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AI AI Development Foundation: Python Advanced

As a high-level and general interpretive programming language, Python is widely used in the field of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and computer vision, due to its concise syntax and easy learning characteristics. Therefore, it is essential to establish a solid Python foundation before starting AI development.

This collection collects and collates Python advanced learning resources, including some classic books, covering file operations and exception handling, stacks and queues, iterators and generators, processes and threads, programming skills and sample code. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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AI AI Development Foundation: Python Advanced Document List

Python Advanced Programming Version 2 _ Zhang Liang and Axin (Translation) _ People's Posts and Telecommunications Publisher_2017-10_v2_Full Version
label: programming python data structure Programming code
Points: 1 Type: Tutorial and courseware Uploader: honeedle Upload time: 2023-02-20
Introduction: Python Advanced Programming Version 2 _ Zhang Liang and Axin (Translation) _ People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House _ 2017-10_v2_ Full Version
Python Cookbook (3rd Edition) Chinese Version
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: The Chinese Version of Python Cookbook (3rd Edition) introduces some skills and methods of using Python in various fields. Its topics cover data structures and algorithms, strings and texts, numbers, dates and times, iterators and generators, files and I/O, data coding and processing, functions, classes and objects, metaprogramming, modules and packages, network and Web programming, Concurrency, utility script and system management, testing, debugging and exception, C language extension, etc. This book covers many common problems in Python applications and proposes general solutions. The book contains a lot of practical programming skills and sample code, and has been tested in the Python 3.3 environment, which can be easily applied to actual projects. In addition, Python Cookbook (Version 3) Chinese also explains in detail how and why the solution works. The Chinese Version of Python Cookbook (Version 3) is very suitable for Python programmers with a certain programming foundation.
Effective Python (Second Edition)
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: April 2, 2023
Introduction: This book can help you master the real Python programming method, so that you can fully play the powerful functions of the Python language, and write robust and efficient code. Scott Meyers created a concise teaching method dominated by use scenarios in his best-selling book Effective C++. Brett Slatkin, the author of this book, gathered 90 practical principles, development skills and convenient solutions in this way, and explained them with practical code examples. Based on his experience in developing Python infrastructure in Google for many years, Slatkin reveals some little-known subtle features of Python language, and gives idioms that can improve code function and operation efficiency. Through this book, you can understand the wonderful ways to solve key programming tasks, and learn to write code that is easy to understand, easy to maintain, and conducive to improvement. This book praises Translator's Preface preface thank Chapter 1 Cultivate Python Thinking//1 Article 1 Query the Python version you use.//1 Article 2 Follow the PEP 8 style guide//2 Article 3 Understand the difference between bytes and str//5 Article 4 Replace C-style format strings and str.format methods with f-strings that support interpolation//9 Article 5 Replace complex expressions with auxiliary functions//19 Article 6 Split the data structure directly into multiple variables, and do not access it through subscripts.//21 Article 7 Try to use enumerate instead of range//25 Article 8 Use zip function to traverse two iterators at the same time//26 Article 9 Do not write an else block after the for and while loops//28 Article 10 Use assignment expressions to reduce repetitive codes//31 Chapter 2 List and Dictionary//37 Article 11 Learn to slice the sequence//37 Article 12 Do not specify the start/stop subscript and step at the same time in the slice//40 Article 13 Capture multiple elements through the unpacking operation with an asterisk instead of slicing//42 Article 14 Use the key parameter of the sort method to represent complex sorting logic.//45 Article 15 Don't rely too much on the order used when adding entries to the dictionary//51 Article 16 Use get to handle the case where the key is not in the dictionary. Do not use in and KeyError.//56 Article 17 Use defaultdict to process the missing elements in the internal state instead of setdefault//61 Article 18 Learn to use __missing__ to construct default values of dependency keys//63 Chapter 3 Functions//66 Article 19 Do not split multiple values returned by a function into more than three variables//66 Article 20 When encountering an unexpected condition, an exception should be thrown. Do not return None.//69 Article 21 Learn how to use variables in the peripheral scope in the closure//71 Article 22 Design a clear parameter list for a function with a variable number of location parameters//75 Article 23 Use keyword parameters to indicate optional behaviors//77 Article 24 Use None and docstring to describe parameters whose default values change.//80 Article 25 Design a clear parameter list with parameters that can only be specified by keywords and passed in by location.//83 Article 26 Use functools.wraps to define function modifiers//88 Chapter 4 Derivation and Generation//91 Article 27 Replace map and filter with list derivation//91 Article 28 Control the number of sub expressions of inference logic to no more than two//93 Article 29 Use assignment expression to eliminate duplicate code in derivation//94 Article 30 Do not let a function return to the list directly. Instead, let it generate the values in the list one by one.//97 Article 31 Carefully iterate the parameters received by the function//100 Article 32 Consider rewriting the list derivation with large amount of data with generator expression//104 Article 33 Connect multiple generators through yield from//106 Article 34 Do not use send to inject data into the generator//108 Article 35 Do not change the status of the generator through throw//113 Article 36 Consider assembling iterators and generators with itertools//117 Chapter 5 Classes and Interfaces//122 Article 37 Use combined classes to implement multi-layer structures, not nested built-in types//122 Article 38 Let simple interfaces accept functions instead of class instances//128 Article 39 Use @ classmethod polymorphism to construct various objects in the same system//131 Article 40 Initialize super classes through super//136 Article 41 Consider using mix in classes to represent combinable functions//140 Article 42 Priority should be given to using the public attribute to indicate the data that should be protected, not the private attribute.//144 Article 43 The user-defined container type should inherit from Chapter 6 Metaclasses and Attributes//153 Article 44 Replace the old setter and getter methods with pure attributes and modifiers//153 Article 45 Consider using @ property to implement new attribute access logic. Don't rush to reconstruct the original code.//157 Article 46 Use descriptors to rewrite the @ property method to be reused//160 Article 47 Use __getattr__, __getattribute__ and __setattr__//165 for inert attributes Article 48 Use __init_subclass__ to verify whether the subclass is written correctly//170 Article 49 Use __init_subclass__ to record the existing subclasses//177 Article 50 Annotate class attributes with __set_name__//181 Article 51 Give priority to providing combinable extension functions through class modifiers, instead of using metaclasses.