Hands on Practice AliCloud Developer Community AliCloud

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Hands on Practice


26 days ago
storage cache Object Storage

Understand common problems of gateway use through cloud storage gateway event alarm

This article describes some common problems and related solutions in the use of the gateway through the event alarm center of the cloud storage gateway console

thirty-two one

"You don't want to do it? There are plenty of Parugan!" Eudemon Parugan AliCloud server game data backup

Eudemon Palu is undoubtedly the first popular game in 2024, and Alibaba Cloud and other cloud manufacturers have also launched a solution to deploy multiplayer online servers with one click. Recently, many users have encountered the problem of bad game files. This article describes how to use Alibaba Cloud backup to automatically back up the Eudemon Palu server without barriers and at a low cost, and restore it with one click when necessary.

three hundred and sixteen two
Before July

Beaming with Joy

Use python to paint a happy scene

sixty-one one
Before August
storage security robot

How to download AliCloud VOD data

How to download AliCloud VOD data

three hundred and fourteen zero
Before September
Network Protocol security Data security/privacy protection

The Practice of Cloud Storage Gateway SMB Sharing Joining AD Domain

This article shows how to add SMB shares in the cloud storage gateway to the AD domain to build a WIndow file sharing server, and how to improve file access security through specific permission configurations.

three hundred and fifty-one zero
Before September
storage Test technology API

Design and Practice of Baidu Cloud Tape Inventory Architecture

New weather of traditional media! Baidu Intelligent Cloud implements cold data storage architecture based on tape library.

two hundred and four zero
Before September
storage Operation and maintenance data mining

Technical dry goods: why does Tencent Cloud choose tape libraries?

With the continuous explosion of global cold data and the huge potential of increasing the data density of tape media, the prospect of tape libraries is full of imagination. This article tells the technical story of the large-scale implementation of tape libraries in Tencent.

six hundred and sixty-two zero
Before September
Internet of Things

Access of thermostat equipment to IoT IoT platform and data management practice

There is no need to develop. You can hand teach you to collect the real-time data collected by the temperature controller device to the cloud through the Internet of Things platform, and stream it to the time series model stored in the table.

Before November
big data

Analysis of website access behavior based on data lake architecture

This experiment collects the website access logs to the log service SLS, and then stores the OSS in the data lake, and then analyzes the data through the big data analysis product maxCompute, and finally writes the analysis results to the table storage Tablestore.

Before November

Popular Stable Diffusion model library quickly transferred to personal NAS and loaded training

This experiment describes how to use Alibaba Cloud online migration service to transfer popular model databases from domestic mirror sites to personal file storage NAS, and attach the models in NAS to the PAI platform for reasoning and training.

Before November

Using HBR to Backup ECS Files

When you have used ECS and saved files in the cloud disk, you may encounter virus blackmail and file deletion by mistake. This scenario mainly describes how to use HBR to back up ECS files to ensure data security and timely recovery.

Before November

Using HBR to realize NAS backup of file storage

When you use cloud NAS storage to share data from ECS, containers, K8s and other computing devices, the data may be lost due to virus blackmail and accidental deletion. This scenario mainly describes how to use HBR to back up the file storage NAS on the cloud to ensure data security.

Before November
storage Operation and maintenance

OSS file backup using HBR

The data you store may be subject to virus blackmail and file deletion by mistake. This scenario mainly describes how to use HBR as an object to store data stored in OSS for backup to ensure data security and timely recovery.

Before November

OSS observability analysis using log service SLS

This scenario mainly describes how to use the CloudLens for OSS function provided by SLS to perform observable analysis on object storage OSS, including resource usage, access analysis, security analysis, exception detection and other aspects.

Before November

Use SLB+2ECS+NAS to deploy the highly available architecture of e-commerce web sites

If you need to develop e-commerce websites and provide external services, when your business rises, you need to consider high throughput, high concurrency, high availability and other capabilities for applications to cope with concurrent user access and ensure the stability of applications. This scenario mainly introduces how to use SLB, ECS and NAS to build a highly available e-commerce website to help your business grow.

