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Company Profile

Company Profile
Souwai Friendly Link is a platform for exchanging friendship links under Souwai (Shenzhen Fuwei Partner Information Consulting Co., Ltd.), which is dedicated to solving the problems of finding and changing links when SEOer exchanges friendship links. As long as you add your own website to the Souwai friend chain, the platform will automatically match the most appropriate friend chain for webmasters to exchange. If it is a 6-system website, it can also free your hands, automatically link, realize the automation of friendship link exchange, and quickly improve the weight of the website.

User evaluation


Wang Lili

I am a novice SEO. The company asked me to build a website that is purely SEO optimized. I did a good job of the website while learning by myself. I accidentally saw the Souwai Friends Chain, and I wanted to try to exchange friendship links in it. But because it is a new website, no one is willing to change links with me. I just kept writing articles and optimizing for several months. Now the Baidu weight of the website has finally reached 1, In the past two days, we began to exchange friendship links. This time, many people changed links with our website. Thanks to this platform, the collection of the website has increased a lot. Do SEO is to persevere, refueling!

A hero

It has been a whole year since I joined Sowai. What gives me the deepest impression is that Sowai is different from other training institutions that fight chicken blood. It depends on its strength. Sowai 6 system solves our problem that Xiaobai cannot build a website. There are a series of operations, such as 301404, nofly, Sophisticated technologies, such as Souwai Friendly Chain, have also come out. Souwai products must belong to high-quality products. Chain change is simple and efficient, and the system helps supervise. One word, Niu, Mr. Fu Wei is worthy of being a student of Shandong Shanda. Strength and charm.


I am a loyal fan of Souwai. The first thing I do when I go to work every day is to check Souwai's news on the official website, because I am particularly interested in SEO. Every day I check the official website, I don't miss anything. I just think that Fu Wei is the god of optimization, nothing else. Later, I found that the Souwai friend chain launched by Souwai is very different from other friend chains. WeChat can receive the information of the friend chain, which is not available in other countries. I hope Souwai will become more and more powerful.


It took about a week to use the Souwai friend chain. The first thing I felt was that the response speed was fast, and I could effectively see the details of the other party's links, which saved a lot of time. What's more, the WeChat prompt function was very good 👍 , hope to do better and better, and I will always support it!


I started to use Souwai Friend Chain last year. At that time, it was really difficult to find the right one. I remember that I went to the QQ group, post bar and WeChat group to change the links. The links I saw were not very good, but finally I succeeded in exchanging friendship links, but the embarrassing thing happened. A week later, I went to check these links, and found that some of them had dropped their power, some had secretly deleted me, abandoned my links, and some had added no follow, There are also some snapshots that have no friend chains. This kind of operation has wasted my hard work on Friendly Chain. The process of looking for a friend chain took up a large part of my time, which was wronged by my boss as lazy and criticized. Later, I learned about this platform through a friend's recommendation. I was also dubious to register the platform, on the link. I didn't expect to receive 5 applications for the friendship chain at lunch time, which is much easier than finding the friendship chain myself. I was very happy to see this, so I screened the friendship chains that I exchanged with, chose two suitable ones, and exchanged them. It's really super convenient, otherwise I thought I would work overtime that night to find a friend chain. In this way, every time I look for a friend chain, I change it on the Souwai friend chain. The most important thing is that there is a WeChat reminder function. I can immediately know that there is a link to exchange with me. And it's good to know whether the other party has cheated. Now I quit my job, but I still use it myself. I have three websites myself, one of which I also sell links on the platform, which can also be used as resources, otherwise, the website is also placed. In general, this platform has solved a large part of the time when I changed my friend chain. It can also bring me a little economic recovery. The most important thing is that the products of Souwai platform are also relatively safe to use.

A thin concept

Souwai Friend Chain has followed me for a long time, and it has almost become my daily life. Every morning, after checking the keyword ranking, traffic, and collected data, it is the time for didi.seowhy.com to find a surprise. Check whether there are high power sites that have taken the initiative to apply to me for exchange, and check whether the sites I applied for have agreed with it. The most surprising thing is the prompt of the other party's above chain! Conscience platform, hope to go a long way

Platform advantages

 Why choose us
Communication free automatic matching

After automatic matching is enabled, you can receive the links that are most suitable for your site from the system without communication

 Why choose us
WeChat automatic notification

When someone applies for a link, WeChat will notify you at the first time and will not miss every cooperation opportunity

 Why choose us
Friendly chain real-time monitoring

WeChat push on the chain, monitor the friend chain anytime, anywhere, and know immediately if there is a downlink

 Why choose us
Station master evaluation system

Websites with high reputation will be favored by more high-quality sites, achieving a virtuous circle

 Why choose us
Strong support for Internet search

Search the key products of extranet to make SEO work easy and convenient from the perspective of webmaster