Object Storage

  • Object Storage > API documentation > Object interface > Modify File Storage Type

    Modify File Storage Type

    Last updated on: 2024-08-12 15:47:43


    This interface is used to modify the storage type information of files, and can realize the conversion between standard storage, low-frequency access storage, archive direct read storage, archive storage and deep archive storage.
    Low frequency access storage, archive direct read storage, archive storage, and deep archive storage have the minimum storage time requirements. When changing to other storage types, metering and billing may be deleted in advance. See for details Measurement and billing items explain


    Request Syntax

     POST /chtype/<EncodedEntryURI>/type/<type> HTTP/1.1 Host:           rs.qiniuapi.com Content-Type:   application/x-www-form-urlencoded X-Qiniu-Date: 20060102T150405Z Authorization:  Qiniu <AccessToken>


    • Archive/deep archive stores files. The storage type can only be modified when the file is unfrozen.

    Request Parameters

    Parameter name Required explain
    EncodedEntryURI yes Specify file information, please refer to EncodedEntryURI
    type yes The value is a number, 0 represents standard storage, 1 represents low-frequency access storage, 2 represents archive storage, 3 represents deep archive storage, 4 represents archive direct read storage, and 5 represents intelligent tiered storage

    Request Header

    Header name Required explain
    Authorization yes This parameter should be strictly in accordance with Management Certificates The format is filled in, otherwise the 401 error code will be returned

    A valid Authorization value should be similar to: Qiniu QNJi_bYJlmO5LeY08FfoNj9w_r7...

    other Please refer to Public request header

    Request Content

    The request body of the request operation is empty.


    Response syntax

     HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-store

    Response Header

    Header name Required explain
    Content-Type yes Normally this value will be set to application/json , indicating that text information in JSON format is returned.
    other For other possible returned header information, please refer to Public response header

    Response content

    If the request is successful, nothing is returned.
    If the request fails, a JSON string containing the following contents is returned (formatted for easy reading):

     { "error":   "<errMsg    string>", }
    Field Name Required explain
    error yes Message text corresponding to HTTP status code

    Response status code

    HTTP status code meaning
    two hundred Change succeeded
    four hundred Request message format error
    When <EncodedEntryURI> Parsing failed, return 400 Bad Request {"error":"invalid argument"}
    When <EncodedEntryURI> Not conforming to UTF-8 code, returned 400 Bad Request {"error":"key must be utf8 encoding"}
    When the file type has been converted to normal storage, it will return 400 Bad Request {"error":"already in normal stat"}
    When the file type is already low-frequency storage and is still converted to low-frequency storage, it will return 400 Bad Request {"error":"already in line stat"}
    When the file type is archived direct read storage and still converted to archive system storage, it will return 400 Bad Request {"error":"already in archive_ir stat"}
    When the file type is already archive storage and is still converted to archive storage, it will return 400 Bad Request {"error":"already in archive stat"}
    When the file type is deep archive storage, it will return 400 Bad Request {"error":"already in deep archive stat"}
    four hundred and one Invalid management voucher
    four hundred and three Operation prohibited
    When the archive storage file is not unfrozen completely, the calling interface will return 403 ArchiveUnrestored {"error":"archive unrestored"}
    When the deep archive storage file is not unfrozen completely, the calling interface will return 403 DeepArchiveUnrestored {"error":"deep archive unrestored"}
    six hundred and twelve The target file does not exist
    Other error codes Please refer to Error response

    In case of 599 error, please send the complete error information (including all HTTP response headers) Submit work order Give us.


    Request Example

     POST /chtype/aXRpc2F0ZXN0OmdvZ29waGVyLmpwZw==/type/1 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: curl/7.30.0 Host: rs.qiniuapi.com Accept: */* X-Qiniu-Date: 20060102T150405Z Authorization: Qiniu bt500PzCG9tV0bccCOdnrmCHPXCPLieGSDEPrB7M: 4wG... (too long has been omitted)

    Note: Authorization Cephalic <AccessToken> Add before Qiniu And half space.

    Response example

     HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.4.4 Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 0 Connection: keep-alive X-Reqid: vDEAAG2lN7zSqpQT
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