Python operator ID card two element verification interface, ID card real name authentication interface

The real name authentication interface of the two elements of Xiangyun ID card, real-time networking, and ensuring the authenticity of user identity in the process of transactions and services through the verification method of ID card number+name provided by Internet users are the key steps to ensure network security and prevent fraud.

nineteen one

AliCloud web application

The device side encodes the picture as base64 and sends it to the Internet of Things platform, configures the picture on the web interface and selects the data configured by the Internet of Things platform (base64) to upload the picture from the device to the cloud platform and display the picture on the web interface.

twenty-one two
4 days ago
Character recognition security algorithm

One click PDF to AutoCAD format

Online cloud library tool, which can efficiently convert PDF to AutoCAD (DWG) format with one click, supports OCR to identify scanned PDF, and ensures conversion accuracy. The tool is anonymous, secure, and free of file size restrictions. It is applicable to architecture, engineering design, drawing management and educational scenes to improve work efficiency.

forty-one zero
4 days ago
storage Encoding and decoding algorithm

Online audio conversion tool - free

The cloud library tool is a powerful audio format converter, which supports AAC, AC3, MP3, FLAC and other formats, and has the technical advantages of fast, efficient, easy to use, high-quality output and batch conversion. It is suitable for multi device compatibility, storage optimization and professional audio processing scenarios. Both novices and professionals can easily meet the needs of audio format conversion. Try cloud library tools to experience efficient and convenient conversion services.

twenty-seven zero
4 days ago
storage XML artificial intelligence

Convert multiple vectors and document formats online - free

This article introduces a powerful online cloud library tool that supports the conversion of multiple vector graphics, design files, office documents and font formats, such as AI, CDR, SVG, etc. The tool has technical advantages such as efficient conversion, simple operation, high-quality output, cross platform compatibility and batch processing, and is suitable for design, engineering, office and web design to improve work efficiency. It is ideal for cross platform collaboration or processing large numbers of files.

thirty-three zero
8 days ago
Web App Development Mobile Development Applet

See how I can make my mobile phone scan code in seconds

In order to solve the problem of no code scanning gun, the author was inspired by the WeChat applet "Super Code Scanning Gun" and decided to make his own application of mobile phone code scanning to computers. The project demand is that the mobile phone scans the barcode or QR code and transmits it to the computer in real time. The implementation steps include: the computer terminal uses Java Swing and Robot to simulate keyboard input, the mobile terminal H5 calls the camera to scan the code (with the help of html5 qrcode library), and sends the results to the computer through the WebSocket service. The project source code and demonstration video link are provided.

one hundred and seven five
9 days ago
Data security/privacy protection

AT+MQTTCONN returns ERROR when configuring AliCloud connection with AT command

twenty-nine zero
10 days ago
storage monitor chip

Can the formatted SD card photos be restored?

SD card is a common storage medium in daily life, which is widely used in digital devices. If you accidentally format the SD card, especially the card containing important photos, don't worry too much. Quickly formatted photos are more likely to be recovered because the data has not really been cleared. To restore lost photos, first check whether there is a backup, or restore them directly from the backup. If there is no backup, you can use data recovery software to try to recover, but the effect varies with the situation. Professional data recovery service is also an option, but the cost is high. During the recovery process, avoid continuing to use the SD card, take measures as soon as possible, and select appropriate recovery tools to improve the recovery success rate.

twenty-three zero
11 days ago
storage Ubuntu Linux

Procedures for installing Cockpit Podman on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Using containers from the command line on Ubuntu 24.04 may be a bit difficult, especially for beginners. Therefore, for convenience, we can install Cockpit and Cockpit podman modules on the Ubuntu 24.04 server. Next, Quyun Notes (www.ecscoupon. com) briefly introduces the steps of installing and configuring Cockpit Podman for Ubuntu.

sixty-four zero
13 days ago
SQL security network security

What attacks can the US advanced anti DDoS ECS defend against- Lan Yiyun

Advanced anti DDoS ECS usually has a certain defense capability, which can help defend against these attacks. However, the effect of defense also depends on the configuration and management of the server, as well as the security of the application.

fifty-three zero
18 days ago
security Positioning technology

How to select servers for foreign trade websites

These are some key factors to consider when choosing a foreign trade website server.

fifty-one eight
18 days ago
cache Unix Shell

Review what happened during the computer operation

[The first day of the change challenge in May] This article introduces the process of computer startup and operating system operation. When the computer starts, the BIOS boot loader loads the kernel into memory, and then the kernel initializes and detects the hardware. After startup, the init or upstart program starts the daemons and system services, including the X server. When the user logs in, after authentication, the user obtains the relevant permissions and starts the shell or graphical desktop. When the program runs, the kernel implements multitasking through system call management process. Memory management ensures that processes share resources safely and effectively through virtual memory and memory hierarchy, such as registers, caches, and main memory. If a process attempts to access illegal memory, a segment error is triggered. File permissions further protect the system from malicious programs.

