Opening: What can "novice cloud" do for you

Some developer friends often ask: "How do I want to learn cloud computing? Where do I learn?" I usually give him the address of the developer community, Alibaba Cloud ACA certification courses, or ongoing developer activities. Of course, these are not the best answers. The community is too large, and the courses or activities may be too simple. In order to better answer this question, we have decided to prepare a small and beautiful exclusive plate for beginner developers of cloud - "novice cloud". Here, you can start from the opening and use of an ECS, step by step, build basic applications with the cloud, and play AIGC.

We hope that "Novice to the Cloud" can open the first step for you to explore the cloud world. From here, you can experience the wonderful cloud world.

On cloud application construction
Relearn Class hours, 200 points
Start your first ECS
curriculum Getting Started with ECS
Introduce the basic concept and usage of ECS, and how to quickly create ECS instances
Free trial
ECS, 280 yuan per month for three months
experiment Build a personal website on ECS
curriculum Basic operation and maintenance of ECS
Focus on explaining the core functions and relevant application practices of ECS, such as storage, image, snapshot, and monitoring, to grasp the basic operation and maintenance management of ECS from simple to deep
experiment Basic operation and maintenance management of ECS
Unlock ECS to use a new pose
curriculum Server migration to cloud
Quickly understand the importance and application scenarios of cloud migration on enterprise servers, and introduce the available cloud migration tools, methods and operational steps
Free trial
ECS, 280 yuan per month for three months
experiment Server migration to cloud scenario experiment
curriculum High availability application architecture
Focus on the high availability deployment scheme of ECS, and introduce how to use load balancing and multiple ECS to build a high availability application architecture
experiment ECS high availability architecture scenario experiment
curriculum Quickly build online disks based on cloud storage services
It mainly introduces the basic concepts and product features of cloud storage products, and how to build a network disk based on AliCloud object storage OSS and file storage NAS products
Free trial
Object storage OSS, 20GB for 3 months
experiment Use OSS to quickly build a personal network disk
experiment Build a personal network disk based on NAS and ECS
Free trial
File storage NAS, 50GB, 3 months
curriculum Storage application and data management
Understand and master the advanced functions of storage products, and use OSS and NAS as storage services to complete the construction of enterprise portals
experiment OSS lifecycle management and access behavior analysis
curriculum Enterprise level cloud network construction
Introduce the concept and method of building an enterprise level cloud network, and learn how to quickly create an infrastructure network, isolate services, and interconnect multiple networks on Alibaba Cloud
Free trial
Network load balancing NLB, 750 hours per month, 15LCU
experiment Enterprise level cloud network construction scenario experiment
What can container service do for you
curriculum Building enterprise applications based on containers
Introduce the concepts and technologies related to containers, understand how to use containers on the cloud and quickly build enterprise applications based on containers and images
Free trial
Container image service ACR, image warehouse 100 unlimited time
experiment Rapid deployment of website applications through ACR
curriculum Container application and cluster management
Introduce the concepts and technologies related to container clusters and the use of Alibaba Cloud container services. Learn how to build and manage enterprise applications based on the container service ACK Serverless
experiment Build enterprise level website applications through ACK Serverless
curriculum Container application update and grayscale publishing
Learn how to introduce new versions of software or functions into the production environment based on the container service ACK Serverless using the policy of progressive release to reduce potential risks and minimize the impact on users
experiment Container application grayscale publishing through Ingress
Create your first Serverless application
article Cloud development becomes mainstream, and serverless defines a new paradigm
Free trial
FC calculated by function, 180 yuan limit for 3 months
article Deeply understand the concurrency of serverless computing
article Why Serverless can improve resource utilization
e-book Analysis and implementation of serverless technology
curriculum Initial experience of serverless technology and application
Introduce the basic concepts, key terms, value characteristics and application scenarios of Serverless, and quickly experience the application of Serverless through the scenario practice of deploying AI applications through function computing
experiment One click deployment of Stable Diffusion based on function calculation
curriculum Introduction and Practice of Function Computation
Introduce the core concepts and main functions of function computing, and experience typical scenarios and best practices of serverless applications based on function computing
experiment Audio Video Transcoding Based on Function Computation
article 2 minutes, use Serverless to send local love words to your girlfriend every day
Cloud data management
Relearn Class hours, Get 100 points
Manage and use your database on the cloud
curriculum Quick Start to RDS
Introduce MySQL database related technologies, common functions and basic operations of RDS products, master the quick start of RDS products, and quickly complete the construction of cloud database
Free trial
RDS MySQL, high availability version, 2-core, 4GB, 50GB
e-book RDS Database Beginner All in One
Help RDS database beginners get started easily and become proficient quickly. This book is complete in system, rich in theory, and its content goes from simple to deep, step by step, with detailed explanation of examples. It provides a complete and rigorous thinking framework for beginners, and you can easily master the wonderful rhythm of RDS database.
e-book RDS MySQL from beginner to advanced
It focuses on the basic architecture of MySQL database, SQL performance tuning, and advanced MySQL MGR features, so that you can have a preliminary understanding of MySQL database in a short time. At the same time, you will also have the opportunity to experience SQL diagnosis and tuning in the experimental environment, and easily access RDS MySQL database in seven days to complete technical growth and career breakthrough.
experiment SQL problem diagnosis and tuning of RDS MySQL
experiment How to create a MySQL database in the cloud
experiment How to quickly connect to RDS MySQL
e-book Redis Best Practices and Practice Guide
Systematically introduce the overall architecture of Redis and the best practice experience in various scenarios, reveal Alibaba Cloud Redis development specifications and operation and maintenance solutions, and provide a practical course of development based on Redis.
Free trial
ApsaraDB for Redis, Community 2GB
video Use Redis to customize the game scoreboard
experiment MySQL database DTS migration to the cloud
Initial experience of big data application on cloud
e-book Real time computing Flink version exclusive combat script
Free trial
Real time calculation Flink version, 5000CU * H 3 months
experiment Use Flink to discover the hottest Github projects in real time
e-book Introduction to real-time digital warehouse technology All in one
Free trial
Hologres, 5000CU * H 20GB, 3 months
e-book One stop big data development and governance DataWorks
Free trial
Big data development and governance platform DataWorks, unlimited duration
experiment Dataworks data modeling
Free trial
Big data development and governance platform DataWorks, unlimited duration
experiment Analysis of user profile of EMR data lake development and management
Free trial
EMR Serverless StarRocks,5000CU*H 48000GB*H
Explore AI on the cloud
Relearn Class hours, Get 100 points
Enter the cloud machine learning world together
e-book Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning PAI-DSW Getting Started Guide
Free trial
Interactive modeling PAI-DSW, 5000CU * H 3 months
article Use machine learning PAI to quickly play Llama2
experiment Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning PAI-DSW Basic Operations
experiment Attach OSS to deploy AIGC service based on PAI-EAS
Personalized Recommendation System Development Guide
Generative AI one-stop experience on the cloud
e-book Play AIGC with GPU
The collection of eight AIGC best practices from the elastic computing GPU cloud server can help you build your own AIGC applications better and faster.
Free trial
Interactive modeling PAI-DSW, 5000CU * H 3 months
video Deploy AIGC applications using AliCloud NAS+PAI-EAS
experiment First AIGC experience: deploy Stable Diffusion to play AI painting
experiment Cloud native AI suite: five minute fine-tuning Baokemeng style StableDiffusion
experiment One click deployment of the Tongyi Qianwen pre experience
experiment Deploy ChatGLM2-6B big model on the cloud