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  • Participate in the essay solicitation to win the interview of Lvtong qualification! Find you who love technical creation

    Publish the essay, SHOW your story, and win the interview green pass qualification, official traffic rights, digital gift package, customized T-shirt and other luxury gifts!

    one thousand six hundred and sixty-five two hundred and two

    Use PAI-DSW x Free Prompt Editing image editing algorithm to develop personal AIGC drawing assistant

    In this tutorial, you will learn the image editing algorithm on Alibaba Cloud interactive modeling platform PAI-DSW x Free Prompt Editing, develop a personal AIGC drawing assistant, and implement the text driven image editing function. A single card can complete AIGC image style changes

    fifty-six thousand one hundred and forty-five fifty-six
     Use PAI-DSW x Free Prompt Editing image editing algorithm to develop personal AIGC drawing assistant

    PolarDB-X Storage Engine Core Technology | Index Back Table Optimization

    In order to store, retrieve and maintain data efficiently, the database system uses a variety of different data organization structures. Different organizational structures have specific purposes and optimization points, such as improving query speed, optimizing write performance, reducing storage space, etc. Currently, PolarDB-X uses B-Tr

    fifty-four thousand seven hundred and thirty twenty-three

    In June, the article change challenge was launched, and we insisted on love and creation!

    The developer community will update the challenge in June to find you who love the creation of technical content. Welcome to create!

    five hundred and forty-seven thirteen

    Alibaba Cloud EMR data lake file system: build the next generation HDFS for open source and cloud

    The author of this article introduces in detail the origin, evolution, iteration and performance of JindoFS, an Alibaba Cloud EMR data lake file system.

    seventy-two thousand one hundred and seventy-seven twenty

    AutoMQ: How to upgrade the cloud native architecture based on Alibaba Cloud computing and storage products

    AutoMQ [1] is a new generation cloud native Kafka based on shared storage architecture. Thanks to its shared storage architecture that separates storage from computing, Alibaba Cloud has made deep use of its reliable and advanced cloud services, such as object storage OSS, block storage ESSD, and elastic scaling ES, through cooperation with Alibaba Cloud

    eighty-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-four sixteen
     AutoMQ: How to upgrade the cloud native architecture based on Alibaba Cloud computing and storage products

    [Technical Analysis | Practice] Deploy Havenask cluster in Kubernetes mode

    The content of this sharing is Havenask's Kubernetes mode deployment, which consists of the following two parts (deployment of Kubernetes mode Havenask cluster, troubleshooting of Kubernetes mode related problems). I hope it can help you better understand and

    fifty-nine thousand six hundred and six seven
    Before January

    AI Agent Hands on Practice Training Camp

    This article explains in detail the deployment, fine-tuning, comparison and selection of several common local big model personal knowledge base tools (1)

    In recent years, large models have emerged in the AI field and become an important driving force for technological innovation. From the victory of AlphaGo to the launch of GPT series, the big model shows strong language generation, understanding and multi task processing capabilities, indicating a new stage of intelligent transformation. However, the potential of the large model

    one hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and four thirteen
    12 days ago
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    come from: cloud storage

    Symbiosis with data security protection, contributing to the launch of cloud business high availability | Regional ESSD and data disaster recovery center

    In the era of accelerated digital transformation, data integrity and business continuity are directly related to the core competitiveness and market response speed of enterprises. The purpose of this press conference is to share how to enable enterprises to improve business continuity and disaster recovery availability through the regional ESSD and data disaster recovery center

    eight hundred and seventy-three one
     Symbiosis with data security protection, contributing to the launch of cloud business high availability | Regional ESSD and data disaster recovery center

    What's wrong with PolarDB-X AliCloud's docker image source?

