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MATLAB and FPGA Implementation of Digital Modulation and Demodulation Technology -- Altera/Verilog Version

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  • 2021-01-15
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label: Digital modulation and demodulation

Digital modulation and demodulation





The MATLAB and FPGA implementation of digital modulation and demodulation technology takes the FPGA device of Altera Company as the development platform, and uses MATLAB and Verilog HDL language as the development tools. The FPGA implementation principle, structure, method and simulation test process of digital modulation and demodulation technology are described in detail, and the specific technical details in the FPGA implementation process are analyzed through a large number of engineering examples. It mainly includes FPGA based digital signal processing, ASK modulation and demodulation, PSK modulation and demodulation FSK Modulation and demodulation, QAM modulation and demodulation, and spread spectrum communication The design and implementation of. This book is clear in thought, fluent in language and thorough in analysis. On the basis of concise exposition of design principles, it seeks to guide engineering practice, and strives to enable readers to master FPGA design knowledge and skills of digital modulation and demodulation technology in a relatively short time.

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Thanks for sharing!!!!!!
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Learning, thanks for sharing!
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