17.7 Combine into a complete quantitative strategy Exercises Chapter 18 Python Application of Alpha Hedge Model 18.1 Alpha hedging model 18.2 "Three Swordsmen" on the excellent mining platform 18.3 Example of hedging model of optimized mining platform Exercises Chapter 19 Python Application of Alpha Quantitative Financial Investment Strategy under the Signal Framework 19.1 Why Alpha Hedging Model 19.2 Signal framework, the artifact of building alpha hedging model on the optimal mining platform 19.3 How does a typical public fund team build its own alpha hedging model 19.4 How to surpass a public fund team on the excellent mining platform Exercises Chapter 20 Python Application of Quantitative Financial Portfolio Optimization 20.1 Markowitz's basic theory of portfolio optimization 20.2 Python application examples of portfolio optimization 20.3 Python application of actual data for portfolio optimization Exercises reference
Python computer vision
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: Python Computer Vision Programming is the authoritative practice guide of computer vision programming. It explains the basic theory and algorithm relying on Python language, and analyzes object recognition, content-based image search, optical character recognition, optical flow method, tracking, 3D reconstruction, stereo imaging, augmented reality, pose estimation, panoramic creation Image segmentation, noise reduction, image grouping and other technologies. In addition, the exercises included in the book can also help readers consolidate and learn the knowledge of applied programming. Python Computer Vision Programming is suitable for students who have a certain foundation in programming and mathematics and want to understand the basic theories and algorithms of computer vision, as well as researchers and practitioners in computer science, signal processing, physics, applied mathematics and statistics, neurophysiology, cognitive science and other fields.
Classic example of Python machine learning
label: python machine learning
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: 2022-06-30
Introduction: In today's data driven world, machine learning is becoming more and more popular. It has been widely used in different fields, such as search engines, robots, driverless cars and so on. This book first introduces the basic knowledge of machine learning through practical cases, and then introduces some slightly complex machine learning algorithms, such as support vector machines, pole end random forests, hidden Markov models, conditional random fields, deep neural networks, and so on. This book is for Python programmers who want to develop applications with machine learning algorithms. It is suitable for Python beginners to read, but familiarity with Python programming methods is beneficial to experience sample code. Chapter 1 Supervised Learning one 1.1 Introduction one 1.2 Data pre-processing technology two 1.2.1 Preparation two 1.2.2 Detailed steps two 1.3 Marking coding method four 1.4 Creating a Linear Regression six 1.4.1 Preparation six 1.4.2 Detailed steps seven 1.5 Calculation of regression accuracy nine 1.5.1 Preparation nine 1.5.2 Detailed steps ten 1.6 Saving Model Data ten 1.7 Creating Ridge Regression eleven 1.7.1 Preparation eleven 1.7.2 Detailed steps twelve 1.8 Creating Polynomial Regression thirteen 1.8.1 Preparation thirteen 1.8.2 Detailed steps fourteen 1.9 Estimating the House Price fifteen 1.9.1 Preparation fifteen 1.9.2 Detailed steps sixteen 1.10 Calculate the relative importance of the characteristics seventeen 1.11 Evaluate the demand distribution of shared bicycles nineteen 1.11.1 Preparation nineteen 1.11.2 Detailed steps nineteen 1.11.3 More twenty-one Chapter 2 Creating Classifiers twenty-four 2.1 Introduction twenty-four 2.2 Building a simple classifier twenty-five 2.2.1 Detailed steps twenty-five 2.2.2 More twenty-seven 2.3 Establishing a Logical Regression Classifier twenty-seven 2.4 Building a naive Bayesian classifier thirty-one 2.5 Split the data set into training set and test set thirty-two 2.6 Verifying model accuracy by cross validation thirty-three 2.6.1 Preparation thirty-four 2.6.2 Detailed steps thirty-four 2.7 Visualization of confusion matrix thirty-five 2.8 Extraction performance report thirty-seven 2.9 Evaluation of quality based on vehicle characteristics thirty-eight 2.9.1 Preparation thirty-eight 2.9.2 Detailed steps thirty-eight 2.10 Generating the validation curve forty 2.11 Generating the Learning Curve forty-three 2.12 Estimating income class forty-five Chapter 3 Forecast Modeling forty-eight 3.1 Introduction forty-eight 3.2 Using SVM to establish a linear classifier forty-nine 3.2.1 Preparations forty-nine 3.2.2 Detailed steps fifty 3.3 Building a Nonlinear Classifier with SVM fifty-three 3.4 Solving the Problem of Unbalanced Types and Numbers fifty-five 3.5 Extracting Confidence fifty-eight 3.6 Finding the optimal super parameter sixty 3.7 Establishing an Event Predictor sixty-two 3.7.1 Preparation sixty-two 3.7.2 Detailed steps sixty-two 3.8 Estimated Traffic Flow sixty-four 3.8.1 Preparation sixty-four 3.8.2 Detailed steps sixty-four Chapter 4 Unsupervised Learning Clustering sixty-seven 4.1 Introduction sixty-seven 4.2 Clustering data with k-means algorithm sixty-seven 4.3 Compressing pictures with vector quantization seventy 4.4 Establishing the mean shift clustering model seventy-four 4.5 Data grouping by agglomerative hierarchical clustering seventy-six 4.6 Evaluation of clustering effect of clustering algorithm seventy-nine 4.7 Using DBSCAN algorithm to automatically estimate the number of clusters