seventy-three eight
18 days ago
security Internet of Things Positioning technology

The dilemma and current situation of Beidou Internet of Vehicles

The IoT card of the Internet of Vehicles faces challenges: the stability of the card occasionally has problems, excessive downtime needs to be restored in the next month, equipment compatibility is insufficient (especially old equipment), 4G telecom card has no SMS function, and mobile 2G network withdrawal problems. The solutions include the use of ceramic cards to enhance durability, the use of old tariff cards to avoid excessive downtime, the use of old card numbers or 11 digit IoT network cards to solve compatibility, the SMS function of telecom cards is limited by risk control, but some companies can open it, 4G equipment replacement should deal with 2G network withdrawal, and we look forward to a better strategy.

forty-eight six
18 days ago
security API dispatch

Instructions, responses, synchronization primitives and precautions in asynchronous programming

[Day 1 of the May Change Challenge] 'asyncio' provides a variety of synchronization primitives, such as Lock, Event, Condition, Semaphore and BoundedSemaphore. Lock is used for basic synchronization, Event is used to mark state switching, Condition allows to wake up the coroutine when certain conditions are met, Semaphore controls resource access, BoundedSemaphore prevents the count from exceeding the preset value.

fifty-five seven
18 days ago
JavaScript Front end development

Js uses the Date object to process time

These are some basic methods for processing time of Date object in JavaScript.

thirty-eight six
18 days ago
Encoding and decoding chip Database management

How to solve the problem of false wake-up and wake-up of e-ink screen labels?

With the rapid development of e-commerce and logistics express industry, online shopping is becoming more and more convenient, and offline physical stores have been increasingly impacted. As a traditional business model, the retail and business supernatural are unwilling to degenerate, and are also constantly learning the essence of the Internet. After years of continuous upgrading and transformation, its shopping environment, price system, settlement experience, and service awareness have all been greatly improved. In some regions or for certain people, its attraction even far exceeds online shopping.

thirty-nine one
come from: Industry solutions Section
18 days ago
IDE Java Database connection

Lombok Notes

These are some common annotations in Lombok, which can significantly reduce the redundant code in Java code and improve the readability and maintainability of code. However, before using Lombok, please ensure that your development environment has been configured to support Lombok. Usually, you need to install corresponding plug-ins or set them to enable IDEs (such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA) to correctly parse Lombok annotations.

forty-two two
18 days ago
algorithm Network Protocol New manufacturing

In the field of e-ink screen label, how to choose a good processor?

Electronic ink screen is an ultra-low power consumption digital display technology developed by Taiwan eInk Company in recent years, which is different from traditional LCD, LED and other active light-emitting electronic screen technologies. Ink screen is a passive light-emitting technology. This screen only consumes very low current during the picture refresh process. After the refresh is completed, the screen does not need power supply at all and can achieve zero power consumption.

fifty-three one
18 days ago
sensor Internet of Things development tool

Short range wireless ad hoc network protocol stack: what is the meaning and value?

In recent years, with the rapid development of smart phones and smart hardware, people have realized that in addition to the power supply, the entire communication and link of future devices will be wireless. These devices will have different shapes, functions, power supply methods, receiving or controlling objects, and transmission contents.

forty-six zero
18 days ago
security Shell network security

DC-3 Penetration Test Process Based on Vulnhub Range

Vulhub Range Introduction: [Vulhub]( )It is an open source project focusing on the recurrence and learning of security vulnerabilities. It provides a recurrence environment for various common vulnerabilities to help network security practitioners learn and study vulnerability utilization technologies. These environments cover many fields such as Web applications, containers, and operating systems. Features of Vulhub include: 1. * * Rich vulnerability scenarios * *: cover a variety of common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, XSS, etc. 2. * * Detailed Recurrence Guide * *: provide detailed environment building and utilization steps for each vulnerability scenario, so as to facilitate learning and practice. 3. * * Easy to use * *: provide one click deployment or Docker image to simplify the environment building process 4. * * Continuous update and maintenance * *: the project is open source on GitHub and receives contributions and updates from the community

fifty-seven zero
18 days ago
Internet of Things big data

How to select wireless communication scheme in the field of ink screen e-paper label/e-paper price tag?

Many manufacturers know that the wireless communication solution is the core of the whole set of solutions for electronic tags/price tags. If you choose the right solution, the whole system will be half successful.

forty-six zero
come from: Industry solutions Section
18 days ago
Message oriented middleware Data security/privacy protection

Error: Connection refused: Not authorized

When the MQTTX tool is used for testing, the user name and password of the client ID are created through AccessKey. The public network access point and port 1883 are configured, but an error occurs when trying to connect. Tool screenshots have been attached:! []( )。 The user name, password and client ID are confirmed to be correct, but the problem is still unsolved. We look forward to your reply!

two hundred and one zero
18 days ago
monitor security Search recommendations

Sweden's national core data is being handled in one pot. Can enterprise digital security be good?

