Four major city carriers, Boost the innovative development of local digital industry

NetEase digital innovation advantage resource output, integrating technology, resources, innovation, projects, talents and ecological forces

Netease Digital Industry Base

Digitalization promotes urban industry, urban construction and urban social development

Relying on NetEase's ability and ecology in games, music, e-commerce, education, intelligent manufacturing, digital transformation and other fields, integrate local government's advantageous policies, help local traditional enterprises to achieve digital transformation, cultivate local digital talents, introduce digital industry ecological clusters, and build regional innovation ecology.

Netease Digital Industry Center

Cultivate innovation power and boost the digitalization of local traditional enterprises

Enable NetEase to export its digital innovation products, technology, cultivation, market, ecology and other advantageous resources, apply the practical exploration in the Internet field to the cultivation and acceleration of industrial innovation, and guide the construction of a service platform integrating "mass innovation incubation acceleration" for the cultivation chain of scientific and technological enterprises.

NetEase Joint Innovation Center

3+N enabling system to continuously inject innovative wisdom and vitality into local regions

Use cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, online education and other resources to empower, work together with governments, enterprises, and others to share new technologies, cultivate new formats, and develop new models.

Netease Digital Innovation Space

Space carrier to boost the growth of regional start-up technology enterprises

Build a regional office space network to help different entrepreneurial teams and innovation projects grow together. Create urban innovation space

Netease digital innovation industry platform to solve the problem of enterprise digital transformation, cost reduction and efficiency increase

Focusing on the demands of innovative enterprises for digital cost reduction and efficiency increase, build a smart online innovation comprehensive service platform containing a variety of practical tools

Intelligent creation

AI intelligent content creation platform

Multi channel rich media content marketing worker

Talent platform

Automatic management of multi-channel talent pool

University, enterprise and government jointly build the platform

Online class

Netease online learning platform for high-quality courses

Digital industry talent cultivation solution

Digital Park

New Algebra Intelligent Park Solution

Building management, decision-making, services, resources online

Technical platform

AI、 Big data, micro services, low code technology

Taiwan, NetEase's 24 year technology precipitation output

More products

Easy video, easy subtitle and other products will be launched soon

Coming soon

Full range of industrial resources, in-depth enabling enterprises to innovate and develop

Netease Group Ecological Resources

More than 20 years of Internet+experience

Technical resources

Technology platform+industry experience, relying on Hangzhou research

The R&D engine of the institute stably outputs high-level product technology

Digital entertainment resources

It has Netease games, Netease cloud music and other directional tops

Level technology and talent accumulation, covering more than 1 billion users

Cultural and creative resources

Cultural and creative services integrating original planning and communication

News choices of more than 300 million users of NetEase News

educational resources

National leading intelligent learning company

NetEase Youdao, the first independent listed company under NetEase

E-commerce resources

NetEase strictly selects the "founder of strict selection model"

30 day worry free return far beyond the standard

Netease partner ecological resources

100+industry leading ecological partner resources

Talent Partners

High quality talent partner institutions

Provide enterprises with services such as talent recruitment, training, expert lecturers, etc

Consulting partners

High quality consulting partner institution

Provide strategic direction for enterprises

Financing partners

Well known investment partner institution, providing quality for enterprises

Investment and financing, evaluation guarantee and other financial services

Enterprise service partner

Well known enterprise service partner organization, providing strict selection for enterprises

Business, finance and taxation, intellectual property and other enterprise services

Cultivate partners

Professional cultivation partner institution

It is specially designed for mini enterprises that are still in the entrepreneurial stage

Industrial innovation solutions to meet the digital needs of industries in multiple fields

Integrating innovative technologies, ecological resources and deep integration of different industries to promote industrial innovation and development

Scientific, technological, cultural and creative solutions
Gather NetEase's 24 years of experience and technological precipitation in the field of cultural, creative and technological enterprises, and provide a one-stop service platform for the development of cultural, creative and technological enterprises, including technology, market, talent cultivation and other fields, to meet the needs of cultural, creative and technological enterprises at all stages from cultivation to growth.