Privacy Policy

We value your privacy and recognize our role in protecting your personal data. Please read this privacy policy carefully before using or continuing to visit the website. Your use of websites and services indicates that you accept the policies and practices described in this privacy policy.

Information we collect and use

When we refer to "personal data", we mean any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); Identifiable natural person refers to a natural person that can be directly or indirectly identified by reference to name, ID card number, location data or online identifier.

In addition to personal data, we also collect general information about your use of the services provided on our website ("use data"). This usage data can include demographic information, information about your preferences, interests, search queries, and online activities. When using data including personal data, we will process personal data in accordance with this privacy policy. collects the information you provide to us when using the service and from other sources directly or through a third party. The information we collect and how we deal with it depends on how you use and access the service. We will combine all the information we have about you so that we can analyze it and provide you with better services. We collect information, including personal data, as follows:

  • Content you submit to us – will collect your personal data when you sign up for an online newsletter or contact us with a question or request. For example, if you submit a request to advertise with us, you can provide us with your name, email address, phone number, address and company. We use this information as needed to respond to your requests or inquiries and provide and improve services and our products. As long as we have legitimate interests or based on your consent, we will process these personal data.
  • Content submitted by you - allows users to submit content, such as comments and images, on some or all of our websites and publish them on our services with your consent. Users who choose to register for this service must provide a user name and e-mail address. We received any personal data in the comments or images you submitted to us. As long as we have legitimate interests and obtain your consent, we will process these personal data. If other people can be identified in the content you provide, you must obtain their consent before publishing.
  • Your location - "location data" is collected with your consent, or is inferred when you use the service. Such information will include the location of the mobile device or computer used to access services obtained through GPS or WiFi, the IP address of your device, or the geographic information you provide to us (such as your city). We use this information to analyze the use of the service, customize and improve the service content for you, send you the content at a specific location, and show you the activities or enterprises near you. We will use and retain personal data within necessary and useful time to provide you with personalized and improved services, or until you withdraw your consent.
  • Your social media interaction - When you use social media on our website, our social media pages and channels or other channels and content to interact with us, we will receive personal data about you. Personal data includes personal data name, personal data identifier and content submitted by you. We use this information to communicate with you and use it for internal purposes until you withdraw your consent or we no longer use social media pages. If you have any questions about the privacy practices of any website, mobile application or social network, please check their privacy policies and settings. Please note that any content (such as comments, photos, information and other materials) you directly publish to our website (including our social media pages) is public and can be read, collected or used by others. Be careful when disclosing any personal data through public activities or submissions.
  • Marketing and other information updates - With your consent and where permitted by law, we use your email address and other information we receive from you about you to contact you, provide information about our products and services and other people's products and services, provide special offers and promotions you may be interested in. You may withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing to such marketing newsletter. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the processing before withdrawal. We may also periodically notify you of important changes to the service. Withdrawal of consent to marketing communications will not affect our ability to send these communications to you, such as communications related to providing services to you or responding to your requests.
  • Contests, sweepstakes and promotions – You can sometimes participate in contests, gifts, sweepstakes or other similar promotions that may be sponsored by us or a third party. You may need to share your personal data with us or third parties sponsoring competitions, gifts, sweepstakes or promotions. You should check the rules to determine how to use your information and share it with others. As a condition of obtaining any award or prize, you may need to provide additional information, sign a statement or authorize the use of some information about you in marketing materials. If a third party manages the contest, or if we manage the contest through a third-party platform (such as Facebook or Twitter), your participation may be subject to additional terms and conditions and the third party's privacy policy. We are not responsible for such third parties. Before deciding whether to participate in the competition disclosed or provided through the service, you should carefully read the competition guide and the terms and conditions of these third parties.
  • Automatically collect usage data through cookies and similar technologies - with your consent or legal permission, when you visit services (including our social media pages) or open our email, we and other third-party providers (such as advertising), social media widgets Affiliate partners and analysis providers collect certain information, including personal data, through automated means such as cookies, network beacons, and network server logs. The information collected in this way includes usage data, IP address, browser characteristics, device ID and characteristics, operating system version, language preferences, the date and time you visited the service, reference URL, and information about the use of our service. For example, we use this information to determine how many users have visited certain websites and social media pages, social media channels, or opened messages or newsletters to evaluate and improve the services we provide. Please see below for more information about our use of cookies and the retention of your personal data collected through cookies.
  • We may link this data with other information we collect from you about you. Our suppliers may also collect information collected through our services and emails and merge it with other information about your online activities on other devices and on other websites or applications, if those websites and applications also use the same supplier. Our suppliers use the information they collect in accordance with their privacy policy. For example, we currently use Google Analytics to collect and process certain website usage data to achieve the above purposes, and promote our use of other Google tools (such as Google Display Advertising Network Impression Report and Google Analytics Demographic and Interest Report). To learn more about Google Analytics and how to opt out, visit com/policies/privacy/partners/. When you access the service through a web browser, you can change the browser settings to block and delete cookies. However, if you do this, the service may not work properly. Our websites are not set to respond to or process web browser Do Not Track ("DNT") signals, but they do respond to browser cookie settings. You can read the section about cookies below to learn how to reject or choose to exit cookies.

