Basic Shortcodes

Add a Shortcode

It is possible to add your own shortcodes by using the Shortcode API. The process involves registering a callback $func to a shortcode $tag using add_shortcode() .

 add_shortcode( string $tag, callable $func );

[wporg] is your new shortcode. The use of the shortcode will trigger the wporg_shortcode callback function.

 add_shortcode('wporg', 'wporg_shortcode'); function wporg_shortcode( $atts = [], $content = null) { // do something to $content // always return return $content; }

Remove a Shortcode

It is possible to remove shortcodes by using the Shortcode API. The process involves removing a registered $tag using remove_shortcode() .

 remove_shortcode( string $tag );

Make sure that the shortcode have been registered before attempting to remove. Specify a higher priority number for add_action() or hook into an action hook that is run later.

Check if a Shortcode Exists

To check whether a shortcode has been registered use shortcode_exists() .