//185 Chapter 7 Concurrency and Parallelism//191 Article 52 Use subprocess to manage sub processes//192 Article 53 You can use threads to perform blocking I/O, but do not use them for parallel computing.//195 Article 54 Use Lock to prevent multiple threads from competing for the same data//199 Article 55 Use the Queue to coordinate the work progress between threads//202 Article 56 Learn to judge when concurrency is necessary//210 Article 57 Do not create a batch of thread instances every time you fan out.//214 Article 58 Learn to refactor code correctly to use Queue for concurrency//218 Article 59 If threads must be used for concurrency, consider using ThreadPoolExecutor.//224 Article 60 Use coroutine to realize high concurrent I/O//226 Article 61 Learn to use asyncio to rewrite I/O implemented through threads//230 Article 62 Combine threads and coroutines to successfully migrate code to asyncio.//239 Article 63 Keep the event cycle of asyncio unblocked to further improve the responsiveness of the program.//245 Article 64 Consider using concurrent.futures to implement true parallel computing//248 Chapter 8 Stability and Performance//253 Article 65 Reasonably use each code block in the try/exception/else/finally structure//253 Article 66 Consider rewriting reusable try/finally code with contextlib and with statements//258 Article 67 Use the datetime module to process the local time, not the time module.//262 Article 68 Use copyreg to implement reliable pickle operations//265 Article 69 Where accurate calculation is required, use decimal to represent the corresponding value//272 Article 70 Analyze the performance first and then optimize it//274 Article 71 Give priority to implementing producer consumer queue with deque//278 Article 72 Consider using bisect to search the sorted sequence//284 Article 73 Learn to use heapq to create a priority queue//286 Article 74 Consider using memoryview and bytearray to implement bytes without copying.//294 Chapter 9 Testing and Debugging//300 Article 75 Output debugging information through repr string//301 Article 76 Verify relevant behaviors in the TestCase subclass//304 Article 77 Write the pre test and post test preparation and cleaning logic in setUp, tearDown, setUpModule and tearDownModule to prevent interference between use cases.//309 Article 78 Use Mock to simulate complex functions that the code under test depends on//312 Article 79 Encapsulate the system on which the code under test depends for simulation and testing.//319 Article 80 Consider using pdb for interactive debugging//322 Article 81 Use tracemalloc to master memory usage and leakage.//326 Chapter 10 Cooperative Development//329 Article 82 Learn to look for modules built by other Python developers//329 Article 83 Use the virtual environment to isolate projects and rebuild dependencies//330 Article 84 Every function, class and module should write docstring//335 Article 85 Arrange modules with packages to provide stable APIs//339 Article 86 Consider configuring different deployment environments with module level code//344 Article 87 Define root exceptions for self compiled modules, so that callers can specifically handle exceptions related to this API.//346 Article 88 Break the circular dependency relationship in an appropriate way//350 Article 89 When refactoring, consider reminding developers that the API has changed through warnings.//355 Article 90 Consider doing static analysis through typing to eliminate bugs.//361
Python Standard Library Chinese Edition.pdf
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sinceyoulove Upload time: 2019-05-27
Introduction: Chinese version of python standard library
Head First Python (Chinese version)
label: Python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: to glance over things hurriedly Upload time: January 29, 2024
Introduction: Author: Barry. P Translator: Lin Qi, etc Year of publication: 2012 Have you ever thought that you can learn Python through a book? Head First Python (Chinese Version) goes beyond the boring grammar and grammar manual and teaches you to learn this language through a unique method. You will quickly master the basic knowledge of Python, and then turn to persistent storage, exception handling, Web development, SQLite, data processing and lGoogle App Engine. You will also learn how to write mobile applications for Android, thanks to Python's powerful capabilities. This book will provide a full and complete learning experience to help you become a real Python programmer. The author Barry thinks that your time is very valuable and should not be spent too much on entanglement with new concepts. Through the application of the latest research results of cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Python (Chinese version) can enable you to engage in a learning experience that requires multi sensory participation. This book uses rich and intuitive forms to make your brain really start up, rather than preaching long and tedious sermons to make you sleepy.
Think Python like a computer scientist
label: artificial intelligence
Points: 1 Type: Application Document Uploader: nishisb Upload time: December 9, 2019
Introduction: Think Python like a computer scientist
Introduction to Python Programming (2nd Edition)
label: python
Points: 2 Type: Technical document Uploader: lcofjp Upload time: 2018-05-18
Introduction: Introduction to Python Programming (2nd Edition), written by John V. Guttag and translated by Chen Guangxin, published in 2018. Mastering a variety of different ways of thinking is a required course for everyone in college. The ability to use computational thinking to solve problems is a basic skill for programmers. This book is based on the popular MIT MOOC tutorial taught by the author. It aims to cultivate readers' computing thinking and lay a solid foundation for their future IT career. -Take Python 3 as an example, covering most features of Python, focusing on what programming languages can do -How to systematically organize, write and debug medium-sized programs -Understanding computational complexity -Translate the fuzzy problem description into a clear calculation method to solve the problem and deeply understand the whole process -Master useful algorithms and problem reduction techniques -Use randomness and simulation techniques to clearly explain problems that are difficult to obtain closed solutions -Use computing tools (including simple statistics, visualization and machine learning tools) to understand and model data Content introduction: This book is written based on the MIT programming thinking training handout. The main goal is to help readers master and skillfully use various computing technologies, and have the ability to solve practical problems with computational thinking. Taking Python 3 as an example, the book introduces the systematic organization, writing and debugging of medium-sized programs to help readers understand the computational complexity in depth. It also explains useful algorithms and problem reduction techniques, and discusses the use of various computing tools. Compared with the first edition of the book, the second edition completely rewrites the second half, and all the sample code in the book has been changed from Python 2 to Python 3. This book is suitable for readers who know little about programming but want to use computational methods to solve problems.
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: lcofjp Upload time: October 28, 2017
Introduction: 1 Getting Started: You learn quick hacks to start a project. 2. Data Structures: I don’t teach every single data structure, but I get you started down the path to learning them more completely. 3. Algorithms: Data structures are fairly pointless without a way to process them. 4. Parsing Text: The foundation of computer science is parsing, and knowing how to do that helps you learn programming languages as they become popular.