Before November

Popular Stable Diffusion model base is transferred to OSS by one click and attached to PAI-EAS reasoning training

This experiment introduces how to use the object storage service to transfer the popular public model library to the personal object storage OSS space in one click, and attach the model in the OSS bucket to the PAI-EAS platform for reasoning and training.

artificial intelligence

Attach OSS to deploy AIGC service based on PAI-EAS

This scenario mainly describes how to use the Model Online Service (PAI-EAS) to deploy AIGC, such as the Diffusion document and diagram generation model, and use the OSS mount function, so that users do not need to worry about data loss caused by the stop or deletion of the PAI service, and fully address the persistent storage and capacity expansion requirements of AI services.

Object Storage cloud computing

Object storage OSS quick start - OSS management with the ossutil tool

This experiment is an advanced experiment of object storage OSS. Through this experiment, users can learn how to use the ossutil tool to manage OSS with commands in the Linux environment and complete file upload and download operations.

Object Storage

Object storage OSS quick start - data upload

This experiment is an entry-level experiment of object storage OSS. Through this experiment, users can learn how to store, query and delete simple data on the OSS console.

Elastic calculation

Build online education video course sharing website with OSS

This tutorial introduces how to build an online education video course sharing website based on ECS and OSS.

Elastic calculation

Message queue+Serverless+Tablestore: to achieve a highly flexible e-commerce order system

Based on message queue and function calculation, quickly deploy a highly elastic commodity order system, which can cope with the high concurrency in the panic buying scenario.

storage SQL Operation and maintenance

Design and practice of a hundred million level heterogeneous task scheduling framework

Alibaba Cloud log service serves as a cloud native observable and analysis platform. It provides one-stop data acquisition, processing, query analysis, visualization, alarm, consumption and delivery functions. Comprehensively improve users' digital capabilities in R&D, O&M, operation and security scenarios. As an observability platform, the log service platform provides data import, data processing, aggregation processing, alarm, intelligent patrol, export and other functions. These functions are called tasks in the log service, and have large-scale applications. Next, we mainly introduce the design and practice of the scheduling framework for these tasks.

one thousand two hundred and thirty-one zero
Message oriented middleware data acquisition JSON

Getting Started with iLogtail Community Edition - iLogtail Log Processing Practice

This article will introduce in detail how to process common log formats when using iLogtail Community Edition for log collection. In order to facilitate debugging, the following example will by default output the collected logs to standard output after processing, and developers can make appropriate adjustments according to actual needs.

one thousand five hundred and forty-five zero
Prometheus monitor Kubernetes

Simple comparison of management and control schemes of observable data acquisition terminal

At present, the mainstream log collection products include not only ILogtail of SLS, but also Elastic Agent, Fluentd, Telegraf, Sysdig, Logkit, Loggie, Flume, etc. The detailed comparison results are shown in the following table: remarks: ○ Cluster monitoring: means that the tool can view the operation status, collection speed and other data of the management collection terminal ○ Cluster management: it means that the tool can add, modify and delete the collection configuration and operation parameters of the management collection terminal

seven hundred and eighty-six zero
Message oriented middleware storage data acquisition

Getting Started with iLogtail Community Edition - Host Environment Collects Business Logs to SLS

This article will describe in detail how to use the community version iLogtail and quickly build a set of highly available and high-performance log collection and analysis system in combination with SLS cloud services

nine hundred and forty-eight zero
Message oriented middleware storage data acquisition

Getting Started with iLogtail Community Edition - How to Collect Business Logs to Kafka

This article will describe in detail how to use iLogtail Community Edition to collect logs into Kafka, so as to help users build a log collection system.

one thousand and seventy-two zero
Message oriented middleware JSON Prometheus

Cloud native log collection management scheme -- Logging Operator

Logging Operator is an open source cloud native field log collection scheme of BanzaiCloud. It integrates two open source log collectors FluentBit and Fluentd in the fluent community, and automatically configures the k8s log collection pipeline in the way of operator.

one thousand four hundred and forty zero
Message oriented middleware Kubernetes monitor