eighty-two 4.8 Exploring the Patterns of Stock Data eighty-six 4.9 Establishing a Customer Segmentation Model eighty-eight Chapter 5 Building a Recommendation Engine ninety-one 5.1 Introduction ninety-one 5.2 Building Function Combinations for Data Processing ninety-two 5.3 Building a machine learning pipeline ninety-three 5.3.1 Detailed steps ninety-three 5.3.2 Operating principle ninety-five 5.4 Finding the Nearest Neighbor ninety-five 5.5 Building a KNN classifier ninety-eight 5.5.1 Detailed steps ninety-eight 5.5.2 Working principle one hundred and two 5.6 Building a KNN Regression one hundred and two 5.6.1 Detailed steps one hundred and two 5.6.2 Operating principle one hundred and four 5.7 Calculation of Euclidean distance fraction one hundred and five 5.8 Calculation of Pearson correlation coefficient one hundred and six 5.9 Looking for similar users in the data set one hundred and eight 5.10 Film recommendation one hundred and nine Chapter 6 Analyzing Text Data one hundred and twelve 6.1 Introduction one hundred and twelve 6.2 Preprocessing data with tag parsing method one hundred and thirteen 6.3 Stemming Text Data one hundred and fourteen 6.3.1 Detailed steps one hundred and fourteen 6.3.2 Working principle one hundred and fifteen 6.4 Restore the basic form of the text with the method of word form restoration one hundred and sixteen 6.5 Text division by block method one hundred and seventeen 6.6 Creating a Word Bag Model one hundred and eighteen 6.6.1 Detailed steps one hundred and eighteen 6.6.2 Operating principle one hundred and twenty 6.7 Creating a Text Classifier one hundred and twenty-one 6.7.1 Detailed steps one hundred and twenty-one 6.7.2 Operating principle one hundred and twenty-three 6.8 Identification of gender one hundred and twenty-four 6.9 Analyzing Sentence Sentences' Emotions one hundred and twenty-five 6.9.1 Detailed steps one hundred and twenty-six 6.9.2 Operating principle one hundred and twenty-eight 6.10 Pattern of text recognition by topic modeling one hundred and twenty-eight 6.10.1 Detailed steps one hundred and twenty-eight 6.10.2 Operating principle one hundred and thirty-one Chapter 7 Speech Recognition one hundred and thirty-two 7.1 Introduction one hundred and thirty-two 7.2 Reading and Plotting Audio Data one hundred and thirty-two 7.3 Converting audio signal into frequency domain one hundred and thirty-four 7.4 Generating audio signal by user-defined parameters one hundred and thirty-six 7.5 Synthetic Music one hundred and thirty-eight 7.6 Extraction of frequency domain characteristics one hundred and forty 7.7 Creating Hidden Markov Models one hundred and forty-two 7.8 Creating a speech recognizer one hundred and forty-three Chapter 8 Anatomy of Time Series and Time Series Data one hundred and forty-seven 8.1 Introduction one hundred and forty-seven 8.2 Converting data to time series format one hundred and forty-eight 8.3 Split time series data one hundred and fifty 8.4 Operation time series data one hundred and fifty-two 8.5 Extracting statistics from time series data one hundred and fifty-four 8.6 Creating Hidden Markov Models for Sequence Data one hundred and fifty-seven 8.6.1 Preparation one hundred and fifty-eight 8.6.2 Detailed steps one hundred and fifty-eight 8.7 Creating conditional random fields for sequential text data one hundred and sixty-one 8.7.1 Preparation one hundred and sixty-one 8.7.2 Detailed steps one hundred and sixty-one 8.8 Using Hidden Markov Model to Analyze Stock Market Data one hundred and sixty-four Chapter 9 Image Content Analysis one hundred and sixty-six 9.1 Introduction one hundred and sixty-six 9.2 Using OpenCV Pyhon to operate images one hundred and sixty-seven 9.3 Detection side one hundred and seventy 9.4 Histogram Equalization one hundred and seventy-four 9.5 Detection of edges and corners one hundred and seventy-six 9.6 Detection of SIFT feature points one hundred and seventy-eight 9.7 Create Star feature detector one hundred and eighty 9.8 Creating features using visual codebook and vector quantization one hundred and eighty-two 9.9 Training image classifier with extreme random forest one hundred and eighty-five 9.10 Creating an Object Identifier one hundred and eighty-seven Chapter 10 Face Recognition one hundred and eighty-nine 10.1 Introduction one hundred and eighty-nine 10.2 Collecting and processing video information from webcams one hundred and eighty-nine 10.3 Create a face recognizer with Haar cascade one hundred and ninety-one 10.4 Create an eye and nose detector one hundred and ninety-three 10.5 Principal component analysis one hundred and ninety-six 10.6 Conduct nuclear principal component analysis one hundred and ninety-seven 10.7 Blind source separation two hundred and one 10.8 Create a human face recognizer using the local binary pattern histogram two hundred and five Chapter 11 Deep Neural Network two hundred and ten 11.1 Introduction two hundred and ten 11.2 Creating a Sensor two hundred and eleven 11.3 Creating a Single Layer Neural Network two hundred and thirteen 11.4 Creating a Deep Neural Network two hundred and sixteen 11.5 Creating a vector quantizer two hundred and nineteen 11.6 Creating a Recurrent Neural Network for Sequence Data Analysis two hundred and twenty-one 11.7 Visualizing characters in the OCR database two hundred and twenty-five 11.8 Creating an optical character recognizer using neural networks two hundred and twenty-six Chapter 12 Visualization Data two hundred and thirty 12.1 Introduction two hundred and thirty 12.2 Draw 3D Scatter Chart two hundred and thirty 12.3 Drawing Bubble Chart two hundred and thirty-two 12.4 Drawing Dynamic Bubble Chart two hundred and thirty-three 12.5 Pie Chart two hundred and thirty-five 12.6 Time series data in date format two hundred and thirty-seven 12.7 Draw Histogram two hundred and thirty-nine 12.8 Visual Thermodynamic Diagram two hundred and forty-one 12.9 Visual simulation of dynamic signals two hundred and forty-two
