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Current location: > Online Tutorial > Yin and Yang Shigouyasha lineup

Yin and Yang Shigouyasha lineup

Time: July 10, 2018 Source: Internet

How does the Yin Yang division Inuyasha match the lineup? On July 11, the Yinyang division carried out an update. How does the Yinyang division match the lineup? Interested partners, let's have a look at Inuyasha's lineup strategy!

How to match the lineup of Yin and Yang Shifu Inuyasha

1、 Inuyasha lineup

Jiaotu Inuyasha Counterattack Team

2、 Way of thinking

On the whole, the strength of Inuyasha seems to be unsatisfactory at present. It belongs to a mixed type of multi segment semi AOE output and looks at the face of the counterattack god

It is a combination of multi segment mode to output style gods, but none of them is too strong. It may not have a big impact on the whole game after starting. Lu Sheng is still the strongest counterattack, and before Yu Zao is still the king of AOE outbreak. Big Tengu is firmly seated on the multi segment AOE signboard. If you want to say who has been retreated, it is probably the Devil Sabre Ji.

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