In 2020, Sweden had a shocking data leakage event. The Swedish national insurance company Folksam confirmed in its press release that the personal information of nearly 1 million customers had been leaked to Facebook, Google and other social media. Such large-scale data leakage also occurred once in 2017. Due to the omission of two outsourcing technology companies during the transfer, the Swedish national data has been leaked on a large scale, not only all kinds of citizen information, but also several important national secrets, such as Swedish road and bridge information, and data of various important institutions, have been leaked in different degrees.

sixty one
come from: Industry solutions Section
18 days ago
cache Java Database connection

Hibernate L2 cache

When configuring and using Hibernate L2 cache, you should reasonably select cache providers and configuration parameters according to application requirements and performance requirements to achieve the purpose of performance optimization. If you want to buy CN2 cloud servers, record free servers and advanced anti DDoS servers, you can choose Lanyi Cloud. Baidu search: Lan Yiyun

thirty-two one
18 days ago
Network Protocol security Test technology

Performance tool emqtt bench Benchmark test example

[The 19th day of the change challenge in April] In the previous two articles, the emqtt bench tool and the MQTT introductory pressure test were introduced. In this example, emqtt_bench performed a Beachmark test on the MQTT broker to give you an overall understanding of the BenchMark test in the middle of MQTT messages, which is convenient for you to consult in the pressure test work.

two hundred seven
18 days ago
monitor Test technology Linux

How LoadRunner monitors Linux system resources

These steps outline how to use LoadRunner to monitor Linux system resources. Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on the version and configuration of LoadRunner. In practice, you should refer to the official documents and guidelines of LoadRunner to ensure that the monitoring function is configured and used correctly.

thirty-seven zero
18 days ago
Message oriented middleware Network Protocol Internet of Things

How to do the pressure test of IoT system?

[April 18th Challenge Day] The IoT system is different from the traditional Internet system in terms of architecture, network mode, communication protocol, etc. Therefore, traditional performance testing methods cannot be directly applied to the Internet of Things system.

one hundred and seventy-nine thirteen
18 days ago

Interfaces and communication protocols commonly used in embedded development

This paper introduces the common interfaces and communication protocols in embedded development, such as serial port (UART), COM port, USB port and TTL, RS-232, RS-485 level standards. Serial port, UART port, COM port and USB port refer to physical interfaces, while TTL, RS-232 and RS-485 refer to level standards. UART is usually used for serial communication of microcontroller and adopts TTL level; PC COM port uses RS-232 level. RS-232 uses negative voltage, while RS-485 uses differential signal, which is suitable for long-distance and anti-interference communication.

one hundred and six two
18 days ago
Message oriented middleware Network Protocol Internet of Things

How to do the pressure test of IoT system?

[The 13th day of the April Change Challenge] The IoT system is different from the traditional Internet system in terms of architecture, network mode, communication protocol, etc. Therefore, traditional performance testing methods cannot be directly applied to the Internet of Things system.

one hundred and thirteen two
18 days ago
artificial intelligence monitor security

In the era when data and AI emerged, we need to pay more attention to safety and compliance issues by iterating on digital platforms

At present, whether enterprises want to seek digital transformation and upgrading or go global, they will basically reshape their digital experience system first, and the security compliance issue among them has also become the key to determine which technology enterprises choose to update the system repeatedly.

seventy-five zero
come from: Industry solutions Section
18 days ago
sensor storage data acquisition

04 Deeply analyze the application of IoT architecture and technology to agricultural greenhouse system

This paper will deeply discuss the application of the Internet of Things architecture in the agricultural greenhouse system. From equipment access, edge gateway, data transmission to cloud platform and application platform, we will analyze its technology application and communication protocol layer by layer, and comprehensively present the actual application of the Internet of Things in the agricultural field for readers.

one hundred and thirty-two zero

Why is the data platform built at the cost of blood and money mediocre?

Larger enterprises generally choose to build their own data platforms, but from the current situation, it is not very ideal. Many Internet giants spare no money to build a data system, but the results are not significant. Although it seems powerful, it is superficial, and will not fight when it is critical. We can always see some big factory friends complain that the access cost of the company's data infrastructure platform is too high, the use is not convenient, there are many data needs blocked and it is difficult to achieve quickly, and there are still widespread delays. The reason is that the enterprise's parallel carrying capacity for data needs is too poor. From the enterprise level, the resource investment in R&D data infrastructure can be said to be very huge, and the later maintenance costs are also very considerable. Such a huge investment, however, does not yield significant benefits, or there is a significant gap with expectations, which even to a certain extent has shaken the big factory's recognition of the value of infrastructure and generated doubts about the concept of data based operation.