Python high-performance programming
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: sigma Upload time: 2022-03-19
Introduction: Python is a scripting language, which has a wide range of applications, including data analysis, natural language processing, machine learning, scientific computing, recommendation system construction, etc. There are 12 chapters in Python high-performance programming, which focus on how to optimize the code and speed up the running speed of practical applications. This book mainly includes the following topics: background knowledge of computer internal structure, lists and tuples, dictionaries and collections, iterators and generators, matrix and vector computing, concurrency, clusters and work queues, etc* After that, a series of real cases show the problems that need attention in the application scenario. This book is suitable for beginner and intermediate Python programmers, and readers who have some Python language foundation and want to be advanced and improved. catalog Chapter 1 Understanding High Performance Python 1 Chapter 2 Finding Bottlenecks through Performance Analysis 15 Chapter 3 Lists and tuples 58 Chapter 4 Dictionary and Collection69 Chapter 5 Iterator and Generator84 Chapter 6 Matrix and Vector Computation 94 Chapter 7 Compiled into C 126 Chapter 8 Concurrency 171 Chapter 9 Multiprocessing Module193 Chapter 10 Clusters and Work Queues251 Chapter 11 Using Less RAM 273 Chapter 12 Field Lessons 311
Python programming practice uses design patterns, concurrency and libraries to create high-quality program.pdf
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: lcofjp Upload time: April 1, 2018
Introduction: Python programming practice uses design mode, concurrency and program library to create high-quality program.pdf scanning version Python Programming Practice: Creating High Quality Programs with Design Patterns, Concurrency and Libraries was written by mark summerfield, a well-known technical expert in the python developer community, and recommended by Doug Hellmann, a global senior python expert. It is one of the most influential works in the python field. Through a large number of practical example codes and three complete case studies, the book comprehensively and systematically explains how to use design patterns to plan code structures, how to improve code execution speed through concurrency and python and other technologies, and how to use various python libraries to quickly develop specific applications and games. Python programming practice: using design patterns, concurrency, and libraries to create high-quality programs is divided into eight chapters: chapters 1-3 introduce several design patterns of python (creative design pattern, structural design pattern, and behavioral design pattern); Chapters 4 and 5 explain python's advanced concurrency technology and its usage in detail; Chapter 6 introduces python's advanced network programming; Chapter 7 explains how to develop GUI with tkiner; Chapter 8 explains how to draw 3d graphics with opengl.
Programming Python, 4th Edition.pdf
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: lcofjp Upload time: January 27, 2015
Introduction: programming python 4th Edition, Covers python 3.x by Mark Lutz Python advanced classic books! The contents of Python Programming (Photocopy Version) (Version 4) (2 volumes in total) include: Python Quick Start: building a simple example, including data representation, object-oriented programming, object persistence, GUI and website foundation; System programming: explore system interface tools and technologies for command line script writing, processing files and folders, parallel running programs and other requirements; GUI programming: learn to use Python tkiner component library to create a complete user interface; Internet programming: access client network protocols and email tools, use CGI scripts, and learn website building techniques; More places to apply Python: implementing data structures, analyzing text-based information, accessing databases, and extending and embedding Python.
Advanced Python: the way to code refinement
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: May 21, 2023
Introduction: The main contents include the advanced usage and potential pitfalls of common built-in types (values, strings, sets, etc.), formatting methods and regular expressions for text processing, math packages and numpy packages for numerical computation and large-scale data processing, etc. Chapter 1 Review of Basic Knowledge 1.1 Python Quick Start 1.2 Variables and Naming 1.3 Compound assignment operator 1.4 Introduction to Python arithmetic operators 1.5 Basic data types: integer and floating point 1.6 Basic input and output 1.7 Function definition 1.8 If statement in Python 1.9 While statement in Python 1.10 Several great small applications 1.11 Summary of Python Boolean Operators 1.12 Parameters and return values of functions 1.13 Forward reference problem 1.14 Python string 1.15 Python list (and a great sorting application) 1.16 For statement and range function 1.17 Python tuples 1.18 Dictionary 1.19 Collection 1.20 Global and Local Variables summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 2 Advanced String Functions 2.1 Immutable string 2.2 Data type conversion 2.4 Indexing and slicing 2.5 Single character function 2.6 Using the join function to build a string 2.7 Important string functions 2.8 Binary, octal and hexadecimal conversion functions 2.9 Boolean method of string 2.10 Case conversion method 2.11 String Search and Replacement 2.12 Splitting Strings Using the Split Method 2.13 Stripping Characters from a String 2.14 String Alignment summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 3 Advanced List Functions 3.1 Creating and Using Python Lists 3.2 Copy List and Copy List Variable 3.3 List index 3.3.1 Positive index 3.3.2 Negative index 3.3.3 Using enumerate to generate index number 3.4 Obtaining Data from List Slices 3.5 List slice assignment 3.6 List operator 3.7 Shallow copy and deep copy 3.8 List Functions 3.9 Listing method: modify the list 3.10 List method: get list information 3.11 List method: reorder 3.12 Stack list: RPN application 3.13 Reduce Function 3.14 Lambda expression (anonymous function) 3.15 List derivation 3.16 Dictionary and set derivation 3.17 Transfer parameters through list 3.18 Multi dimension list 3.18.1 Unbalance matrix 3.18.2 Creating arbitrarily large matrices summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 