Learn machine learning by hand with Python
label: python machine learning
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: May 30, 2023
Introduction: This book is an introduction book for novices in machine learning. Starting from the establishment of the learning environment, it introduces Python knowledge and mathematical knowledge required for machine learning with pictures and text, and on this basis, it combines mathematical formulas, example programs, illustrations, etc. to exfoliate the regression and classification, neural network and deep learning algorithms and applications in supervised learning Handwritten digit recognition and unsupervised learning algorithms are introduced. This book has both graphics and code, as well as a detailed mathematical formula derivation process, which greatly reduces the learning threshold of machine learning. Even if you have not learned Python and have a poor mathematical foundation, you can understand it. Chapter 1 Preparation before Learning 1 1.1 About machine learning 2 1.1.1 Tips for learning machine learning 4 1.1.2 Classification of problems in machine learning 5 1.1.3 Structure of the book 6 1.2 Installing Python 7 1.3 Jupyter Notebook 11 1.3.1 Usage of Jupyter Notebook 11 1.3.2 Input Markdown Format Text14 1.3.3 Changing the file name 16 1.4 Installing Keras and TensorFlow 17 Chapter 2 Python Basics 19 2.1 Four operations 20 2.1.1 Usage of four arithmetic operations20 2.1.2 Power operation 20 2.2 Variables 21 2.2.1 Calculation by variables 21 2.2.2 Naming of variables 21 2.3 Type 22 2.3.1 Type 22 2.3.2 Types of Inspection22 2.3.3 Strings 23 2.4 print statement24 2.4.1 Usage of print statement24 2.4.2 Method of displaying numeric value and string at the same time 1 24 2.4.3 Method of displaying numeric value and string at the same time 2 25 2.5 list (array variable) 26 2.5.1 List Usage 26 2.5.2 Two dimensional array 27 2.5.3 Creating Continuous Integer Array28 2.6 tuple (array) 29 2.6.1 Use of tuple 29 2.6.2 Reading Elements 29 2.6.3 Tuple 30 with length of 1 2.7 if statement31 2.7.1 Usage of if statement31 2.7.2 Comparison operators32 2.8 for statement 33 2.8.1 Usage of the for statement 33 2.8.2 Usage of enumerate33 2.9 Vectors34 2.9.1 Usage of NumPy34 2.9.2 Defining Vectors35 2.9.3 Reading elements36 2.9.4 Replacement elements36 2.9.5 Creating a Vector of Continuous Integers36 2.9.6 Precautions for array 37 2.10 Matrice38 2.10.1 Definition matrix 38 2.10.2 Size of matrix 38 2.10.3 Reading elements39 2.10.4 Replacement elements39 2.10.5 Generating an array of elements 0 and 1 39 2.10.6 Generating a matrix with random elements 40 2.10.7 Changing the size of the matrix 41 2.11 Four operations of matrix 41 2.11.1 Four operations of matrix 41 2.11.2 Scalar × matrix 42 2.11.3 Arithmetic functions42 2.11.4 Calculating Matrix Multiplication43 2.12 Slicing 43 2.13 Replacing Satisfactory Data45 2.14 help 46 2.15 Functions 47 2.15.1 Function usage 47 2.15.2 Parameters and return values47 2.16 Saving Files49 2.16.1 Saving an array type variable 49 2.16.2 Saving multiple array type variables 49 Chapter 3 Data Visualization 51 3.1 Drawing two-dimensional graphics 52 3.1.1 Drawing Random Graphs 52 3.1.2 Format of code list53 3.1.3 Draw a cubic function f (x)=(x - 2) x (x+2) 53 3.1.4 Determining the drawing range 54 3.1.5 Drawing Graphs 55 3.1.6 Decorative graphics 55 3.1.7 Displaying Multiple Graphs in Parallel 58 3.2 Drawing 3D graphics 59 3.2.1 Functions with Two Variables 59 3.2.2 Color value: pcolor 60 3.2.3 Draw 3D graphics: surface 62 3.2.4 Contour drawing: contour 64 Chapter 4 Mathematics in Machine Learning 67 4.1 Vectors68 4.1.1 What is a vector 68 4.1.2 Defining vectors with Python 69 4.1.3 Column vector representation 69 4.1.4 Representation of transposition 70 4.1.5 Adding and Subtracting 71 4.1.6 Scalar product 73 4.1.7 Inner product 74 4.1.8 Modulus of vector 75 4.2 Summing symbol 76 4.2.1 Deformation of mathematical formula with summation symbol 77 4.2.2 Summing by inner product 79 4.3 Accumulation symbol 79 4.4 Derivative80 4.4.1 Derivative of polynomial80 4.4.2 Deformation of mathematical formula with derivative sign 82 4.4.3 Derivative of composite function83 4.4.4 Derivative of composite function: chain rule 84 4.5 Partial derivative 85 4.5.1 What is a partial derivative 85 4.5.2 Graph of partial derivative 87 4.5.3 Plotting a Gradient 89 4.5.4 Partial derivative of compound function with multiple variables 91 4.5.5 Order of exchange sum and derivation 93 4.6 Matrix 95 4.6.1 What is matrix 95 4.6.2 Adding and Subtracting Matrices 97 4.6.3 Scalar Product 99 4.6.4 Product of matrix 100 4.6.5 Identity matrix 103 4.6.6 Inverse matrix 105 4.6.7 Transposition 107 4.6.8 Matrix and simultaneous equation 109 4.6.9 Matrices and Mappings 111 4.7 Exponential and logarithmic functions 113 4.7.1 Index 113 4.7.2 Logarithm 115 4.7.3 Derivative of exponential function118 4.7.4 Derivative of logarithmic function120 4.7.5 Sigmaid function121 4.7.6 Softmax function123 4.7.7 Softmax function and Sigmoid function127 4.7.8 Gaussian function128 4.7.9 Two dimensional Gaussian function129 Chapter 5 Supervised Learning: Return 135 5.1 Linear model with one-dimensional input 136 5.1.1 Linear model138 5.1.2 Square error function 139 5.1.3 Parameter calculation (gradient method) 142 5.1.4 Analytical