    PolarDB-X AliCloud's docker image source has a problem. Recently, I have been trying to deploy and always reported an error. I thought it was the docker

    five hundred and fifteen
    30 days ago
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    AIGC+New Paradigm of Software Development

    At a time when AI popularity continues to rise, Alibaba Cloud has launched the AI intelligent coding assistant Tongyi Holy Code. Tongyi Smart Code is an intelligent coding assistant based on the big model of Alibaba Cloud Tongyi Code. It is based on a large number of excellent open-source data sets and programming textbook training, and provides developers with an efficient and smooth coding experience.

    eight thousand seven hundred and seventy-five
     AIGC+New Paradigm of Software Development
    Before January

    Realize grayscale publishing based on Nginx Ingress+cloud effect AppStack

    This article will demonstrate how to publish the Ingress grayscale application on Alibaba Cloud ACK cluster in combination with cloud effect AppStack.

    sixty-four thousand two hundred and fifty two

    Explore Hangzhou Cuisine with DataV Atlas

    Try DataV Atlas visualization tool to create your own food map! DataV visual analysis map is Alibaba Cloud's professional analysis tool for geospatial data. It can help users quickly build their own geographical analysis map, mine the value of spatio-temporal data, and support business decisions

    five hundred and seventy zero
     Explore Hangzhou Cuisine with DataV Atlas
    3 days ago

    Domain name console

    Domain name console

    two hundred and thirty-six
    23 days ago

    Refined into gold - a new chapter in the big financial model

    Many refinements are bound to turn into gold, and new quality productivity will lead to new quality labor force. I would like to discuss with friends in the industry how to actively embrace and apply big model technology to cope with and control the changing market environment, realize the continuous and stable quality and efficiency improvement and innovative development of science and technology finance, and work together to open

    eight hundred and sixty-eight
     Refined into gold - a new chapter in the big financial model

    The video generation framework EasyAnimate is officially open source!

    EasyAnimate is a DiT based video generation framework independently developed by the AI platform PAI. It provides a complete high-definition video generation solution, including video data preprocessing, VAE training, DiT training, model reasoning and model evaluation. You can use Ea

    sixty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-one seven

    Greenplum closed source? Smooth migration to AnalyticDB enables the new paradigm of Data+AI

    Greenplum, a well-known open source MPP database, has become the first choice for many enterprises to build databases due to its rich enterprise class features and excellent data processing capabilities. Recently, GP disclosed that Github warehouse could not be accessed, only read-only archive code was reserved, and the industry speculated that GP

    fifty-eight thousand eight hundred and sixteen zero

    Real time database Hologres V2.2 was released, and serverless computing cost was reduced by 20%

    Real time database Hologres V2.2 was released, and serverless computing cost was reduced by 20%

    fifty-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-one three
     Real time database Hologres V2.2 was released, and serverless computing cost was reduced by 20%

    Out of the box enterprise level CICD tool - Cloud effect pipeline Flow

    [May Change Challenge Day 10] Out of the box enterprise level CICD tool - Cloud Effect Pipeline Flow

    fifty-five thousand six hundred and sixty-one eleven

    6 highlights! The new Anolis OS 23.1 GA version was officially released to meet diversified platform support

    In combination with the needs of technological development in the new era, Dragon lizard officially released a new release of Anolis OS 23.1.

    fifty-two thousand one hundred and twenty-four six

    Use Spring Cloud Alibaba AI to build RAG applications

    This article introduces RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) technology, which combines retrieval and generation models to provide more accurate AI responses. In the example, the dataset (including beer information) is loaded into the Redis vector database, Spri

    fifty-two thousand and ninety-seven three

    Efficient and flexible, AliCloud industrial simulation industry solution interpretation

    Recently, Alibaba Cloud, the world's leading cloud computing manufacturer, announced the official commercialization of the latest HPC optimization instance hpc8ae. This instance relies on Alibaba Cloud's self-developed "Apsara+CIPU" architecture system, and is equipped with the fourth generation AMD EPYC processor. It is optimized for high-performance computing applications, especially for computing

    fifty thousand three hundred and seventy-nine three

    Flink ⼤ Status Operation Tuning Practice Guide: Status Error Reporting and Start Stop Slow Part

    This article is compiled from the practice guide for the optimization of large-scale homework written by Yu Hangxiang, Chen Jingmin and Huang Pengcheng. Due to the rich content, this article shares the final status error report and start stop slow chapter

    fifty thousand and ninety-nine six
     Flink ⼤ Status Operation Tuning Practice Guide: Status Error Reporting and Start Stop Slow Part