Cloud native log collection management scheme -- Fluent Operator

Fluent Operator was donated by KubeSphere community to Fluent community in 2021, initially to meet the needs of managing Fluent Bit in a cloud native way. Fluentbit Operator can flexibly and conveniently deploy, configure and uninstall Fluentbit and Fluentd. At the same time, plug-ins supporting Fluentd and Fluent Bit are also provided. Users can customize the configuration according to actual needs.

one thousand two hundred and eight zero
Message oriented middleware Kubernetes monitor

Introduction to Fluentd/FluentBit K8s Log Collection Scheme

Fluent Bit is an open source multi platform log collector designed to create a general tool for log collection, processing and distribution. In 2014, the Fluentd team predicted that more lightweight log processors were needed for constrained environments such as embedded Linux and gateways, so they developed Fluent Bit and built the project as part of the Fluentd ecosystem.

one thousand nine hundred and eighteen zero
storage Kubernetes Cloud Native

Discussion on container runtime -- starting from dockership's official deletion of K8s

In May 2022, Kubernetes 1.24 will be officially released. The most striking thing is that the dockership component will be officially removed from kubelet in this version. From this version, when users use Kubernetes, they need to give priority to containerd or CRI-O as the container runtime. If you want to continue to rely on the Docker Engine to run as a container, you need the cri docked component.

five hundred and ninety-nine zero
Mobile Development Elastic calculation monitor

Use Terraform to play logtail log collection

Logtail is a log collection agent provided by AliCloud log service SLS, which is used to collect logs on AliCloud ECS, AliCloud ACK, self built IDC, other cloud manufacturers and other servers. As the third largest cloud service provider, Alibaba Cloud has supported many cloud products including SLS, OSS, SLB and RDS. This article will introduce the best practice of using Terraform to implement automatic logtail log collection.

three hundred and thirty-nine zero
Machine learning/deep learning data acquisition Elastic calculation

Elastic Security Research

Elastic Stack is a series of products developed by Elastic Company. Its core products include Elastic search, Kibana, Beats and Logstash (also known as ELK Stack). It can safely and reliably obtain data from any source and in any format, and then search, analyze and visualize the data in real time.

nine hundred and fifteen zero
data acquisition Message oriented middleware monitor

Unified access of elastic terminal acquisition

This article introduces the unified access of Elastic terminal acquisition.

four hundred and eight zero
SQL storage monitor

PostgreSQL imports SLS from business to monitoring data

PostgreSQL is a free object relational data server. It has a wide range of applications in the Internet and the Internet of Things. PostgreSQL also claims to be the most powerful open source relational database system. SLS has also recently launched the PostgreSQL data source import function. This article will introduce how to import PostgreSQL data into SLS, and introduce the non business data import scenario from the perspective of observability.

two hundred and fifty-seven zero
Operation and maintenance monitor security

SLS alarm notification to Line

Line is an instant messaging software launched in Japan by NHN Japan (a subsidiary of Naver Corporation in South Korea), which has a large number of users in Japan and South Korea. Line supports the construction of robots, and pushes messages to robots through APIs. Users who add robots and group chat can receive messages pushed by robots. However, because Line's servers are located overseas, SLS alarms cannot be sent directly. Therefore, this article describes how to use other AliCloud services to notify Line of SLS alerts.

four hundred and sixty-eight two
SQL Data visualization data mining

Pandas+SLS SQL: integrating flexibility and high-performance data perspective

Pandas is a very powerful python data analysis tool and a standard tool for various data modeling. Pandas is good at processing digital data and time series data. The first advantage of Pandas is that it encapsulates some complex code implementation processes and only needs to call the interface to avoid writing a lot of code. The second advantage of Pandas is its flexibility. It can automate batch processing of complex logic, which is impossible for Excel and other tools to do. Therefore, Pandas is a data analysis tool with flexibility and simplicity, which is between Excel and self-developed programs.

four hundred and sixty-one zero
monitor Kubernetes Cloud Native

ILogtail Community Developer's Guide - Quickly build a compilation and development environment

Want to try the functions provided by the latest version of iLogtail code? Want to test the code just added to iLogtail? How to turn the open source code of iLogtail into executable program is a concern of many kids. This article will describe in detail the compilation method of iLogtail, and use the provided development image to describe in detail how to build an efficient environment for developing iLogtail.