solution of linear model parameters148 5.2 2D input plane model152 5.2.1 Data representation method 154 5.2.2 Plane model155 5.2.3 Analytical solution of plane model parameters157 5.3 D-dimensional linear regression model159 5.3.1 D-dimensional linear regression model160 5.3.2 Analytical solution of parameter160 5.3.3 Extending to the plane not passing through the origin 164 5.4 Linear basis function model165 5.5 Overfitting problems 171 5.6 Generation of new model181 5.7 Selection of model185 5.8 Summary 186 Chapter 6 Supervised Learning: Classification 189 6.1 Binary classification of one-dimensional input190 6.1.1 Problem Setting190 6.1.2 Using probability to represent classification 194 6.1.3 Maximum likelihood estimation196 6.1.4 Logical regression model199 6.1.5 Cross entropy error 201 6.1.6 Deduction of learning rule205 6.1.7 Solve by gradient method209 6.2 Binary classification of two-dimensional input210 6.2.1 Problem Setting210 6.2.2 Logical regression model214 6.3 Three element classification of two-dimensional input219 6.3.1 Triple classification logistic regression model219 6.3.2 Cross entropy error222 6.3.3 Solving by gradient method223 Chapter 7 Neural Network and Deep Learning 227 7.1 Neuron model229 7.1.1 Neurocells229 7.1.2 Neuron model230 7.2 Neural network model234 7.2.1 Two layer feedforward neural network234 7.2.2 Implementation of two-layer feedforward neural network237 7.2.3 Numerical derivative method242 7.2.4 Application of gradient method by numerical derivative method 246 7.2.5 Error back propagation method251 7.2.6 Calculation E / .vkj 252 7.2.7 Calculation E / .wji 256 7.2.8 Realization of error back propagation method262 7.2.9 Characteristics of learned neurons 268 7.3 Using Keras to Implement Neural Network Model270 7.3.1 Two layer feedforward neural network271 7.3.2 Usage process of Keras 273 Chapter 8 Application of Neural Network and Deep Learning (Handwritten Digit Recognition) 277 8.1 MINST Dataset278 8.2 Two layer feedforward neural network model279 8.3 ReLU activation function286 8.4 Space filter291 8.5 Convolutional neural network295 8.6 Pooling 300 8.7 Dropout 301 8.8 MNIST identification network model integrating various characteristics 302 Chapter 9 Unsupervised Learning 307 9.1 Two dimensional input data308 9.2 K-means algorithm310 9.2.1 Summary of K-means algorithm310 9.2.2 Step 0: Prepare variables and initialize 311 9.2.3 Step 1: Update R 313 9.2.4 Step 2: Update μ 315 9.2.5 Distortion measures 318 9.3 Gaussian mixture model320 9.3.1 Probability based clustering 320 9.3.2 Gaussian mixture model323 9.3.3 Summary of EM algorithm328 9.3.4 Step 0: Prepare variables and initialize 329 9.3.5 Step 1 (Step E): update γ 330 9.3.6 Step 2 (Step M): update π, μ and ∑ 332 9.3.7 Likelihood 336 Chapter 10 Summary of the Book 339 Postscript 349
Python penetration test programming technology method and practice
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: April 2, 2023
Introduction: This book is the crystallization of years of work experience of senior network security teachers. The book systematically and deeply explains the combination of Python application examples and network security. It not only tells the practical application methods of Python, but also analyzes the network security programming technology of Python from the perspective of network security principles, and truly combines theory with practice. The book is divided into 16 chapters. Chapter 1 Overview 1.1 Network security penetration test 1.2 Carry out network security penetration test 1.2.1 Communication with customers in the early stage 1.2.2 Collecting love report 1.2.3 Threat model 1.2.4 Vulnerability Analysis 1.2.5 Vulnerability utilization 1.2.6 Post penetration attack 1.2.7 Report 1.3 Skills required for network security penetration test 1.4 Summary Chapter 2 Basics of Kali Linux 2 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Installing Kali Linux 2 ································· 10 2.2.1 Install Kali Linux in VMware virtual machine 2.2.2 Install Kali Linux in Raspberry Pie 2 ··· 12 2.3 Common Operation of Kali Linux 2 2.3.1 File system 2.3.2 Common commands 2.3.3 Configure the network of Kali Linux 2 2.3.4 Installing third-party applications in Kali Linux 2 2.3.5 SSH remote control of Kali Linux 2 network 2.3.6 Updating Kali Linux 2 2.4 Advanced Operation of VMware 2.4.1 Installing other operating systems in VMware 2.4.2 Network connection in VMware 2.4.3 Snapshot and clone functions in VMware 2.5 Summary Chapter 3 Python Language Basics 3.1 Basics of Python 3.2 Installing Python programming environment in Kali Linux 2 system 3.3 Write the first Python program 3.4 Selection structure 3.5 Cycle structure 3.6 Numbers and character strings 3.7 List, tuple and dictionary 3.7.1 List 3.7.2 tuple 3.7.3 Words 3.8 Functions and modules 3.9 Document processing 3.10 Summary Chapter 4 Common Modules of Security Penetration Test 4.1 Socket module documents 4.1.1 Brief introduction 4.1.2 Basic method 4.2 Python nmap module file 4.2.1 Brief introduction 4.2.2 Basic method 4.3 Scapy module documents 4.3.1 Brief introduction 4.3.2 Basic method 4.4 Summary Chapter 5 Information Collection 5.1 Basis of information collection 5.2 Host status scanning 5.2.1 Active host discovery technology based on ARP 5.2.2 ICMP based active host discovery technology 5.2.3 TCP based active host discovery technology 5.2.4 UDP based active host discovery technology 5.3 Port scanning 5.3.1 Port scanning technology based on TCP full open 5.3.2 TCP half open port scanning technology 5.4 Service scanning 5.5 Operating system scanning 5.6 Summary Chapter 6 Infiltration