sixty-five zero

The ability to control data, like the use of ChatGPT, is a required course for modern workers

In addition to intelligence and past experience, many soft skills are also particularly important in the modern workplace. Now is not the time to fight the world with a stick at the beginning of an online game. It will be a battle between arms and teeth. Sometimes the ability to control various "equipment" can even decide the outcome.

one hundred and nineteen one
come from: Industry solutions Section
18 days ago
Operation and maintenance monitor Devops

To continuously improve agility, you need to implement Sitecore DevOps

As a tool to break the barrier between the product and the development team, DevOps can promote the construction, testing and release of software more quickly, frequently and reliably by automating the process of "software delivery" and "architecture change".

sixty-five eight
come from: Industry solutions Section
18 days ago

Temperature acquisition and LabVIEW upper computer display based on STC8H8K64U and DS18B20

Temperature acquisition and LabVIEW upper computer display based on STC8H8K64U and DS18B20

eighty-five four
18 days ago
Network Protocol Network virtualization Data security/privacy protection

NAPT features and configuration practice sharing

[April Change Challenge Day 1] NAPT features and configuration practice sharing

eighty-four five
18 days ago
artificial intelligence Search recommendations API

Upgrade "new play"? Sitecore OrderCloud has new functions

Recently, Sitecore announced that its Sitecore OrderCloud will be fully integrated with Microsoft Fabric, so that its users can instantly access business, data and analysis tools that support AI, and better meet consumer expectations in all channels.

forty-three five
come from: Industry solutions Section
18 days ago
C language

Logic circuit and logic operation notes sharing

[April Change Challenge Day 1] Sharing of logic circuit and logic operation notes

sixty four
18 days ago
Operation and maintenance security network security

Ruizhe Information: Did the website collapse again? Internet black swan incidents occur frequently, which enterprises have to prevent!

In 2023, Station B collapsed twice. The first time was in March, when the computer side of Station B's mobile box could not view the video details page that day. In August, Station B collapsed again. Many websites reported that the pictures of Station B could not be loaded, and the videos could not be opened, and they were buffering all the time. Coincidentally, in March, Tencent's WeChat and QQ login businesses also crashed, and many functions such as WeChat voice dialogue, circle of friends, WeChat payment, QQ file transmission and QQ space login could not be enabled.

sixty three
come from: Industry solutions Section
18 days ago
storage algorithm C++

Program performance analysis

1. What is program performance Program performance refers to the amount of time and resources consumed by a program during execution. A good program should be able to complete the required tasks in a relatively short time, and use as few resources as possible.

thirty-eight three
18 days ago
sensor artificial intelligence Data visualization

Java smart site supervision integrated cloud platform APP source code SaaS mode

Monitoring of high formwork support: the vertical pole and inclination angle of high formwork support, the load of high formwork support, the horizontal displacement of frame body and the settlement of formwork. When the detection data exceeds the warning value, real-time alarm will be given.

fifty-seven two
18 days ago
SQL Oracle Relational database

Analyze several cases of index failure

As long as the joint index is not null, all the index columns (regardless of order) will go. When in null, it must be used together with the first column of the index. When the first position condition of the index is null, other index columns can be is null (but all the columns must meet is null), or=a value; When the first position of the index is=a value, other index columns can be in any case (including is null=a value), and the index will go in both cases. In other cases, they will not leave.

fifty-six one
18 days ago
Network Protocol Network performance optimization

Understand the difference between TCP and UDP

Reordering mechanism: UDP packets may be out of order due to network reasons, so the received packets need to be sorted at the application layer.

sixty-one four
18 days ago
algorithm security Test technology

Rapid Design and Development of Phase shifted Full bridge DC-DC Converter

This paper will lead you to design and develop the actual phase-shifting full bridge DC-DC converter based on the PPEC-86CA3A phase-shifting full bridge digital power supply control chip and the PPEC Workbench development software. 1、 Design and development of phase shifted full bridge converter 1. Peripheral circuit design and hardware platform construction 1) Peripheral circuit design The peripheral circuit design drawings of sampling, PWM drive and hardware protection of PPEC-86CA3A phase-shifting full bridge digital power supply control chip are given here. You can refer to the following figure to build and connect the peripheral circuit. 2) Hardware platform construction You can select the components of the power topology according to the parameter design method described above, and then build PWM drive circuit, sampling circuit and protection circuit according to the peripheral circuit design diagram and connect them to the power control core. The hardware test platform of phase shifted full bridge DC-DC converter is shown in the figure. two

seventy-three two

Internet of Things

Sharing and exchange of cutting-edge technologies in the Internet of Things

seven thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight
seven thousand two hundred and five

Related products

  • Internet of Things platform
  • IoT device identity authentication
  • Internet of Things Edge Computing