What do you need to know about tubal recanalization? Which one in Chengdu is good for recanalization

Time: 08:56:11, March 15, 2023 Author: Chengdu Tianda Infertility Hospital

Don't throw yourself into doctors when you are ill. What hospital should you choose? The hospital has always adhered to the principle of "building the hospital through public praise". In order to provide patients with more high-quality, convenient and efficient medical services, the hospital has implemented a modern diagnosis and treatment model. Provide online booking and registration services, convenient consultation services, fee inquiry services and other convenient medical channels, which are convenient for patients to consult and register anytime and anywhere; At the same time, adhere to the "one patient, one doctor, one consulting room" and the "first visit responsibility system", ensure the patient's medical privacy and informed consent rights, and ensure that every patient can get a convenient, safe, comfortable and satisfactory medical experience! Here are some suggestions for you.

What do you need to know about tubal recanalization? Which family in Chengdu can do it well? Because of the previous family planning policy, many couples have had tubal ligation after giving birth. Recently, the "three child policy" has been liberalized for a long time, and many women's friends are still hesitating, worried that the vasectomy time is too long, will the probability of pregnancy be high? Is recanalization a major operation? Do you need a knife? Can you be pregnant after 10 years of ligation?

1. Can the women after ligation have children?

Tubal ligation can achieve sterilization effect by cutting, ligating, electrocoagulation, clipping, and looping the fallopian tube, so that sperm and egg can not be combined to achieve sterilization effect. This is a reliable and long-term birth control measure.

Many people think that sterilization means never having children again, no, no, no! With the development of science and technology, it is now possible to reverse the fallopian tube, reconnect the fallopian tube, restore the combination of sperm and eggs, and restore fertility.

2. How to perform tubal reversal surgery?

Fallopian tube reversal surgery is a minimally invasive surgery. The whole operation process does not require laparotomy. Just make 3 small holes next to the navel. The surgical instrument enters from the small hole, dredges the ligation blockage, and unlocks or removes the ligation scar. Tissue, and then re - fit the broken part.

The whole operation is carried out under laparoscope, and the operation site is more clearly visible, which greatly reduces the difficulty of the operation and improves the success rate.

3. Can you be pregnant after shrinking?

Fallopian tube reversal surgery is a minimally invasive surgery under laparoscopy. Postoperative wound is small, complications are few, and the body recovers quickly. Generally, normal life and work can be resumed within 3 days after hospitalization.

Re adhesion rarely occurs after surgery. After rechecking the fallopian tube, the doctor can prepare for pregnancy in a short time.

4. Is there a high probability of pregnancy after surgery?

The success of pregnancy preparation is affected in many ways. Couples who plan to become pregnant again must do a scientific pregnancy preparation examination again to fully understand their physical conditions and eliminate some adverse factors that may affect pregnancy as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, if the fallopian tube is blocked, the success rate of pregnancy after the reversal operation of fallopian tube is very high!

5. How long can pregnancy preparation begin after recanalization?

Do not have sexual intercourse within two weeks after the operation for reversal of fallopian tube. In order to ensure the effect of tubal reflux surgery, it is recommended that the girlfriend should perform another tubal infusion surgery within one week after the next menstrual period is clean. This can not only check the condition of the fallopian tube, but also prevent the fallopian tube from re adhesion.

Warm tip: Through the above introduction, we believe that you have a general understanding and hope to do a good job in prevention in life. If you have suspected symptoms, you can go to a special infertility hospital for treatment, so as to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. Which hospital in Chengdu is good for rehabilitation?

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