of Vulnerabilities (Basic Part) 6.1 Overflow and leak of test software 6.2 Calculate the offset address of software overflow ······························· 114 6.3 Look up JMP ESP instructions 6.4 Preparation of penetration procedure 6.5 Determination of bad characters 6.6 Using Metasploit to generate shellcode ············· 126 6.7 Summary Chapter 7 Infiltration of Vulnerabilities (Advanced Part) 7.1 Brief introduction to SEH overflow 7.2 Key points for writing SEH based overflow penetration module 7.2.1 Calculate the offset to catch position ···· 135 7.2.2 Find the POP/POP/RET address ··················· 141 7.3 Preparation of penetration module 142 7.4 Summary [2] Chapter 8 Network Sniffing and Deception 8.1 Network data sniffing 8.1.1 Write a network sniffer tool 8.1.2 Calling Wireshark to view data package 8.2 Principles and shortcomings of ARP 8.3 Rationale of ARP deception 8.4 Intermediary deception 8.5 Summary Chapter 9 Attack of Denial of Service 9.1 Data link layer denial of service attacks 9.2 Denial of Service Attacks at the Network Layer 9.3 Denial of Service Attack at the Transport Layer 9.4 Application layer based denial of service attacks 9.5 Summary Chapter 10 Identity Authentication Attacks 10.1 Attacks on simple network service authentication 10.2 Writing password cracking dictionary 10.3 FTP violence cracking module 10.4 SSH brute force cracking module 10.5 Web violence cracking module ··························· 194 10.6 Attacks on network authentication services using BurpSuite 10.6.1 Forms based brute force cracking 10.6.2 Bypass verification code (client) ················· 212 10.6.3 Bypass verification code (server side) ·········· 214 10.7 Summary Chapter 11 Programming Remote Control Tools 11.1 Brief Introduction to Remote Control Tools 11.2 Server side and customer side of remote control program 11.2.1 Execute system command (subprocess module) 11.2.2 Remote control server and client (socket module implementation) 11.3 Convert Python script to exe file 11.4 Summary Chapter 12 Wireless Network Penetration (Basic Part) 12.1 Wireless Network Foundation 12.2 Wireless function in Kali Linux 2 ············ 229 12.2.1 Hardware requirements and software settings of wireless network sniffer 12.2.2 Library documents for wireless network penetration 12.3 AP scanner 12.4 Wireless network data sniffer 12.5 Client scanner of wireless network 12.6 Scan hidden SSIDs 12.7 Bypass target MAC filtering mechanism 12.8 Capture encrypted data packet 12.8.1 Capture WEP data package 12.8.2 Capture WPA type data package 12.9 Summary Chapter 13 Wireless Network Penetration (Advanced Part) 13.1 Simulate the connection process of wireless client ······· 241 13.2 Simulate the connection behavior of AP 13.3 Preparation of Deauth Attack Program 13.4 Wireless network intrusion detection 13.5 Summary Chapter 14 Penetration Testing of Web Applications 14.1 Module required for penetration test 14.1.1 Use of requests library 14.1.2 Other common module files 14.2 Processing HTTP headers 14.3 Cookies Handling 14.4 Capture HTTP basic authentication data package 14.5 Writing Web Server Scanner 14.6 Scan all pages on the target server by force 14.7 Security of verification code 14.8 Summary Chapter 15 Generating Penetration Test Report 15.1 Relevant theories of penetration test report 15.1.1 Purpose 15.1.2 Summary of contents 15.1.3 Included scope 15.1.4 Safely deliver the penetration test report ····· 269 15.1.5 Contents of penetration test report 15.2 Processing XML files 15.3 Generate penetration report in Excel format ·········· 271 15.4 Summary Chapter 16 Python Forensics Related Modules ········ 279 16.1 Calculation of MD5 value 16.1.1 Relevant knowledge of MD5 16.1.2 Calculate MD5 ············· 280 in Python 16.1.3 Calculate MD5 ·································· 280 16.2 Geolocation of IP address 16.3 Time evidence 16.4 Registry evidence 16.5 Image evidence 16.6 Summary
Python Data Analysis Practice_2016
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: This book was written by Wes McKinney, the founder of Pandas project, and details the specific details and basic points of using Python to operate, process, clean and regularize data. Version 2 is a comprehensive revision and update of Python 3.6, covering the new version of pandas, NumPy, IPython and Jupyter, and adding a large number of actual cases, which can help you solve a series of data analysis problems efficiently. Major updates in Version 2 include: • All codes, including the update of Python tutorial to Python 3.6 (Python 2.7 is used in the first version) • Updated the installation guidelines for Python third-party release Anaconda and other required Python packages • Update the Pandas library to the new version in 2017 • A new chapter on more advanced pandas tools and some tips • Brief introduction to the use of new statsmodes and scikit-learn
Follow Diego to learn Python data analysis and machine learning
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: January 1, 2024