    Test and deploy PolarDB-X distributed and centralized

    In this article, the author details the process of deploying and testing PolarDB-X distributed and centralized databases on CentOS 7.9. PolarDB-X, as a distributed database optimized by Alibaba Cloud, provides high stability and compatibility with MySQL, and is designed to cope with the expansion of single databases

    forty-seven thousand seven hundred and eight nine
     Test and deploy PolarDB-X distributed and centralized

    Go deep into Kubernetes network: actual K8s network troubleshooting and diagnosis strategy

    This paper introduces the basic knowledge and troubleshooting experience of Kubernetes network, and focuses on the challenges of Kubernetes network in the privatization environment. First of all, the article describes the three core elements of Kubernetes network model: Pod network, Service

    one hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and seventy-eight eighteen

    Docker for domestic image source, Docker for source

    Docker for domestic image source, Docker for source

    two thousand three hundred and fifty-nine four

    Mathematical modeling - rural public transport and heterogeneous UAV collaborative distribution optimization

    Mathematical modeling - rural public transport and heterogeneous UAV collaborative distribution optimization

    two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven two

    Specific factors to consider when selecting a PHP framework

    This article discusses the key factors in choosing a PHP framework, including project requirements (such as RESTful API development), framework maturity and community support, performance, ease of use and scalability, security, and document resources. Take Laravel as an example to emphasize its advantages in these aspects, such as rich

    eight hundred and fifty-nine four

    Real time calculation of Flink product use collection: how to read Kafka data in batches

    As a powerful unified computing framework for stream processing and batch processing, real-time computing Flink is widely used in various scenarios that require real-time data processing and analysis. Real time computing Flink version usually combines SQL interface, DataStreamAPI, upstream and downstream data sources and storage

    nine hundred and twenty-four one

    Heavyweight! Tongyi Qianwen 2.5 was officially released

    Heavyweight! Tongyi Qianwen 2.5 was officially released

    one thousand three hundred and twenty-one three

    Millisecond Query Performance Optimization Practice! Based on Alibaba Cloud database SelectDB version kernel: Apache Doris's solution in the digital operation and marketing direction of Jiyue Auto

    Millisecond Query Performance Optimization Practice! Based on Alibaba Cloud database SelectDB version kernel: Apache Doris's solution in the digital operation and marketing direction of Jiyue Auto

    one thousand and seventeen one
     Millisecond Query Performance Optimization Practice! Based on Alibaba Cloud database SelectDB version kernel: Apache Doris's solution in the digital operation and marketing direction of Jiyue Auto

    One stop link tracking: Alibaba Cloud's end-to-end solution

    End to end link tracking is a best practice that covers all associated IT systems and can completely record the user behavior call path and status between systems. To truly realize end-to-end link tracking, three problems need to be solved: link stub insertion, link acquisition and processing, and link context transparent transmission. AliCloud ARM

    sixty thousand eight hundred and eighty four

    Real time Data Warehouse Hologres Operation Error Collection: When trying to access the DataHub, the error connection timeout is reported. What should I do

    When using Alibaba Cloud real-time database Hologres, you may encounter different types of errors. For example: 1. Memory overrun error, 2. String buffer expansion error, 3. Partition import error, 4. External table access error, 5. Service not opened or permission problem, 6. Data type range error

    six hundred and ninety-seven seven

    How to specify the storage location of the properties file started by FlinkYarnSession

    As a powerful unified computing framework for stream processing and batch processing, real-time computing Flink is widely used in various scenarios that require real-time data processing and analysis. Real time computing Flink version usually combines SQL interface, DataStreamAPI, upstream and downstream data sources and storage

    seven hundred and eighty-seven one

    Hucang integration fully opens the real-time era

    This article is compiled from the sharing on Streaming Lakehouse Meetup · Online on May 16 by teacher Wang Feng (Mo Wen), the head of Alibaba Cloud open source big data platform, and mainly introduces how to conduct real-time big data analysis on the new generation of Hucang architecture.

    five hundred and ninety-five two
     Hucang integration fully opens the real-time era

    Linux real-time operating system xenomai x86 platform benchmark

    This article is about benchmark testing of Xenomai real-time operating system, aiming to evaluate its performance on low-end x86 platform. The test imitates the method of VxWorks, focusing on the impact of CPU structure, instruction set and other factors on system service time consumption. Test items include semaphores, mutexes, and message teams

    six hundred and fifty-seven zero
     Linux real-time operating system xenomai x86 platform benchmark

