How to test whether the torrent agent is really effective

Adding an anonymous torrent proxy to your torrent client is a good way to ensure the security and privacy of all torrent traffic. Even if you use VPN, adding Layer 2 security through proxy is the only way to prevent accidental disconnection from VPN. Today, most torrent clients, including torrent/bittorrent, Vuze, and Deluge, support the use of torrent agents.

Therefore, you only need to enter the proxy settings into the preferences of torrent software. How do you check whether your flood flow is really anonymous?

TorGuard provides a free anonymous tool to check your current seed IP address. This torrent will not be recorded, tracked or monitored in any way. It will never be downloaded because it is intended to remain active at all times to report your seed IP address.

To test whether your anonymous torrent agent or VPN service is protecting your torrent client, just visit our Check Your Torrent IP page:

First, download the checkMyTorrentIP Torrent file and open it with your favorite Torrent software.

By activating or "CheckMyTorrentIP" torrent, you will always know the IP address of your torrent client.

Click checkMyTorrentIP Torrent and view it under the tracker status column. Here, you will see a general message "Failure: Your IP address is: XX. XXX. XX. XXX"

The IP address shown here should exactly match the IP address you entered in the proxy settings. In our example, IP is our secure proxy server, so all our torrent traffic is tunneled through the secure torrent agent.