Introduction: This book combines machine learning, data analysis and Python language, and explains how to apply algorithms to practical tasks in an easy to understand way through cases. The book consists of 20 chapters, roughly divided into four parts. Part 1 introduces the necessary toolkit for Python, including Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib; The second part explains the classical algorithms in machine learning, such as regression algorithm, decision tree, integration algorithm, support vector machine, clustering algorithm, etc; The third part introduces the common algorithms in deep learning, including neural grid, convolutional neural network, recursive neural network; The fourth part is the project practice. Based on the real data set, the algorithm model is applied to the actual business. This book is suitable for beginners and enthusiasts interested in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analysis and other directions. Summary preface Chapter 1 Guide to Artificial Intelligence 1.1 Python is the first choice in AI era 1.2 The core of artificial intelligence - machine learning 1.3 Environment Configuration Summary of this chapter Chapter 2 Numpy 2.1 Basic Operation of Numpy 2.2 Index and slicing 2.3 Data type and numerical calculation 2.4 Common functional modules Summary of this chapter Chapter 3 Data Analysis and Processing Library (Pandas) 3.1 Data pre-processing 3.2 Data analysis 3.3 Common Function Operations 3.4 Big data processing skills Summary of this chapter Chapter 4 Data Visualization Library (Matplotlib) 4.1 Conventional drawing method 4.2 Drawing of common charts Summary of this chapter Chapter 5 Regression Algorithm 5.1 Linear regression algorithm 5.2 Gradient descent algorithm 5.3 Logical regression algorithm Summary of this chapter Chapter 6 Logic Regression Project Practice - Credit Card Fraud Detection 6.1 Data analysis and pre-processing 6.2 Lower sampling scheme 6.3 Logical regression model 6.4 Oversampling scheme Project summary Chapter 7 Decision Tree 7.1 Decision tree principle 7.2 Decision tree pruning strategy Summary of this chapter Chapter 8 Integrated Algorithms 8.1 Bagging algorithm 8.2 Boosting algorithm 8.3 Stacking model Summary of this chapter Chapter 9 Random Forest Project Practice - Temperature Forecast 9.1 Random Forest Modeling 9.2 Analysis of the impact of data and characteristics on the results 9.3 Model parameter adjustment Project summary Chapter 10 Characteristic Engineering 10.1 Numerical characteristics 10.2 Text characteristics 10.3 Thesis and benchmark Summary of this chapter Chapter 11 Bayesian algorithm project practice - news classification 11.1 Bayesian algorithm 11.2 News classification task Project summary Chapter 12 Support Vector Machine 12.1 Operating principle of support vector machine 12.2 Role of Support Vector 12.3 Parameters involved in support vector machine 12.4 Case: Influence of parameters on results Summary of this chapter Chapter 13 Recommendation System 13.1 Application of recommendation system 13.2 Collaborative filtering algorithm 13.3 Implicit semantic model Summary of this chapter Chapter 14 Project Practice of Recommendation System - Creating Music Recommendation System 14.1 Data set cleaning 14.2 Recommendation based on similarity 14.3 Recommendation based on matrix decomposition Project summary Chapter 15 Dimension Reduction Algorithm 15.1 Linear discriminant analysis 15.2 Principal component analysis Summary of this chapter Chapter 16 Clustering Algorithm 16.1 K-means algorithm 16.2 DBSCAN clustering algorithm 16.3 Clustering Examples Summary of this chapter Chapter 17 Neural Network 17.1 Necessary foundation of neural network 17.2 Overall architecture of neural network 17.3 Network tuning details Summary of this chapter Chapter 18 TensorFlow Practice 18.1 Basic operations of TensorFlow 18.2 Building Neural Network for Handwritten Font Recognition Summary of this chapter Chapter 19 Convolution Neural Network 19.1 Principle of convolution operation 19.2 Classic network architecture 19.3 TensorFlow real combat convolutional neural network Summary of this chapter Chapter 20 Actual combat of neural network project - emotional analysis of film reviews 20.1 Recurrent neural network 20.2 Film review data feature engineering 20.3 Building RNN model Project summary
Python Learning Method of Bayesian Thinking Statistical Modeling
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: This book helps those who want to solve practical problems with mathematical tools. The only requirement may be to understand a little probability knowledge and programming. Bayesian method is a common mathematical method that uses probabilistic knowledge to solve uncertain problems. For a computer professional, he should be familiar with its application in such common computer problems as machine translation, speech recognition, spam detection and so on. However, this book will actually expand your horizon. Even if you are not a computer professional, you can also see the power of Bayesian methods in the war environment (the problem of German tanks in World War II), legal issues (the hypothesis test of kidney tumors), and sports gambling field (the problem of NFL competition between the Brown Bear team and the Canadian team). How can you judge the size of the German armored force from limited information, and how likely the team you support is to win the championship? In Dungeons and Dragons, what should you expect from the maximum value of the game character attributes? Even in ordinary paintball shooting games, having some Bayesian thinking can help you improve your game level. In addition, this book discusses how to solve more than ten practical problems in real life in 15 chapters. In the process of solving these problems, the author also imperceptibly helped the readers to form the methodology of modeling decision-making, how to choose between modeling error and numerical error, how to establish mathematical models for specific problems, how to grasp the main contradictions in the problem (key parameters in the model), and how to further optimize or verify the effectiveness or limitations of the model. In this sense, this book is also a successful sample of mathematical modeling.