eight hundred and twenty-five zero
SQL Machine learning/deep learning Elastic calculation

[New function] Intelligent patrol supports more flexible alarm

It mainly introduces how to manage the abnormal events generated by the [Intelligent Patrol] task through the SLS alarm 2.0 capability. The alarm events you need are configured separately through entity dimensions and feature dimensions.

three hundred and forty-seven zero
storage Kubernetes monitor

Out of the box: Centralized audit upgrade of K8s logs under multiple clusters

This article mainly introduces how users with multiple ack clusters in multiple regions can centrally audit and query k8s logs out of the box.

three hundred and twenty-three zero
SQL storage Elastic calculation

Log audit: enable RDS PostgreSQL log collection

Log audit has previously supported the collection of RDS MySQL audit logs (based on SQL Insight), slow logs, performance logs, and error logs. With the deepening of users' use, more users have put forward requirements for the collection of RDS PostgreSQL logs. Log audit takes the lead in responding to users' needs. Now it supports RDS PostgreSQL audit logs (based on SQL Insight), slow logs, and error logs.

three hundred and fifty-nine zero
storage SQL cache

Table Storage Tablestore Multi Index Best Practices

This article summarizes the problems encountered by a large number of users and businesses when using the multi index of the table store as best practices for everyone.

eight hundred and two zero
storage artificial intelligence Operation and maintenance

On O&M, experts from Alibaba Cloud, Byte and Huake said

"If you want to improve the new infrastructure, you must first benefit the operation and maintenance". As the business goes to the cloud, the operation and maintenance is also gradually "clouded".

one thousand one hundred and ninety-three zero
storage monitor algorithm

Thinking and Practice of Alibaba Local Life Global Log Platform Xlog

Author: Wang Yu (Yutian). When you step into the field of programming, code and log will be your most important partners. Log based problem troubleshooting is an important part of R&D efficiency. Alibaba Group has gradually developed a cross application and cross domain log troubleshooting solution Xlog in the background of supporting multi ecological companies and multi technology stacks. This article provides some references for students who are using SLS or are about to use SLS to help them better implement the log troubleshooting scheme.

one thousand two hundred and forty zero
SQL Message oriented middleware canal

Getting Started with iLogtail Community Edition - Collecting MySQL Binlogs

MySQL Binlog records MySQL change logs. The industry also has some schemes to synchronize Binlog data, such as Canal, MaxWell, DTS, etc. Different tools can achieve different goals. iLogtail also provides a convenient Binlog synchronization function. After iLogtail collects Binlogs, it can output the results to various flushers. This article takes Kafka as an example.

three hundred and eighty-four zero
Object Storage

Quickly learn to use object storage OSS

This scenario takes you to experience how to complete the basic operations of the scenario through the object storage OSS console.

Machine learning/deep learning storage Operation and maintenance

Exabeam's UEBA survey

Exabeam's UEBA survey

one thousand three hundred and ninety-one zero
Web App Development Machine learning/deep learning monitor

Research and Analysis of Session Replay Products

Research and Analysis of Session Replay Products

five hundred and twenty-nine zero
storage JSON Elastic calculation

The SLS console log download function has been upgraded

Alibaba Cloud Log Service (SLS) supports downloading logs or query analysis results locally, and provides four download methods: console, cloud shell, SLS CLI, and SLS SDK. The console download mode requires no additional configuration or deployment by the user. It only requires some simple console operations to complete the download. Compared with the other three modes, it is more convenient, easy to use, and more popular with most users.

six hundred and fifty zero
Elastic calculation Serverless file store

One minute Serverless quickly builds a station

This scenario will use AliCloud function computing, Serverless application center and NAS to take you to experience how quickly Serverless can build personal websites in one minute.

Elastic calculation Operation and maintenance monitor

[Logtail Best Practice] Use Logtail to collect and parse syslog data

Syslog is an industry standard protocol that can be used to record device logs. Common application scenarios are network management tools, security management systems, and log audit systems. This document describes how to use Logtail to collect and parse Syslog data.

one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven zero
I want to publish