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Automatic handling robot

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  • 2013-09-22
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label: Automatic handling robot

Automatic handling robot

Automatic handling robot

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Protel Design System Design Rule Check PCB File: Altium2004_EAXAMPLE 28335 Backplane 0520 Re layout replace_ep3c25. PcbDoc Date     : 2015/5/21 Time     : 8:24:18 Processing Rule : Hole Size Constraint (Min=
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Why can't you enter the timer interrupt!!!!
#include /* *  the OSC is not work, run this function */ void FaultRoutine() {    P1OUT = 0x01;                         // P1.0 on (red LED)    while(1);                                         //
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JLINK V9 mini, Born in the sky
JLINK V9 mini Direct figure Take away dry goods The firmware is automatically updated as the original. The download speed is up to 50MHZ. Serial port support. The price is lower and the stability is better. Willing to share with others, you can also purchase. This content was originally created by Paulhyde, a netizen of EEWORLD forum. If it needs to be reproduced or used for commercial purposes, the author's consent should be obtained and the source should be noted ... p;abbucket=2#det
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This post was finally edited by donkeygl at 16:56 on June 11, 2015 A voltage follower was connected to the DAC output pin, but it didn't work at all. The built-in voltage follower had to be turned on. I tried two different rail to rail operational amplifiers, but the results were the same, and they couldn't be driven. I don't know why (In fact, directly measure the DAC output pin with 10X of the oscilloscope, and no waveform can be seen without opening the built-in buffer period. The manual says it can drive 50pf, but obviously it can't drive the oscilloscope probe) With built-in buffering enabled The built-in buffer is not enabled
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The last time, SparkRoad displayed the thermal imaging data to the display and installed the way to collect and display the SparkRoad-V thermal imaging data. Because the minimum resolution of the display can only be designed as 640 * 480, and the thermal imaging resolution is 324 * 256. Only a small part of the thermal imaging data can be displayed on the display without interpolation. The effect is not very good. This time, the resolution is cut to 320 * 240, and then four groups of images are spliced into a 640 * 480 display on the display. Each group of images uses a different color palette. The code still uses 16_ov2
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Protect your IP core - Part I Soft IP core, Chapter 3: Mixed structure or layout level hardware of hardware design
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Application of diode simulation mode in synchronous BUCK
High efficiency and miniaturization have always been two directions of power supply development. The outstanding performance of synchronous BUCK in these two aspects has also been used in more and more occasions, such as lithium battery charging, secondary brick power supply, etc. As shown in Figure 1, the main difference between synchronous BUCK and traditional BUCK is that MOSFET devices replace the traditional freewheeling diode, and the lower conduction loss of MOSFET also brings higher efficiency to the whole power system. However, in the case of battery charging and other large capacitive loads, synchronous BUCKs with higher efficiency will encounter a relatively large number of problems during the soft start phase of the circuit
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The problem of pressing two keys for a long time at the same time
unsigned char Trg; unsigned char Cont; void KeyRead( void ) {      unsigned charReadData = PINB^0xff;    // 1      Trg = ReadData &(ReadData ^ Cont);       // 2      Cont =ReadData;                
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