4 Programming Skills, Command Line and Package 4.1 Overview 4.2 22 Programming Skills 4.2.1 Make Python commands span multiple lines as needed 4.2.2 Reasonable use of the for cycle 4.2.3 Using combination operators (+=, etc.) 4.2.4 Multiple assignment 4.2.5 Assignment using tuples 4.2.6 Use advanced tuple assignment 4.2.7 Using List and String "Multiply" 4.2.8 Return Multiple Values 4.2.9 Using Loop and else Keywords 4.2.10 Using Boolean Values and Not Operators 4.2.11 Treat strings as character lists 4.2.12 Use replace method to eliminate characters 4.2.13 Do not write unnecessary cycles 4.2.15 Simulate switch statement with function list 4.2.16 Correct use of is operator 4.2.17 Using Single Line for Loop 4.2.18 Compressing Multiple Statements to One Line 4.2.19 Write a single line if/then/else statement 4.2.20 Creating Enumerated Values with the Range Function 4.2.21 Reduce the use of inefficient print functions in IDLE 4.2.22 Separate large numbers with underline 4.3 Running Python from the Command Line 4.3.1 Running on Windows 4.3.2 Running on Macintosh System 4.3.3 Using pip or pip3 to download software packages 4.4 Writing and Using Document Strings 4.5 Import software package 4.6 Introduction to Python software package 4.7 Python functions as a class of objects 4.8 Variable length parameter list 4.8.1 * args list parameter 4.8.2 * * Kwargs List Parameters 4.9 Decorators and function analyzers 4.10 Generator 4.10.1 What is iterator 4.10.2 About generators 4.11 Accessing Command Line Parameters summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 5 Accurately Formatting Text 5.1 Format with string format specifier (%) 5.2% format specifier 5.3 Creating Variable Width Output Fields Using% 5.4 Global function format 5.5 Format method introduction 5.6 Reference parameters according to position (name or index) 5.7 repr conversion and str conversion 5.8 spec field of format function/method 5.8.1 Width of output field 5.8.2 Text alignment: fill and align characters 5.8.3 Sign 5.8.4 Leading "0" character 5.8.5 Thousand separator 5.8.6 Precision symbol 5.8.7 Using precision for string formatting 5.8.8 Type specifier type 5.8.9 Display in binary 5.8.10 Display in octal and hexadecimal 5.8.11 Display percentage 5.8.12 Example of binary representation 5.9 Variable length fields summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 6 Regular Expressions Part 1 6.1 Introduction to regular expressions 6.2 Practical case: telephone number 6.3 Improved matching mode 6.4 How regular expressions work: compiling and running 6.5 Ignore case and other function marks 6.6 Regular expressions: basic syntax summary 6.6.1 Metacharacters 6.6.2 Character set 6.6.3 Pattern quantifiers 6.6.4 Backtracking, Greedy and Non Greedy 6.7 A practical regular expression case 6.8 Using match objects 6.9 Searching for patterns in strings 6.10 Iterative search findall 6.11 findall function and grouping problem 6.12 Search Repeat Mode 6.13 Text replacement summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 7 Regular Expressions, Part 2 7.1 Regular Expression Advanced Syntax Summary 7.2 Non marking group 7.2.1 Example of matching specification numbers 7.2.2 Solving marking problems 7.3 Greedy matching and non greedy matching 7.4 Advance assertion 7.5 Checking multiple patterns using lookahead assertions 7.6 Negative antecedent assertion 7.7 Naming group 7.8 re.split function 7.9 Scanner and RPN projects 7.10 RPN: do more with scanner summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 8 Text and Binary Files 8.1 Two file formats: text file and binary file 8.1.1 Text file 8.1.2 Binary files 8.2 Summary of binary file reading and writing methods 8.3 File/directory system 8.4 Handling file opening exceptions 8.5 Using the with keyword 8.6 Summary of read/write operations 8.7 Details of text file operation 8.8 Using File Pointers (seek) 8.9 Reading text into RPN project 8.9.1 Update RPN interpreter code 8.9.2 Read RPN from text file 8.9.3 Add assignment operator to RPN 8.10 Direct read/write binary file 8.11 Convert data to fixed length field (struct) 8.11.1 Read/write one number at a time 8.11.2 Read/write multiple numbers at one time 8.11.3 Reading/writing fixed length strings 8.11.4 Reading/writing variable length strings 8.11.5 Combination of read/write string and number 8.11.6 Bottom layer details - high priority and low priority 8.12 Using the pickle package 8.13 Using the shelve package summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 9 Classes and Magic Methods 9.1 Basic syntax of classes and objects 9.2 Instance variables in Python 9.3 __init__ and __new__ methods 9.4 Class and forward reference problems 9.5 Methods in Python 9.6 Public and private variables and methods 9.7 Inheritance 9.8 Multiple inheritance 9.9 Magic method summary 9.10 Explanation of magic method 9.10.1 String representation of Python class 9.10.2 Object representation method 9.10.3 Comparison method 9.10.4 Arithmetic operator method 9.10.5 unary arithmetic method 9.10.6 Reverse method 9.10.7 Local operator 9.10.8 Conversion method 9.10.9 Collection class method 9.10.10 Implement __iter__ and __next__ methods 9.11 Support multiple parameter types 9.12 Dynamic Setting and Obtaining Attributes summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 10 Decimal, Money and Other Types 10.1 Overview of value types 10.2 Limitations of floating point types 10.3 Decimal 10.4 Special operations on Decimal objects 10.5 Application of Decimal 10.6 Design Money 10.7 Build the basic Money class ("including" mode) 10.8 Display Money objects (__str__, __repr__) 10.9 Other operations related to the Money class 10.10 Demo: Money Calculator 10.11 Set Default Currency 10.12 Money Class and Inheritance 10.13 Fraction 10.14 Complex class summary exercises Suggested items Chapter 11 Random Package and math Package 11.1 Random package overview 11.2 Overview of random functions 11.3 Testing Random Package Behavior 11.4 Number guessing game 11.5 Create Deck Object 11.6 Adding Shapes to the Library 11.7 Draw normal distribution map 11.8 Write your own random number generator 11.8.1 Principle of generating random number 11.8.2 Simple generator 11.9 math package overview 11.10 Overview of math package function 11.11 Using special values (pi) 11.12 Trigonometric function: calculate the height of the tree 11.13 Logarithm: Guess the number again 11.13.1 How logarithms work 11.13.2 Applying logarithms to practical problems summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 