Top 10 hospitals in Chengdu with tubal failure? Ranking of top ten hospitals with tubal obstruction in Chengdu

Time: 09:50:23, 2023-09-03 Author: Chengdu Tianda Infertility Hospital

Chengdu Infertility Hospital Ranking: 1. Chengdu Tianda Hospital, 2. Chengdu Tianda Infertility Hospital, 3. Chengdu Tianda Hospital Gynecology Department. The fallopian tube plays a very important role in female fertility. If the female fallopian tube is blocked, it will cause great harm, especially the crisis of female infertility. Therefore, we must pay attention to the problem of fallopian tube blockage and do a good job in prevention and treatment.

What is the harm of tubal obstruction?

1. Extrauterine pregnancy: Extrauterine pregnancy generally occurs when the fallopian tube is not smooth or curved. After sperm and egg combine, they need to return to the uterus for development. However, if the fallopian tube becomes narrow or blocked, the fertilized egg cannot return to the uterus, or it can be implanted and developed outside the uterine cavity. Extrauterine pregnancy is more harmful to women, and bleeding is easy to endanger women's lives.

2. Infertility: If the fallopian tube is blocked, it is easy to cause the fallopian tube to lose the function of transporting sperm, picking up eggs and transporting fertilized eggs. Serious occlusion will prevent the encounter of sperm and eggs, which will directly lead to female infertility.

3. Dysmenorrhea: Fallopian tube blockage is usually caused by long-term inflammation of the fallopian tube. Long term salpingitis can lead to pelvic congestion, leading to menstrual disorders and frequent dysmenorrhea in women.

4. Sexual pain: women with tubal obstruction are usually accompanied by abnormal leucorrhea, sexual pain, etc., which affects the relationship between husband and wife. In serious cases, it can also cause physical fatigue and mental depression.

Warm tip: Through the above introduction, we believe that you have a general understanding and hope to do a good job in prevention in life. If you have suspected symptoms, you can go to a special infertility hospital for treatment, so as to get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

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