Aurora push
Latest update: 2022-03-14

Aurora push

JPush is a professional service platform for app message push with an average daily message volume of more than 10 billion. It supports Android, iOS, QuickApp, Web and other platforms. SDK access is convenient and fast. The push channel is high-speed and stable and supports overseas special lines. The API open interface is powerful, flexible and easy to use The WEB side supports such operational functions as notification creation, aftereffect analysis, tag alias management, and troubleshooting.

While providing basic push services for developers, JPush also provides services such as user precision tags, user clustering, geo fencing, in app messages, intelligent sending strategies, and intelligent activation, which can effectively improve the delivery rate, display rate, and click rate of messages, and help APP improve its daily life and retention through refined operation.

By Q3 of 2021, JPush has covered nearly 1.731 million apps, 49.8 billion SDK installations, and 1.42 billion non duplication month activity. It is a professional push service partner trusted by developers.
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