apply_filters ( ‘wp_min_priority_img_pixels’, int $threshold  )

Filters the minimum square-pixels threshold for an image to be eligible as the high-priority image.


$threshold int
Minimum square-pixels threshold. Default 50000.


 * @since 6.3.0


Version Description
6.3.0 Introduced.

User Contributed Notes

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    Filter minimum square-pixels threshold value for small thumbnail images that appear in lists or grids, a minimum of 200×200 pixels might be suitable.

     /** * Filters to set the minimum square-pixels threshold for an image to be eligible as the high-priority image. * * @param int  $threshold Minimum threshold value. * @return int $threshold Modified threshold value. */ function set_min_priority_img_pixels( $threshold ){ // Set minimum threshold of 200x200 pixels for small thumbnail images. $threshold = 40000; return $threshold; } add_filter( 'wp_min_priority_img_pixels', 'set_min_priority_img_pixels' );

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