    Hologres query next from pg executor failed

    When using Alibaba Cloud real-time database Hologres, you may encounter different types of errors. For example: 1. Memory overrun error, 2. String buffer expansion error, 3. Partition import error, 4. External table access error, 5. Service not opened or permission problem, 6. Data type range error

    five hundred and thirty-three four

    Introduction to streaming batch technology

    This article was written by Su Xuannan, a teacher from Alibaba Cloud Flink team, and aims to introduce Flink users to the technology and challenges of Flink streaming and batching as a whole.

    forty-nine thousand five hundred and eighty-one two
     Introduction to streaming batch technology

    How to escape single quotation marks in strings when Hologres products use collections

    The basic concepts and characteristics of real-time data warehouse Hologres: 1. One stop real-time data warehouse engine: Hologres integrates the capabilities of data warehouse, online analytical processing (OLAP) and online service, and is suitable for real-time data analysis and decision support scenarios. 2. Concurrently

    five hundred and one three

    Real time database Hologres operation error collection error report: connection to FE failed, and the remaining connection slots are reserved for non replicated super user connection. What should I do

    When using Alibaba Cloud real-time database Hologres, you may encounter different types of errors. For example: 1. Memory overrun error, 2. String buffer expansion error, 3. Partition import error, 4. External table access error, 5. Service not opened or permission problem, 6. Data type range error

    four hundred and ninety-five five

    Learn to build an end-to-end image search service in 10 minutes

    This article introduces how to quickly build an image search service from scratch through OpenSearch - vector retrieval version without vector data.

    eighty-one thousand four hundred and twenty-five sixty-eight

    PolarDB test

    In CentOS 7.9, the author explores and practices the distributed and centralized deployment of PolarDB-X, emphasizing the stability of PolarDB-X and its high compatibility with MySQL. The test covers the Anolis OS and openEuler systems, involving P

    four hundred and sixty-six four

    Cloud effect pipeline Flow

    Cloud efficiency pipeline Flow is an enterprise level CI/CD tool provided by Alibaba Cloud, which simplifies software development processes and improves collaboration efficiency. This report assesses its ease of use, functionality, performance, openness, and cost. The Flow interface is intuitive and provides preset templates, but the learning curve is slightly steep. Fully functional, supporting the whole life

    four hundred and eighty-one two
     Cloud effect pipeline Flow

    Real time data warehouse Hologres product uses collection. When using the dynamic partition management function to partition by date, query the time range through the primary key and segment_key. What is the reason for the poor performance

    The basic concepts and characteristics of real-time data warehouse Hologres: 1. One stop real-time data warehouse engine: Hologres integrates the capabilities of data warehouse, online analytical processing (OLAP) and online service, and is suitable for real-time data analysis and decision support scenarios. 2. Concurrently

    four hundred and forty-three three

    Why do software companies seldom take second projects?

    Why do software companies seldom take second projects?

    one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight zero

    Redis memory analysis tool RDR

    Redis memory analysis tool RDR

    one thousand six hundred and forty-three one

    Guidelines for dealing with project delay: comprehensive strategies from assessment to implementation

    Guidelines for dealing with project delay: comprehensive strategies from assessment to implementation

    one thousand six hundred and forty-five zero

    Basic gateway configuration

    Basic gateway configuration

    two thousand three hundred and fifty-four four
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    How to configure sql parameters for python script in Maxcompute

    How to configure sql parameters for python script in Maxcompute

    1 hour ago

    How to deal with suspicious write behavior of root password free login certificate of cloud security center system

    How to deal with suspicious write behavior of root password free login certificate of cloud security center system


    How to deal with errors in creating materialized view of DMS logical data warehouse

    How to deal with errors in creating materialized view of DMS logical data warehouse

    1 hour ago

    Some DTS fields cannot be synchronized

    Some DTS fields cannot be synchronized

    1 hour ago

    The system disk capacity of lightweight application server upgrade configuration does not take effect

    The system disk capacity of lightweight application server upgrade configuration does not take effect

    1 hour ago

    How to charge across accounts in the same region of the cloud enterprise network

    How to charge across accounts in the same region of the cloud enterprise network


    Why does the cloud security center connected with the private key still prompt weak password vulnerabilities