12 Python Scientific Computing Package - numpy 12.1 Overview of array, numpy and matplotlib software packages 12.1.1 Array software package 12.1.2 numpy software package 12.1.3 numpy.random package 12.1.4 Matplotlib software package 12.2 Using the array software package 12.3 Download and import numpy package 12.4 Introduction to numpy package: finding the sum of 1~1000000 12.5 Create numpy array 12.5.1 Array function 12.5.2 arange function 12.5.3 linspace function 12.5.4 empty function 12.5.5 eye function 12.5.6 ones function 12.5.7 zeros function 12.5.8 full function 12.5.9 Copy function 12.5.10 fromfunction 12.6 Case: Creating a Multiplication Table 12.7 Batch Processing Numpy Array 12.8 Slicing of numpy array 12.9 Multidimensional Slicing 12.10 Boolean array: mask used as numpy array 12.11 numpy and Elatosene algorithm 12.12 Get statistics (standard deviation) of numpy array 12.13 Get rows and columns from numpy array summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 13 Advanced Application of Numpy 13.1 Advanced mathematical operations based on numpy 13.2 Download the matplotlib package 13.3 Drawing with numpy and matplotlib 13.4 Draw Multiple Lines 13.5 Drawing compound interest curve 13.6 Create histogram with matplotlib 13.7 Circle and aspect ratio 13.8 Draw pie chart 13.9 Linear algebraic operations using numpy 13.9.1 Point product 13.9.2 Outer product function 13.9.3 Other linear algebraic functions 13.10 3D drawing 13.11 Application of numpy software package in financial field 13.12 Adjust the number line using the xticks and yticks functions 13.13 numpy mixed data recording 13.14 Reading and writing numpy data files summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 14 Multi module and RPN Examples 14.1 Overview of modules in Python 14.2 Example of a simple dual module 14.3 Various forms of import statements 14.4 Using the __all__ symbol 14.5 Public Variables and Module Private Variables 14.6 Main module and __main__ function 14.7 Trap: mutual import problem 14.8 RPN example: decomposed into two modules 14.9 RPN Example: Adding More I/O Instructions 14.10 Further modification of RPN example 14.10.1 Add Line Number Tracking Function 14.10.2 Add non-zero jump function 14.11 RPN Case Summary summary exercises recommendable projects Chapter 15 Obtaining Financial Data from the Internet 15.1 Plan in this chapter 15.2 Introduction to pandas package 15.3 stock_load: a simple data reader 15.4 Create a simple stock price chart 15.5 Adding titles and legends 15.6 Write makeplot function (reconstruction) 15.7 Draw the price trend chart of two stocks 15.8 Drawing other figures 15.9 Limitation of time range 15.10 Split chart: sub chart the transaction volume 15.11 Add Moving Average 15.12 Let the user choose summary exercises recommendable projects Appendix A Python Operator Priority Table Appendix B Built in Functions in Python Appendix C Set Method Appendix D Dictionary Method Appendix E Other Syntax Notes
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: dcexpert Upload time: August 5, 2022
Introduction: Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Basic Course of Python Programming and Algorithm (Jiang Hong)
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: August 31, 2023
Introduction: Contents Chapter Xu Theory 1 1.1 Object oriented programming 1 1.1.1 Birth of object-oriented programming ideology 1 1.1.2 Object oriented development method 1 1.1.3 Three features of object-oriented programming 2 1.1.4 Object oriented programming 6 1.2 Java Overview 9 1.2.1 Java System9 1.2.2 Java Language Features 9 1.2.3 Java operation mechanism 12 1.2.4 Java Program Development Environment 13 1.3 Java Language Basics 14 1.3.1 Keywords14 1.3.2 Identifier 15 1.4 Java Program16 1.4.1 Java Program Composition 16 1.4.2 Java Program Development Steps 17 1.4.3 Java Program Classification 17 1.4.4 Simple Java Applications 17 1.4.5 Basic Structure of Java Applications 21 1.4.6 Note 22 1.5 Summary of this chapter 22 Chapter 2 Classes and Objects23 2.1 Class 23 2.1.1 Definition of class23 2.1.2 Member variables and local variables 23 2.2 Object 24 2.2.1 Object declaration and creation 25 2.2.2 Use and destruction of objects 26 2.3 Methods 27 2.3.1 Method declaration 27 2.3.2 Method overload 28 2.3.3 Construction method 29 2.3.4 Class method and instance method 29 2.4 Static members29 2.4.1 Static Methods and Variables 29 2.4.2 Static Variables and Constants 30 2.4.3 Access to Static Members 30 2.4.4 main method32 2.4.5 Factory method 32 2.5 Package and utility class 33 2.5.1 Package 33 2.5.2 Java standard package35 2.5.3 Utility 36 2.6 Packaging 37 2.7 Summary of this chapter 40 Chapter 3 Inheritance and Polymorphism 42 3.1 Inheritance in Java 42 3.1.1 Inheritance Overview 42 3.1.2 Subcategory43 3.1.3 super keyword 44 3.1.4 Inheritance rule47 3.1.5 Inheritance and Coverage of Methods49 3.2 Termination of inheritance: final class and final method52 3.2.1 Final class 52 3.2.2 Final method 52 3.3 Polymorphism53 3.3.1 Polymorphic Example 53 3.3.2 Polymorphic type 54 3.4 Summary of this Chapter57 Chapter 4 Multithread Programming 59 4.1 Processes and Threads59 4.2 Java Thread Classes and Interfaces60 4.2.1 Thread class 60 4.2.2 Runnable interface62 4.3 Thread scheduling and control64 4.3.1 Thread status64 4.3.2 Thread Scheduling 65 4.3.3 Thread Control66 4.4 Thread Synchronization Mechanism 67 4.5 Summary of this chapter 69 Chapter 5 I/O and Exception Handling 71 5.1 Data flow overview 71 5.1.1 Concept of I/O Stream71 5.1.2 Java Data Stream Class71 5.2 Byte stream and character stream 73 5.2.1 Byte Stream73 5.2.2 Character Stream77 5.3 File operation80 5.3.1 File class 80 5.3.2 Use of the File class82 5.4 Object Stream83 5.5 Exception handling 86 5.5.1 Exception class 86 5.5.2 Exception handling mechanism86 5.5.3 Throwing Exceptions88 5.5.4 Disadvantages of exception handling 89 5.5.5 Assertion89 5.6 Summary of this chapter 90 Chapter 6 Sets and Generics 92 6.1 Collection92 6.1.1 Collection overview 92 6.1.2 Collection interface94 6.1.3 Iterator interface95 6.1.4 Set interface96 6.1.5 List interface99 6.1.6 Map interface101 6.2 Generic104 6.2.1 Generics overview 104 6.2.2 Introducing generics 104 6.2.3 Type wildcard105 6.2.4 Upper limit of generic type106 6.3 Summary of this chapter 107 Chapter 7 Graphical User Interface 108 7.1 Graphical User Interface Overview 108 7.1.1 Overview108 7.1.2 Swing and AWT 108 7.2 Swing GUI 110 7.2.1 Frame110 7.2.2 Panel 112 7.2.3 Label114 7.2.4 