Python machine learning: data analysis and scorecard modeling
label: python artificial intelligence machine learning
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: April 2, 2023
Introduction: This book starts from zero basics, contains rich project case practice drills, and explains Python's environment construction, basic syntax structure, interesting applications, analysis and modeling, and complete project cases in detail. Chapter 1 Building the Python Development Environment 1.1 Sharp tool 1: Notepad editor 1.2 Sharp weapon 2: Anaconda 1.3 Sharp weapon 3: Miniconda 1.4 Sharp tool 4: PyCharm IDE tool 1.5 Sharp tool 5: Spyder 1.6 Sharp tool 6: Jupyter Notebook 1.7 Summary Chapter 2 Python Data Type Usage 2.1 Variables 2.2 String 2.3 List 2.3.1 Add (append, insert, extend) 2.3.2 Delete (pop, remove, del) 2.3.3 Modification and check 2.3.4 Loop traversal of list 2.3.5 Sort, reverse 2.3.6 Other operators of the list 2.4 Set 2.4.1 Creating Sets 2.4.2 Add/Delete Sets 2.4.3 Operations such as handover, merging and supplement of sets 2.5 Dictionary 2.5.1 Dictionary Search 2.5.2 Adding and modifying dictionary 2.5.3 Deleting a Dictionary 2.5.4 Common methods of dictionary 2.5.5 Ordered dictionary 2.6 Functions 2.7 Summary Chapter 3 Practical Application under Python 3.1 Python connection to MySQL database 3.2 Python connection to MongoDB database 3.3 Stuttering segmentation and word cloud map 3.4 Simple social network 3.5 JSON parsing 3.6 OCR character recognition 3.7pyecharts 3.8 Simple statistical analysis of stats 3.9 Summary Chapter 4 Identification of Abnormal Samples 4.1 Logical regression, cross validation and under sampling 4.2 Identification of abnormal samples based on distribution 4.3 Summary Chapter 5 Natural Language Processing Case - E-commerce Review 5.1 Data loading and pre-processing 5.2 Data visualization 5.3 Text analysis 5.4 Emotional analysis 5.5 Text classification 5.6 Summary Chapter 6 Model Fusion 6.1 Fusion method of classification model 6.2 Fusion method of regression model 6.3 Summary Chapter 7 Create Financial Application Scorecard 7.1 Variable selection 7.2 Each variable is divided according to ln (odds) 7.3 Calculating WOE and IV values 7.4 Logical regression modeling 7.5 Creating a scorecard 7.6 Evaluation, use and monitoring of application score cards 7.7 Summary Chapter 8 Social Network Analysis and Anti fraud 8.1 Download and installation of Neo4j 8.2 Introduction to graphical interface 8.3 Cypher language 8.4 Neo4j Case 1 - Analysis of the Character Relationship in Tian Long Ba Bu 8.5 Neo4j Case 2 - Social Network Analysis in Financial Scenarios 8.6Py2neo 8.7 Summary reference Appendix APyCharm Installation Steps Appendix BMySQL Installation Steps Appendix CMongoDB Installation Steps Appendix DNeo4j Installation Procedures Appendix Ejdk Installation Procedures Appendix F Installation Steps of Third Party Package
Introduction to Data Science
label: big data
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: 2022-09-18
Introduction: Data science is a booming and promising industry. Some people call data scientists "the number one sexy career in the 21st century". This book explains data science work from scratch, teaches hacker skills necessary for data science work, and leads readers to become familiar with the core knowledge of data science - mathematics and statistics. The author chose a powerful and easy to learn Python language environment, built tools and implementation algorithms by hand, and carefully selected well annotated, concise and readable implementation examples. All codes and data covered in the book can be downloaded on GitHub. By reading this book, you can: Learn a Python crash course; Learn the basic methods of linear algebra, statistics and probability theory, and understand how they are applied in data science; Master how to collect, explore, clean, transform and operate data; Deeply understand the basis of machine learning; Various data models such as k-nearest neighbor, naive Bayes, linear regression and logical regression, decision tree, neural network and clustering are used; Explore recommendation systems, natural language processing, network analysis, MapReduce, and databases. Preface xiii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Power of data 1 1.2 What is Data Science1 1.3 Incentive hypothesis: DataSciencester 2 1.3.1 Finding Key Contacts 3 1.3.2 Data scientists you may know 5 1.3.3 Wages and working years 8 1.3.4 Payment account 10 1.3.5 Topics of interest 11 1.4 Outlook 12 Chapter 2 Python Express 13 2.1 Basic content13 2.1.1 Python acquisition 13 2.1.2 Zen of Python 14 2.1.3 Blank Form14 2.1.4 Module15 2.1.5 Algorithm16 2.1.6 Function 16 2.1.7 String17 2.1.8 Abnormality18 2.1.9 List 18 2.1.10 tuples 19 2.1.11 Dictionary20 2.1.12 Collection22 2.1.13 Control flow 23 2.1.14 True and False 24 2.2 Advanced content25 2.2.1 Ordering 25 2.2.2 List parsing 25 2.2.3 Generators and iterators 26 2.2.4 Randomness 27 2.2.5 Regular Expression28 2.2.6 Object oriented programming28 2.2.7 Functional tools29 2.2.8 Enumeration 31 2.2.9 Compression and Parameter Splitting 31 2.2.10 args and kwargs 32 2.2.11 Welcome to DataSciencester 33 2.3 Extended learning 33 Chapter 3 Visualization Data34 3.1 matplotlib  34 3.2 Bar Chart36 3.3 Line diagram40 3.4 Scatter Chart41 3.5 Extended learning 44 Chapter 4 Linear Algebra 45 4.1 Vectors45 4.2 Matrix 49 4.3 Extended learning 51 Chapter 5 Statistics 53 5.1 Description of Single Dataset53 5.1.1 Center Inclination 55 5.1.2 Dispersion56 5.2 Relevant 58 5.3 Simpson Paradox 60 5.4 Other considerations for correlation coefficient 61 5.5 Correlation and Causality 62 5.6 Extended learning 63 Chapter 6 Probability 64 6.1 Independency and independence 64 6.2 Conditional Probability65 6.3 Bayesian Theorem 66 6.4 Random Variables 68 6.5 Continuous distribution 