Online reservation: Chengdu Ovulation Disorder Hospital, which is better, Chengdu Ovulation Disorder Safety Gynecology Hospital

Time: 09:58:33, May 16, 2023 Author: Chengdu Tianda Infertility Hospital

What should I do if I get this disease? Which hospital should I go to? As a regular hospital, the hospital integrates medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, prevention and rehabilitation. It is equipped with a team of professional doctors, equipment and facilities, and complementary advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine to provide professional medical services for the general public. Here are some suggestions related to you.

Online reservation: Chengdu Ovulation Disorder Hospital, which is better, Chengdu Ovulation Disorder Safety Gynecology Hospital? Ranking of Chengdu Infertility Hospital: 1. Chengdu Tianda Hospital, 2., 3. Department of Gynecology of Chengdu Tianda Hospital. Menstruation was disordered for several years, and menstruation was accompanied by lower abdominal distension. No dominant follicle was found in the ovulation disorder in the external hospital. The external hospital checked the weak sperm of the lover, and after one month, she was still not pregnant and ovulated, and the fallopian tube was lifted upward for another inspection. It was diagnosed as tubal infertility and ovulation disorder by examination. After surgical treatment, the patient was successfully pregnant after one month of drug conditioning and ovulation promotion.

How to do if the ovary does not ovulate?

1. Cooperate with the doctor to determine the cause of anovulation. Go to the hospital to have a detailed, detailed and standardized examination, and find out the reason for non ovulation according to your own situation, whether it is endocrine disorder, ovarian dysfunction or something else.

2. Use ovulation promoting drugs or ovulation promoting treatment according to the doctor's advice.

3. Dredge the fallopian tube. Understand the patency of the fallopian tube through the infusion or radiography of the fallopian tube, and give corresponding treatment.

4. Develop good living habits and regulate endocrine. During pregnancy preparation, you should pay attention to adjusting your mood, not to give yourself too much pressure, relax and keep happy. You can also go to TCM and ask them to prescribe some recuperating medicine or folk prescription.

If it is caused by other diseases of the body, other diseases need to be treated.

How to diagnose ovarian anovulation?

1. Diagnosis and examination are carried out by measuring BBT basal body temperature. If the ovary does not ovulate, BBT will be monophasic, but if ovulate, BBT will be biphasic. Generally speaking, BBT will increase 2 or 3 days after ovulation of the female ovary. This method is simple and practical, but there is error in judging whether there is ovulation or not, which should not exceed 4 days before and after.

2. Vaginal exfoliated cells. Test after menstruation. During this period, determine whether the exfoliated cells are affected by estrogen.

3. Pass the cervical mucus test. If the cervical mucus is fern or plant like rather than oval, it indicates that there is no ovulation.

4. Whether to ovulate is determined by endometrial examination and blood hormone determination. These two methods are complex and professional, but the results are accurate, which is the basis for determining follow-up treatment and related programs.

Warm tip: Through the above introduction, we believe that you have a general understanding and hope to do a good job in prevention in life. If you have suspected symptoms, you can go to a special infertility hospital for treatment, so as to get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

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