Button115 7.3 Interface layout 116 7.3.1 FlowLayout Layout116 7.3.2 BorderLayout layout 117 7.3.3 GirdLayout 118 7.3.4 CardLayout 119 7.4 Common controls and event response120 7.4.1 Overview of controls120 7.4.2 Common controls 121 7.4.3 Incident response124 7.5 Summary of this chapter 127 Chapter 8 Network Communication Programming129 8.1 Overview of Java network programing129 8.1.1 Introduction to TCP/IP protocol family129 8.1.2 Socket socket 130 8.1.3 Java network communication mechanism131 8.2 URL and related class132 8.2.1 URL class132 8.2.2 URLConnection class 134 8.3 Socket socket programming136 8.3.1 Network address IAddress class 136 8.3.2 Socket communication 137 8.4 Datagram programming142 8.4.1 Datagram introduction142 8.4.2 DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket 142 8.5 Summary of this chapter 144 Chapter 9 Database Programming145 9.1 Overview of Java database programing145 9.1.1 BC Introduction145 9.1.2 The level and importance of BC 145 9.1.3 Comparison between BC and ODBC 146 9.1.4 Type of BC driver147 9.2 BC main classes and interface149 9.3 BC database access operation152 9.4 Summary of this chapter 156 Chapter 0 Basic Knowledge of Web Application Development 157 10.1 Operating principle of Web application157 10.2 Web server summary157 10.3 Web application development158 10.3.1 C/S and B/S architecture158 10.3.2 Dynamic page language comparison 159 10.4 Summary of this chapter 160 Chapter 1 JSP Basics 161 11.1 Environmental preparation161 11.1.1 Installing Tomcat 161 11.1.2 Installing MyEclipse 165 11.1.3 Configuring MyEclipse 165 11.2 Writing a JSP Program168 11.2.1 Establishing Web project168 11.2.2 JSP directory structure169 11.2.3 Interpreting web.xml 170 11.2.4 Writing JSP page170 11.2.5 Publishing Web project171 11.3 JSP syntax172 11.3.1 JSP annotation 172 11.3.2 JSP declaration174 11.3.3 JSP expression174 11.4 Compiling Instructions and Action Tag175 11.4.1 JSP Directive175 11.4.2 JSP Action Tag177 11.5 JSP built-in object178 11.5.1 Request object178 11.5.2 Response object179 11.5.3 Session object179 11.5.4 Application object and pageContext object180 11.5.5 Out object180 11.6 Summary of this chapter 181 Chapter 2 Servlet 182 12.1 Introduction to Servlet182 12.2 Servlet code structure182 12.3 Servlet Configuration183 12.4 Servlet Reading Form Data184 12.5 Summary of this chapter 186 Chapter 3 JavaBean 187 13.1 Introduction to JavaBeans 187 13.2 JavaBean development requirements187 13.3 Operating JavaBeans with Tags 188 13.4 Implementing simple login with JavaBean+Servlet189 13.5 Summary of this chapter 194 Chapter 4 JSP Project Training 195 14.1 Project demand195 14.1.1 Project function diagram195 14.1.2 Project function description195 14.2 Project design196 14.2.1 Project use case diagram196 14.2.2 Project Flowchart 197 14.3 Project database design198 14.4 System realization200 14.4.1 Database implementation200 14.4.2 Design common module204 14.4.3 Front and rear platform building page209 14.4.4 Realization of data display on the home page of ordinary members220 14.4.5 Realization of user login function225 14.4.6 Realization of logistics dynamic management function229 14.4.7 Realization of logistics knowledge management function237 14.4.8 Enter background page239 14.4.9 Realization of cargo information management function240 14.4.10 Realization of vehicle information management function242 14.4.11 Enterprise information244 14.4.12 Realization of background logistics dynamic management246 14.4.13 Realization of background logistics knowledge management248 14.4.14 Realization of background cargo management function249 14.4.15 Realization of background vehicle management function251 14.4.16 Realization of background enterprise management function252 14.4.17 Realization of background announcement management function253 14.4.18 Realization of background member management function255 14.5 Summary of this Chapter256 References 257
PYTHON Object Oriented Programming Guide.pdf
label: python
Points: 2 Type: Technical document Uploader: lcofjp Upload time: 2018-05-19
Introduction: Python is an object-oriented and interpretive programming language, which has been successfully applied to scientific computing, data analysis, game development and many other fields. This book provides an in-depth introduction to the object-oriented features of Python language, which is divided into three parts and 18 chapters in total. The first part describes how to implement Python style classes with special methods, including __init__ () method, seamless integration with Python - basic special methods, attribute access and features and modifiers, consistency of abstract base class design, use of callable objects and contexts, creation of containers and collections, creation of numeric types, decorators and mixins - crosscutting aspects; Part 2 deals with persistence and serialization. It introduces serialization and preservation, preservation and acquisition of objects with Shelve, preservation and acquisition of objects with SQLite, transmission and sharing of objects, configuration files, and persistence; Part 3 deals with testing, debugging, deployment and maintenance. It respectively introduces the Logging and Warning modules, the design of testability, the use of command lines, the design, quality and documentation of modules and packages. This book deeply analyzes Python to help readers fully master Python and build better applications. It is very suitable for readers who have a certain understanding of the Python language and want to learn Python in depth. It is also suitable for IT practitioners who have some development experience and want to try to use the Python language for programming.
Python regular expressions - easy to understand
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Application Document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: Python regular expressions - easy to understand
Data structure and algorithm Python language description_Qiu Zongyan
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: This book introduces the basic knowledge of data structure and algorithm based on Python language, including the basic knowledge of abstract data types and Python object-oriented programming, linear tables, strings, stacks and queues, binary trees and trees, sets, sorting and algorithms. This book continues the idea of problem solving, organizes the teaching content from the goal of problem solving, and focuses on the combination of theory and practice.