68 6.6 Normal distribution 69 6.7 Central limit theorem 72 6.8 Extended learning 74 Chapter 7 Assumptions and Inferences 75 7.1 Statistical hypothesis test75 7.2 Case: Coin toss 75 7.3 Confidence Intervals79 7.4 P-hacking  80 7.5 Case: running A/B test81 7.6 Bayesian inference 82 7.7 Extended learning 85 Chapter 8 Gradient Descent 86 8.1 The idea of gradient descent 86 8.2 Estimated gradient 87 8.3 Using gradients 90 8.4 Selecting the correct step90 8.5 Comprehensive 91 8.6 Random gradient descent method 92 8.7 Extended learning 93 Chapter 9 Obtaining Data 94 9.1 stdin and stdout 94 9.2 Reading a File96 9.2.1 Basis of text document96 9.2.2 Restricted documents97 9.3 Network Grabbing 99 9.3.1 HTML and parsing method99 9.3.2 Case: O 'Reilly Books on Data 101 9.4 Using API 105 9.4.1 JSON (and XML) 105 9.4.2 Using API without verification 106 9.4.3 Finding API 107 9.5 Case: Using Twitter API 108 9.6 Extended learning 111 Chapter 10 Data Work112 10.1 Exploring Your Data112 10.1.1 Exploring one-dimensional data112 10.1.2 Two dimensional data114 10.1.3 Multidimensional data116 10.2 Cleaning and revision117 10.3 Data processing119 10.4 Data Adjustment122 10.5 Dimension reduction 123 10.6 Extended learning 129 Chapter 11 Machine Learning 130 11.1 Modeling130 11.2 What is machine learning 131 11.3 Over fitting and under fitting 131 11.4 Correctness 134 11.5 Bias variance tradeoffs 136 11.6 Feature extraction and selection137 11.7 Extended learning 138 Chapter 12 k Nearest Neighbor Method 139 12.1 Model139 12.2 Case: favorite programming language141 12.3 Dimension Disasters 146 12.4 Extended learning151 Chapter 13 Naive Bayesian Algorithm152 13.1 A simple spam filter152 13.2 A complex spam filter153 13.3 Implementation of algorithm154 13.4 Test model156 13.5 Extended learning 158 Chapter 14 Simple Linear Regression 159 14.1 Model159 14.2 Using the gradient descent method162 14.3 Maximum likelihood estimation162 14.4 Extended learning 163 Chapter 15 Multiple Regression Analysis 164 15.1 Model164 15.2 Further assumptions of the least squares model165 15.3 Fitting model166 15.4 Interpretation model167 15.5 Goodness of Fit167 15.6 Extraneous remarks: Bootstrap 168 15.7 Standard error of regression coefficient 169 15.8 Regularization170 15.9 Extended learning 172 Chapter 16 Logical Regression 173 16.1 Question 173 16.2 Logistic function176 16.3 Application model178 16.4 Goodness of Fit179 16.5 Support Vector Machine180 16.6 Extended learning184 Chapter 17 Decision Tree 185 17.1 What is a decision tree 185 17.2 Entropy 187 17.3 Entropy of segmentation 189 17.4 Creating a Decision Tree 190 17.5 Comprehensive application192 17.6 Random forest 194 17.7 Extended learning195 Chapter 18 Neural network196 18.1 Percept196 18.2 Feedforward neural network198 18.3 Back propagation 201 18.4 Example: Defeat CAPTCHA 202 18.5 Extended learning206 Chapter 19 Cluster Analysis 208 19.1 Principle 208 19.2 Model209 19.3 Example: Party 210 19.4 Select the number of clusters k 213 19.5 Example: clustering colors 214 19.6 Bottom up hierarchical clustering 216 19.7 Extended learning221 Chapter 20 Natural Language Process222 20.1 Word cloud 222 20.2 n-grams model224 20.3 Grammar227 20.4 Extraneous remarks: Gibbs sampling 229 20.5 Theme modeling231 20.6 Extended learning236 Chapter 21 Network Analysis237 21.1 Intermediary centrality 237 21.2 Eigenvector centrality 242 21.2.1 Matrix Multiplication242 21.2.2 Centricity 244 21.3 Directed graph and PageRank 246 21.4 Extended learning248 Chapter 22 Recommendation System249 22.1 Manual screening 250 22.2 Recommended popular food 250 22.3 User based collaborative filtering method251 22.4 Item based collaborative filtering algorithm254 22.5 Extended learning256 Chapter 23 Database and SQL 257 23.1 CREATE TABLE AND INSERT 257 23.2 UPDATE  259 23.3 DELETE  260 23.4 SELECT  260 23.5 GROUP BY  262 23.6 ORDER BY  264 23.7 JOIN  264 23.8 Sub query 267 23.9 Indexing 267 23.10 Query optimization 268 23.11 NoSQL  268 23.12 Extended learning269 Chapter 24 MapReduce 270 24.1 Case: Word Count270 24.2 Why MapReduce 272 24.3 More general MapReduce 272 24.4 Case: analysis status update273 24.5 Case: matrix calculation275 24.6 Extraneous remarks: combiner276 24.7 Extended learning 277 Chapter 25 Data Science Foresight 278 25.1 IPython  278 25.2 Mathematic279 25.3 Don't start from scratch 279 25.3.1 NumPy  279 25.3.2 pandas  280 25.3.3 scikit-learn  280 25.3.4 Visualization280 25.3.5 R  281 25.4 Searching for Data281 25.5 Engaging in Data Science281 25.5.1 Hacker News  282 25.5.2 Fire fighting vehicles282 25.5.3 T-shirt 282 25.5.4 What about you?   283 About the Author 284 About the cover 284
PYTHON Natural Language Processing Chinese Translation NLTK Chinese Version
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: NLTK is a very popular and widely used Python library in the field of natural language processing. The advantage of NLTK lies in its simplicity. Most of the complex natural language processing tasks can be completed with a few lines of code. This book aims to describe how to use Python and NLTK to solve various natural language processing tasks and develop machine learning applications. This book introduces the basic modules of NLTK, describes a lot of techniques for implementing natural language processing with NLTK, discusses some text processing methods and language processing technologies, and shows a lot of practical experience in implementing NLP projects with Python. This book mainly covers all the preprocessing steps required in the text mining/NLP task, how to use NLTK 3 of Python 3 for text processing, and how to carry out NLP projects through Python. This book is suitable for NLP and machine learning enthusiasts, Python programmers and researchers in the field of machine learning.




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