How we share information

We share personal data on (including our affiliates and subsidiaries) to fulfill our obligations to you and operate our business in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable data protection laws. In addition to the content specified in this privacy policy, we will also share your personal data with a third party for the following purposes under the following circumstances:

Suppliers and suppliers – we share the personal data (including advertising networks) and suppliers we collect with our service providers and suppliers for the purposes described in this privacy policy, including to enable them to provide services to us and you, and to help us and you make decisions about possible products and services, discounts Activities and promotions to communicate your interest. Unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy, our service providers and suppliers are only allowed to access information related to the implementation of such services.

Enable services on the website – we provide various services and functions through services. Personal data collected through the service will be used/and/or disclosed to third parties so that we can provide the service. For example, services allow you to interact with third-party websites, content, advertisements, and features. In order to facilitate this interaction, we use your personal data and/or disclose your personal data to third parties operating websites and features.

Legal and other similar purposes – Although we make every effort to protect user privacy, may need to disclose personal data when required by law, and we sincerely believe that such actions are necessary to comply with current judicial proceedings, such as court orders or legal proceedings served on or its affiliates. If we intend to transfer information related to you for any of the above reasons, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you in advance, unless laws or court orders prohibit us from doing so.

Online advertising

We use industry standard website tracking and delivery technology to provide you with relevant advertisements both inside and outside the service. Our services show you advertisements through targeted advertising. This enables us to show you some products and service advertisements tailored to your personal interests based on the information we receive from service visitors and third parties. Because we participate in the advertising network, you may also see some advertisements by using the service. Ad networks enable us to advertise to users through click streams, demographics, behavior, and contextual information. The use of third-party tracking technology to collect such information is usually subject to their own privacy policy.

