Salesforce does not work Firefox browser

If you run a business, CRM software is essential. Among the many products available, Salesforce is very popular. However, many netizens reflect that Salesforce is not applicable to Firefox browser . If you encounter this problem, please read through this article to understand the causes and solutions.

Try Firefox browser. The page could not be loaded or the site could not be used. Try the following solutions in order to solve the problem.

  1. Clear browser cookies and cache files
  2. Enable third-party cookies Firefox in
  3. Use add ons to isolate causes
  4. Disable problematic add ons
  5. Update Firefox to the latest version

1] Clear browser cookies and cache files

Although other solutions will be more helpful, you must ensure that browser cookies and cache files are cleared before continuing. The reason is that if these files are damaged, the website will not load properly.

2] Enable third-party cookies Firefox

Firefox blocks some cookies by default. Although this is for security reasons, this setting can cause website problems. If you encounter the problem mentioned here, please go to Firefox browser. The procedure is as follows:

  • open Firefox .
  • click Application Menu The button in the upper right corner of the browser.
  • choice set up Form a menu.
  • go to Privacy and security Tabs in the list on the left.
  • choice customs .
  • The first check box will be Biscuits . Please uncheck it.
  • Restart Firefox browser.

3] Use add ons to isolate causes

In many cases, installing in your Firefox browser can also cause such problems. To isolate this situation, you can open Firefox in the InPrivate window. The procedure is as follows:

  • open Firefox .
  • click Application Menu The button in the upper right corner of the browser window.
  • choice New Private window. This will be privately pattern.
  • Now, try opening Sales force Website.
  • If it is open, the problem may be related to the extension. The reason is that the extender privately window.

Alternatively, you can open the privately Windows using keyboard shortcuts CTRL+SHIFT+P . Then follow the same procedure.

4] Disable problematic add ons

If the problem is in the add-on, you can disable the problematic add-on, as shown below:

  • open Firefox .
  • click Application Menu The button in the upper right corner of the browser window.
  • choice set up From the menu.
  • choice Extensions and themes From the list on the left.
  • In the window that opens, go to extend Tabs in the list on the left.
  • You can disable extensions using the switches associated with them.

Use hit and try methods to identify problematic extensions, and then delete them.

5] Update Firefox to the latest version

If Firefox browser is out of date, there will definitely be problems like those in the discussion, It is important to ensure that Firefox browser is updated to the latest version. The procedure is as follows:

  • open Firefox .
  • click Application Menu The button in the upper right corner of the browser window.
  • choice Help>About Firefox From the menu.

Firefox will automatically update to the latest version.

Related : Salesforce does not work Google Chrome

Is Salesforce not working today?

If Salesforce does not work from the server side, no matter what repair you try, it will not work. To isolate this situation, you need to check whether the server associated with the website is working properly. The best way is to use online websites to monitor websites. If Salesforce cannot run from the server side, please wait for a while before continuing.

How reliable is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a reliable website and CRM software. It is one of the top ten CRM software products and is generally considered the best choice for small and medium-sized enterprises. However, the main reason why users like the software is that it eliminates the need for the IT team, thereby saving costs.