
Add a Sub-Menu

To add a new Sub-menu to WordPress Administration, use the add_submenu_page() function.

 add_submenu_page( string $parent_slug, string $page_title, string $menu_title, string $capability, string $menu_slug, callable $function = '' );


Lets say we want to add a Sub-menu “WPOrg Options” to the “Tools” Top-level menu.

The first step will be creating a function which will output the HTML. In this function we will perform the necessary security checks and render the options we’ve registered using the Settings API .

We recommend wrapping your HTML using a <div> with a class of wrap .
 function wporg_options_page_html() { // check user capabilities if ( !  current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h1><? php echo esc_html( get_admin_page_title() ); ?></ h1> <form action="options.php" method="post"> <? php // output security fields for the registered setting "wporg_options" settings_fields( 'wporg_options' ); // output setting sections and their fields // (sections are registered for "wporg",  each field is registered to a specific section) do_settings_sections( 'wporg' ); // output save settings button submit_button( __( 'Save Settings', 'textdomain' ) ); ?> </form> </div> <? php }

The second step will be registering our WPOrg Options Sub-menu. The registration needs to occur during the admin_menu action hook.

 function wporg_options_page() { add_submenu_page( 'tools.php', 'WPOrg Options', 'WPOrg Options', 'manage_options', 'wporg', 'wporg_options_page_html' ); } add_action('admin_menu', 'wporg_options_page');

For a list of parameters and what each do please see the add_submenu_page() in the reference.

Predefined Sub-Menus

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had helper functions that define the $parent_slug for WordPress built-in Top-level menus and save us from manually searching it through the source code?

Below is a list of parent slugs and their helper functions:

Remove a Sub-Menu

The process of removing Sub-menus is exactly the same as removing Top-level menus .

Submitting forms

The process of handling form submissions within Sub-menus is exactly the same as Submitting forms within Top-Level Menus .

add_submenu_page() along with all functions for pre-defined sub-menus ( add_dashboard_page , add_posts_page , etc.) will return a $hookname , which you can use as the first parameter of add_action in order to handle the submission of forms within custom pages:

 function wporg_options_page() { $hookname = add_submenu_page( 'tools.php', 'WPOrg Options', 'WPOrg Options', 'manage_options', 'wporg', 'wporg_options_page_html' ); add_action( 'load-' . $ hookname, 'wporg_options_page_html_submit' ); } add_action('admin_menu', 'wporg_options_page');

As always, do not forget to check whether the form is being submitted, do CSRF verification, validation , and sanitization.