  • Advertising services – the advertisements appearing on our website are delivered to you by advertising providers and/or's own proprietary advertising software. In order to provide you with advertisements, we may use the information collected during your search or visit to our website, as well as the information we obtain specifically from third parties.
  • Advertising and Cookies – Some of our third-party advertising partners may distribute cookies to users in advertisements provided to us. Once we receive ads, will not be able to access or control these cookies. Some of the advertisers and services we use for advertising may participate in online behavioral advertising as defined by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • Affiliate Advertising – We participate in affiliate advertising and allow encoding of affiliate links on some of our pages. This means that when you click on affiliate links or purchase through affiliate links, we may earn commissions, and affiliate partners may use cookies to understand your use of the service.
  • Cookies – places small data files called cookies on your device to ensure the normal operation of the website, track how you use our website, improve our website and your user experience, and customize our website according to your interests. Cookies are small text files saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They enable websites to record and/or remember your behaviors and preferences. uses the following cookies on our website:
  • Absolutely necessary cookies: These cookies are necessary for you to browse the website and use its functions. Even if you do not agree to use cookies, they will be placed on your device and used.
  • Performance cookies: These cookies collect information about how you use the website (such as which pages you visit most often) to improve the way the website works.
  • Functional cookies: These cookies allow websites to remember your choices (such as language or your region) and provide enhanced, more personalized features.
  • Targeting/advertising cookies: These cookies are used to place online advertisements more relevant to you and your interests inside and outside the website. They are also used to limit the number of times you see advertisements and to help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Cookies will remember that you have visited the website, and this information may be shared with other organizations (such as advertisers).
  • The cookies used by are first party or third-party cookies. The first party cookies (such as those used when you log in to your account) are set by and share the same domain. On the other hand, third-party cookies are stored by third-party providers and organizations with different domains.
  • We use cookies that expire after you close the browser (called session cookies) and cookies that remain on your device until you delete or expire (called persistent cookies).
  • Opt out – As part of our commitment to transparency and privacy, we provide the following link to opt out of cookies provided by our first party advertising server and many third-party advertising partners who may engage in online behavioral advertising:
  • First party opt out – please visit this link to opt out of Google's cookies, our first party advertising service provider:
  • Third party and interest based/online behavioral advertising opt out – please visit this link to opt out of cookies from more than 50 major third-party behavioral advertising providers:
  • Links to third-party content, widgets, and other websites – Our websites often contain or link to content hosted and provided by third parties. These third parties may collect information about you by using their own cookies, while network beacons may collect data or request personal data independently. is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other websites. For questions about these websites, please refer to their respective privacy policies. This privacy policy only applies to the information collected by through our website. If you choose to purchase products or services through our website, some special terms apply. Payment is handled by a third-party payment processor, whose own terms and privacy policy will govern your transaction. We will not process, record or maintain your credit card, bank account or payment information, but third-party payment processors and/or merchants may provide us with some data related to your order, such as the goods you purchased and the amount spent. We expressly disclaim any and all responsibilities related to your use of any third-party payment processor system, including its privacy practices. When we link to an e-commerce website and you make a purchase on that website, we sometimes receive a small amount of income. The business relationship with e-commerce websites is handled by a third-party company. We use a third party to help us automate the process of linking to the product, especially because it makes it impossible for our editors to create affiliate links themselves. Our reporters do not participate - our comments are made entirely by our editors according to our ideas. We will not let any monetary incentives affect our editorial choices, and journalists who choose links in articles do not know which websites may bring incremental income to
  • Merger, sale or other asset transfer - If undergoes business transformation, such as being merged, acquired or sold by another company, your information may be disclosed due to the negotiation of the following matters: such transactions and/or sale or transfer as part of such transactions if permitted by law and/or contract.

Children's privacy

We care about children's privacy. Therefore, we will not target our website to children under 16 years old, nor will we intentionally collect their personal data. If we learn that a user is under 16 years old, we will immediately delete any personal data provided to us by that person.

How we protect personal data has developed technical, administrative and physical protection measures to help prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure of personal data we maintain. According to our security practices, only those who have business needs can access personal identity information. Sensitive records are only retained when business or legal needs arise and destroyed before disposal. Although we strive to protect the personal information we collect and store, no program is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee that our protection measures can prevent all unauthorized attempts to access, use or disclose personal information.

How long we keep personal data

We will keep the collected information about you for the necessary period to achieve our purpose of collecting information and meet any legal, accounting or reporting requirements. In order to determine an appropriate retention period, we will consider the quantity, nature and sensitivity of personal data, the potential risk of damage caused by unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purpose for which we process your personal data, and whether we can achieve these purposes by other means, as well as applicable legal requirements.