Python ® Notes for Professionals book
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: dcexpert Upload time: 2022-09-01
Introduction: free e-book Python ® Notes for Professionals book 》
Python Programming Introductory Classic
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: As an object-oriented open source programming language, python is easy to understand and extend, and it is very convenient to use. Classic Introduction to Python Programming covers all aspects of python. Through learning this book, readers can use python to write programs immediately. The author James Payne starts with the most basic concepts of the python language, and focuses on the practical application of python 2.6 and 3.1. Through in-depth analysis of some existing python programs, readers can quickly get started. The classic introduction to python programming covers topics ranging from strings, lists, and dictionaries to classes, objects, and modules. With this knowledge, readers will learn how to quickly and confidently create robust, reliable, and reusable python applications. primary coverage ◆ Introduce the concept of variables used to store and manipulate data ◆ Discuss files and I/O for reading and writing data ◆ Summarize frequently ignored python functions ◆ Deeply study how to write tests for modules and programs ◆ How to use python to write a gui ◆ Focus on xml, html, xsl and related technologies ◆ Explain how to extend python ◆ Sharing numerical programming technology ◆ Introduce the internal mechanism of jython, which is a python version written in java
Python Programming Beginner's Guide
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: Hyperplatinum Upload time: May 30, 2021
Introduction: Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, dynamic data type high-level programming language. Python can be used in many fields, from scientific computing to game development. The Python Programming Beginner's Guide tries to help beginners master the Python language and programming skills in an easy and interesting way. The Python Programming Beginner's Guide has 12 chapters. Each chapter will use a complete game to demonstrate the key knowledge points, and learn programming by writing fun little software, which will arouse the interest of readers and reduce the difficulty of learning. At the end of each chapter, the knowledge points of this chapter will be summarized, and some small exercises will be given for the readers to try their hand. The author skillfully embedded all the programming knowledge into these examples, and really achieved the goal of combining education with pleasure. The Python Programming Beginner's Guide is simple and easy to understand, with lively examples. It is an internationally popular Python beginner's guide, suitable for beginner and intermediate readers interested in Python.
Programmers learn Python (Qiu Zongyan)
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: throw away a brick in order to get a gem Upload time: August 31, 2023
Introduction: This book is a Python reading book for computer professionals who have learned programming and have some programming experience, college students and teachers in related majors, and can also be used as a college course textbook or reference book with Python as the D programming language. This book comprehensively introduces various features and application technologies of Python language, discusses the in-depth concepts and situations needed to understand and use Python language correctly, and also introduces some gao level functions that should be understood when developing large or complex programs with Python, such as program module organization and import system, generator, closure and decorator, Basic and gao level object-oriented programming mechanisms and technologies, as well as coroutine and asynchronous programming as new extensions of Python GUI. Chapter 1 Python Basics 1 1.1 Expression and calculation 1 1.1.1 Numerical calculation 1 1.1.2 Standard function and mathematical function package5 1.1.3 String 7 1.2 Variables and assignments 10 1.2.1 Name, variable and assignment 10 1.2.2 Simple script program 12 1.2.3 Several situations 13 1.3 Logic and control14 1.3.1 Conditional Judgment and Conditional Sentence15 1.3.2 Circular Statement 18 1.4 Defining functions20 1.4.1 Calculation abstraction: function 21 1.4.2 Functions defined recursively 25 1.4.3 Relatively complex recursive problems32 1.5 Some problems of function definition34 1.5.1 Meaning of function34 1.5.2 Function decomposition: definition and calling36 1.5.3 Functions of program framework and functions Parameter 40 1.5.4 Anonymous functions and lambda Expression 44 1.5.5 Scope, Nested Function Definitions 48 1.5.6 Formal parameters and keywords with default values Actual parameter 53 1.6 Summary and Addenda 55 1.6.1 Bit Operation of Integer55 1.6.2 Basic character set and some morphology Rule 56 1.6.3 else segment of loop statement57 1.6.4 Summary 58 Chapter 2 Data Construction and Organization 60 2.1 Tables and tuples 60 2.1.1 Table (list) 60 2.1.2 Use and processing of tables64 2.1.3 Tuple 71 2.1.4 Rational number package75 2.2 Sequence and sequence operation79 2.2.1 Sequence and sequence operation79 2.2.2 Description83 2.2.3 Some program examples86 2.2.4 Several sequence types89 2.3 String and Formatting 91 2.3.1 String operation91 2.3.2 String Formatting 95 2.4 Files99 2.4.1 Documents and input/output99 2.4.2 Python file function99 2.4.3 File handler instance 104 2.5 Dict 106 2.5.1 Concept and Operation107 2.5.2 Application examples of dictionary 109 2.5.3 Dictionary and Function Parameters111 2.6 Set (set and frozenset) 112 2.6.1 Concept and Construction112 2.6.2 Set operation114 2.7 Procedures and data116 2.7.1 Text processing 117 2.7.2 Data recording and information management122 2.7.3 Data Persistence 127 2.8 Summary and addenda 129 2.8.1 Function formal parameters and actual parameters129 2.8.2 Description of split and combined objects130 2.8.3 Summary131 Chapter 3 Understanding Python 133 3.1 Basic semantic issues133 3.1.1 Variables and objects133 3.1.2 Semantics of functions and parameters141 3.1.3 Logical judgement144 3.1.4 Several problems 149 3.2 Semantic implementation of program152 3.2.1 Environment and status152 3.2.2 Environment and Status change 155 3.2.3 Function definition structure and function Calling 159 3.2.4 Some problems of function160 3.3 Generator functions and closures 163 3.3.1 Functions for extracting file data163 3.3.2 Generator function166 3.3.3 Closure technology and principle170 3.3.4 Programming example 175 3.4 Exception and exception handling 178 3.4.1 Errors in operation 178 3.4.2 Python exception handling and try Structure 180 3.4.3 Structure and technology of exception handling 183 3.4.4 Predefined exceptions 187 3.4.5 Anomaly as a control mechanism189 3.5 Efficiency 192 3.5.1 Foundation192 3.5.2 An example 198 3.5.3 Implementation and Operating efficiency 199 3.6 Summary and addenda 204 3.6.1 Supplement to exception handling mechanism204 3.6.2 Generator function advanced206 3.6.3 Summary 210 Chapter 4 Object