    Why does the cloud security center connected with the private key still prompt weak password vulnerabilities


    Reasons for too many OSS request failures and billing instructions

    Reasons for too many OSS request failures and billing instructions


    How can load balancer view the RT of a listening domain name

    How can load balancer view the RT of a listening domain name


    How does MaxCompute use Pyodps to process ValueError: could not con

    How does MaxCompute use Pyodps to process ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'xxx error


    Multi account security control of cloud security center

    Multi account security control of cloud security center


    Redis Read Write Separation Instance Application Scenario

    Redis Read Write Separation Instance Application Scenario


    Function Calculation Usage Process

    Function Calculation Usage Process

    1 hour ago

    Does the DTS upgrade instance type take effect immediately

    Does the DTS upgrade instance type take effect immediately


    Error cn xxxx resource is insuff

    Error cn xxxx resource is insufficient when migrating from self built database to RDS MySQL


    OSS sets the lifecycle policy to delete files, but the storage volume does not change

    OSS sets the lifecycle policy to delete files, but the storage volume does not change


    How to Play Video with Low Delay in Live Video Web Player

    How to Play Video with Low Delay in Live Video Web Player


    Does AnalyticDB MySQL support the bigint unsigned type

    Does AnalyticDB MySQL support the bigint unsigned type

    1 hour ago
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    Argument Unpacking in Python

    [June Change Challenge Day 10]

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    1 hour ago
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    Keyword Argument Unpacking in Python

    [June Change Challenge Day 10]

    four one
    1 hour ago

    How to restore Web application firewall configuration after deletion

    How to restore Web application firewall configuration after deletion

    1 hour ago

    Does content security text detection support rich text

    Does content security text detection support rich text

    1 hour ago

    Whether the cloud firewall has the ability to resist APT attacks

    Whether the cloud firewall has the ability to resist APT attacks


    Which DDoS field can see the final protection action

    Which DDoS field can see the final protection action

    1 hour ago

    Can the VOD web player download videos

    Can the VOD web player download videos


    Does OpenSearch industry algorithm version and high-performance retrieval version support tablestore as data source

    Does OpenSearch industry algorithm version and high-performance retrieval version support tablestore as data source


    Function calculation installs third-party dependencies for functions

    Function calculation installs third-party dependencies for functions

    1 hour ago

    Does the Enterprise and Ultimate Cloud Security Center support attack analysis

    Does the Enterprise and Ultimate Cloud Security Center support attack analysis

    1 hour ago
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    Variable Arguments in python

    [June Change Challenge Day 10]

    three one

    Can OSS be attached to local MAC

    Can OSS be attached to local MAC

    1 hour ago

    The approved SMS marketing template does not contain rejection. Please reply R Do you need to modify it

    The approved SMS marketing template does not contain rejection. Please reply R Do you need to modify it


    Whether the newly added fields after the creation of the AnalyticDB MySQL view will invalidate the view

    Whether the newly added fields after the creation of the AnalyticDB MySQL view will invalidate the view


    Whether AnalyticDB MySQL supports modifying Decimal precision

    Whether AnalyticDB MySQL supports modifying Decimal precision

    1 hour ago

    Why the CPU&Memory Diagnostics of ARMS did not report data

    CPU& of ARMS; Why does memory diagnosis not report data

    1 hour ago

    How to modify the schema name of an existing object in DTS data synchronization

    How to modify the schema name of an existing object in DTS data synchronization

    1 hour ago

    Must I buy cluster configuration when purchasing Elasticsearch

    Must I buy cluster configuration when purchasing Elasticsearch

    1 hour ago
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    Whether the DTS consumer can see the SQL for source database operations

    Whether the DTS consumer can see the SQL for source database operations


    Flink Bigint data debugging display exception

    Flink Bigint data debugging display exception


    Real time calculation of the impact of specifying the same consumerGroup on the Flink SLS source table

    Real time calculation of the impact of specifying the same consumerGroup on the Flink SLS source table

    1 hour ago

    How to select data development products for the new E-MapReduce console

    How to select data development products for the new E-MapReduce console

    1 hour ago

    Hologres connection timeout is set to 0, but this connection has bee

    Hologres connection timeout is set to 0, but this connection has been closed error will appear

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