
    Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Qu Nan

    On May 15, Diablo IV ushered in its fourth season of "treasure hunting and rebirth". With the update of the new season, the game has undergone significant changes, including the comprehensive innovation of the equipment system, the addition of new copies, and the careful adjustment of professional skills.

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    Currently the game is in Steam The comments on the show have changed from the previous mixed comments to most favorable comments, which shows that players recognize and love the content of the new season. In addition, the game supports NVIDIADLSS 3 and Reflex technology. This update will undoubtedly elevate the overall experience of the game to a new height. Gengsheng GeForceRTX 40 series Graphics card Players can now immerse themselves in a more vivid and interesting Diablo IV and experience the familiar but fresh world of "Saint Hughes".

    Item casting system, many affixes changed

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    The equipment system has undergone a drastic reform in the new season, and players will be able to obtain powerful equipment more easily. The number of affixes for legendary and rare items has been reduced from 6 and 4 to 3 and 2, respectively, making the item attributes more intuitive and allowing players to quickly assess its value. At the same time, the effect of affixes and the added value of basic attributes, such as maximum life, movement speed and skill level, will now be more intuitive displayed on items, greatly reducing the time for players to evaluate items.

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    At the same time, through the new casting system "Temper", players can use the Temper Manual at the blacksmith to add affixes to equipment indefinitely. The ancestors and hidden gold equipment now have a chance to obtain advanced "archaic" affixes, providing up to 1.5 times the enhancement effect. Each hidden gold equipment can have up to four such affixes. In addition, the new "Seiko" final casting system allows players to use materials obtained from the "Craftsman Abyss" final play method to increase the value of equipment affixes, which is divided into 12 levels. Every 4 levels of increase, one affixes will be significantly improved, and other levels will only be slightly improved.

    The energy code has been upgraded, and the new final game is "craftsman abyss"

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    In the new season, the function of energy code has also been significantly upgraded, allowing players to store legendary power extracted from legendary items, solving the problem of occupying backpack space in previous seasons, and reducing the trouble of sorting backpacks. Players can now also use the search and filter functions to quickly find and filter the legendary powers they want, and collect favorite powers for use at any time.

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    The new end game "Craftsman Abyss" is also launched in the new season. Players will go deep into the underground city in the north of the refuge to find rare ores for the mysterious casting technology of Heradik. After unlocking at world level 4, players can complete the task of 46 levels of Nightmare Dungeon, start to collect rune fragments, activate Serega's obelisk, and open the portal to the abyss. If you defeat enough monsters within a limited time, you will have a chance to challenge the leader. After successfully killing the leader, the player will get the materials used in the Seiko system and unlock the next layer of the Abyss. The Abyss has hundreds of levels of challenges, and supports up to 4 people to form a team. Players who open the Abyss will get more material rewards, as well as the chance to get materials to summon special leaders.

    The Hell Rage has been revised to strongly support the Iron Wolf to fight

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    In the new season, the "Hell Rage" activity has been comprehensively revised to increase challenges and rewards. The threat value system is introduced in the new season. Players will accumulate threat values when they defeat monsters. As the threat value increases, they will encounter more powerful devil attacks. When the threat value reaches the peak, players will become "hell mark reporters", attracting powerful "hell demon" attacks. These demons are fallen soldiers in the place of refuge. They turn into nightmares and provide unprecedented challenges. If you defeat them, you will get rich rewards such as legendary, epic and rare materials.

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    In addition, the new season also allows players to fight side by side with the legendary Iron Wolf Mercenary Corps to fight against demons. At world level III and IV, the Iron Wolf Mercenary Corps may appear at random places to provide powerful combat support for players, and use their skills and weapons to help players defeat enemies. As a reliable partner, the Iron Wolf Mercenary Corps will accompany the players and become an important help in the battle, making the players more powerful against demons.


     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    The fourth season of Diablo IV, "Treasure Hunting and Rebirth", has been online for a week and has been widely praised by players. In the new season, whether it is the comprehensive upgrade of the item casting system or the redesigned classic activity "Hell Rage", players will be more convenient in acquiring and evaluating equipment, and will be able to acquire ideal equipment more quickly, thus focusing more on the fun of fighting and exploration. In addition, this season has also made systematic and design changes to various professions, bringing new possibilities for game playing. Players who are interested in learning more can visit the official website of the game to check on their own.

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    Players can choose to equip powerful GengForceRTX 40 series graphics cards when pursuing the best game experience. This series of graphics cards adopts the new NVIDIAAda Lovelace architecture, which supports multiple RTX Technology, including NVIDIADLSS 3.5 and ray tracing technology, makes the game more realistic and delicate. Recently, the NVIDIAapp beta version was released, which is integrated on the basis of GeForceExperience, trying to create a more convenient and convenient GPU control center for all users. Of course, since the app is still in beta, GeForceExperience will continue to provide services. Users interested in the NVIDIAapp beta can go to the official website download Try.

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    At present, Gengsheng GeForceRTX 40 SUPER series graphics cards have been officially launched! Among them, GengForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER Wind Pursuit OC It is a 2K resolution graphics card with excellent performance and price performance. The AD103 core is equipped with 16GB large video memory, which allows users to play and create games effortlessly. At the same time, the acceleration frequency up to 2655MHz makes its performance powerful and superior. I believe that with the blessing of this video card, players can fully enjoy the joy brought by the game!

     Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Diablo IV's fourth season review turned around! Cultivate and build a legendary road true report three thousand eight hundred and eight On May 15, Diablo IV ushered in its fourth season of "treasure hunting and rebirth". With the update of the new season, the game has undergone significant changes, including the comprehensive innovation of the equipment system, the addition of new copies, and the careful adjustment of professional skills. At present, the evaluation of the game on Steam has changed from the previous mixed praise to more than half praise, which shows that players recognize and love the content of the new season
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