Oriented Programming213 4.1 Data abstraction, classes, and custom types213 4.2 Python Classes and Objects215 4.2.1 Definition and use of class215 4.2.2 Several problems 221 4.2.3 Simple Instance225 4.2.4 Python Classes, Objects and Methods229 4.3 Inheritance 230 4.3.1 Inheritance, Base Class and Derived Class 230 4.3.2 Several simple examples 237 4.3.3 Multiple Inheritance241 4.3.4 Exceptions and Classs244 4.4 Special method names and special classs245 4.4.1 Container class and iterator246 4.4.2 Context Management248 4.4.3 Names and standards of some special methods Function 251 4.5 Example: Link Table 255 4.5.1 Basic considerations 255 4.5.2 Simple single linked table257 4.5.3 Single linked list with tail node points264 4.5.4 Double linked list266 4.5.5 Discussion 269 4.6 Summary and addenda 269 4.6.1 Definition and use of objects269 4.6.2 Object oriented technology and Method 273 4.6.3 Summary 278 Chapter 5 Advanced Python Programming281 5.1 Programs and modules281 5.1.1 Procedures, modules and execution282 5.1.2 Import system291 5.1.3 Module and program organization302 5.1.4 Dynamic Compilation and Execution305 5.1.5 Others of Python program Question 308 5.2 Decorator 310 5.2.1 Definition and Using 311 5.2.2 Function Decorator Instance316 5.2.3 Decorator 321 5.3 Advanced object-oriented programming326 5.3.1 Class creation and customization 326 5.3.2 Attribute management and operation332 5.3.3 Descriptor339 5.3.4 Several object-oriented technologies346 5.4 Asynchronous program and coroutine351 5.4.1 Asynchronous and concurrent 352 5.4.2 Python coroutine354 5.4.3 Asynchronous Iteration360 5.4.4 Asynchronous context manager and Async with statement 365 5.4.5 Asynchronous description366 5.4.6 Examples and discussions 368 5.5 Summary and addenda 374 5.5.1 Summary 375 5.5.2 Programming Technology 376 Appendix A Python Language Concise Manual 377 A. 1Identifiers and Keywords377 A. 2 Code Structure and Interpreter 377 A. 3 Basic Type and Literacy 378 A. 4 Combination Types and Descriptors 378 A. 5 Expression 379 A. 6 Statements 381 Appendix B Standard Functions 383 B. 1 Description of method 383 B. 2 Table of standard functions383 Appendix C IDLE Development Environment 388 C. 1 Debugging function388 C. 2 Menu commands 390 C. 3 Keyboard operation 393 Appendix D Standard library package used in this book 394 Recommended Readings 395
Lovely python
label: python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: zhuge122 Upload time: 2014-09-08
Introduction: python classic books, worth seeing
Python 100 Classic Exercises
label: Python
Points: 1 Type: Tutorial and courseware Uploader: to glance over things hurriedly Upload time: January 29, 2024
Introduction: Python 100 classic exercises
Advanced Python (Intermediate Python Chinese version)
label: Python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: to glance over things hurriedly Upload time: January 29, 2024
Introduction: Recommend a book that is interested in Python, Advanced Python, which is the Chinese translation of Intermediate Python. Intermediate Python has the following advantages: simple, easy to read, and easy to translate. These are not the key points, but the key point is that it is a book that opens a hole in the brain. Whether you are a Python beginner or a Python expert, it will always show you the best things in Python.
Python Language and Its Application
label: Python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: to glance over things hurriedly Upload time: January 29, 2024
Introduction: Author: Bill Lubanovic, Translator: Ding Jiarui/Liang Jie/Yu Changlong Published: 2016 This book introduces the basic knowledge of Python language and its specific applications in various fields, based on the latest version 3. x. The book first introduces some essential basic knowledge of Python language, and then introduces examples of using Python to develop various applications in business, scientific research and art fields. The text is concise and clear, and the cases are rich and practical. It is a rare Python introduction manual.
Writing high-quality code: 91 suggestions for improving Python programs
label: Python
Points: 2 Type: Technical document Uploader: to glance over things hurriedly Upload time: January 29, 2024
Introduction: Author: Zhang Ying/Lai Yonghao Published: 2014 On the way to the "palace of Python technology", this book will provide practical help for you to write robust, elegant and high-quality Python code! The contents are all composed of the best practices of Python coding. From the basic principles, idioms, syntax, libraries, design patterns, internal mechanisms, development tools, and performance optimization, the author deeply discusses the skills and taboos of writing high-quality Python code, and summarizes 91 valuable suggestions. Each suggestion corresponds to a problem that Python programmers may encounter. This book not only gives a very good solution or a very bad solution that has been proved by practice in both positive and negative aspects, but also analyzes the root cause of the problem, which will make people feel enlightened. Writing High Quality Code: 91 Suggestions for Improving Python Programs The application scenarios selected for each problem are very typical, and the suggestions given are closely combined with practice. Every suggestion in the book may show its edge in your next line of code, application or project. It is recommended that you keep this book at hand and check it at any time. I believe that doing so will make your study and development work more efficient with less effort.
Proficient in Python design patterns
label: Python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: to glance over things hurriedly Upload time: January 29, 2024
Introduction: Author: Sakis Kasampalis Original name: Mastering Python Design Patterns Translator: Xia Yongfeng Published: 2016 This book is divided into three parts and 16 chapters to introduce some common design patterns. The first part introduces the design patterns of object creation, including factory pattern, builder pattern, prototype pattern; The second part introduces the design patterns that deal with the relationship between different entities (classes, objects, etc.) in a system, including appearance pattern, sharing pattern, etc; The third part introduces the design mode of communication between entities of processing system, including responsibility chain mode, observer mode, etc.
Go deep into Python 3 Chinese version
label: Python
Points: 1 Type: Technical document Uploader: to glance over things hurriedly Upload time: January 29, 2024
Introduction: Contents: What's New in In Depth Python 3 Install Python The first Python program Built in data type understand character string regular expression Closure and generator Class&Iterator Advanced iterator unit testing restructure file XML Python object serialization HTTP Web Service Case study: migrating chardet to Python 3 Python class library packaging Use 2to3 to migrate code to Python 3 Special method name What to read next?




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