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Will Alipay points be cleared in 2019

Time: December 31, 2019 Source: Unknown

  The interface of Alipay member center is changing. At the end of 2019, Alipay App again issued a notice reminding that some points will expire on December 31 this year. Please use it as soon as possible. If you have many points, you can also exchange for offline red packets.

What can Alipay membership points be used for? Points can be divided into "level points" and "available points". Your membership level is determined by your level points. If you reach the corresponding number, you can improve the membership level (public members, gold members, platinum members, diamond members, etc.) and enjoy the corresponding level benefits. The membership level is valid for 1 year.

It is worth noting that the use of points to exchange members' rights will not affect the member's level. The member's level is assessed by the level points. You can constantly improve your level points through consumption, shopping, life payment, and financial management, so as to improve your level.

0-1999 points for public members

Gold member 2000-5999 points

Platinum member 6000-17999 points

Diamond members 18000 and above


If some of your points are about to expire, you can redeem them for benefits or prizes, such as Youku video members, free cash withdrawal quota, ant forest energy shield, etc.

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