18 days ago
storage Relational database data base
Official column

Why are the prices of more than 100 Alibaba Cloud products reduced? This is enough

On February 29, Alibaba Cloud cut the price of its cloud products on its official website across the board. The average price cut was more than 20%, with a maximum of 55%.

nine hundred and eighty-three thirty-two
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
Elastic calculation developer
Official column

Award winning survey I ECS award winning survey questionnaire!

If you participate in the survey of Alibaba Cloud ECS developers' products, the top 200 will receive 100-200 yuan ECS threshold free vouchers!

five hundred and thirty-five six
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
Elastic calculation Continuous delivery development tool
Official column

[Introduction to AliCloud Eudemon Palu] One minute automated deployment tutorial, VIP video explanation, and game FAQ are continuously updated

The complete set of Palu's strategies: from the purchase of ECS to the completion of automated deployment, as well as video tutorials and hands-on teaching, various game FAQs are constantly updated

nine hundred and fifty-one thirty-two
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
Elastic calculation Data security/privacy protection
Official column

With AliCloud ECS, how can I deploy the Eudemon Palu game with one click?

If you already have Alibaba Cloud ECS, you can refer to this document to deploy the popular pet Palu game!

forty-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-six twenty-seven
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
Elastic calculation Data security/privacy protection Linux
Official column

AliCloud settles the establishment of the online server of Eudemon Palu in one minute

This article will describe in detail how to quickly deploy the Paru online server on Alibaba Cloud

ninety-three thousand two hundred and sixty-four seventy
18 days ago
Machine learning/deep learning PyTorch Algorithm framework/tools
Official column

[Hello AI] How to install AIACC Training

AIACC Training supports distributed training based on models built by mainstream AI (including PyTorch, TensorFlow, MXNet, Caffe, etc.). At the interface level, AIACC Training is currently compatible with PyTorch DDP and Horovod APIs. For training codes that use the above distributed training methods natively, it can achieve insensitive performance acceleration. This article will introduce you to various ways to install AIACC Training 1.5.0.

two hundred and thirty-nine zero
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
artificial intelligence PyTorch API
Official column

[Hello AI] Use AIACC Training PyTorch

Since PyTorch 1. x released its iteration, distributed training using PyTorch's native DDP has gradually become the mainstream. This article introduces how to use AIACC Training to accelerate the distributed training of models built based on PyTorch framework, as well as possible problems and solutions.

one hundred and ninety-seven zero
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
artificial intelligence TensorFlow API
Official column

[Hello AI] Use AIACC Training TensorFlow

At present, the mainstream way for TensorFlow to conduct data distributed training is Horovod. AIACC Training 1.5 supports the use of Horovod API compatible ways to accelerate TensorFlow distributed training. This article introduces the specific operations and possible problems of using the AIACC Training TensorFlow version.

one hundred and nine thousand four hundred and twenty-three two
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
artificial intelligence Parallel computing Test technology
Official column

[Hello AI] Use AIACC Training MXNet

Because MXNet supports KVStore and Horovod, AIACC Training 1.5 can support the use of KVStore to accelerate MXNet distributed training. It also supports Horovod distributed training, and is seamlessly compatible with the API version of Horovod.

two hundred and one one
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
artificial intelligence algorithm Network Protocol
Official column

[Hello AI] AI communication acceleration library Deepnccl - realize more efficient multi GPU interconnection communication

Deepnccl is an AI communication acceleration library for multi GPU interconnection developed for Alibaba Cloud DPCA heterogeneous products. It is used to improve communication efficiency in AI distributed training or multi card reasoning tasks. This article mainly introduces the architecture, optimization principle and performance description of Deepnccl.

four hundred and ninety-two five
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
Elastic calculation Operation and maintenance security
Official column

Nine tips to improve the security of the ECS instance operating system

The second session of the [Open Course on Elastic Computing Technology - ECS Security Season] was brought by Chen Huaike, an Alibaba Cloud elastic computing expert. This article is organized from his course for you to read.

one hundred and twenty-six thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight eight
come from: ECS Section
18 days ago
artificial intelligence Elastic calculation Parallel computing
Official column

[Hello AI] Reasoning engine DeepGPU-LLM provides free high-performance and low latency reasoning services

DeepGPU-LLM is a large language model (LLM) reasoning engine developed by Alibaba Cloud based on GPU ECS. In processing large language model tasks, this reasoning engine can provide you with high-performance large model reasoning services.

five hundred and forty-six one
come from: ECS Section
Before July
Elastic calculation
Official column

Golden Autumn Cloud Creation Season - ECS Explosives Money Saving Strategy

Economical e-instance, as low as 99 yuan/year, can be purchased by both new and old users, and the renewal price will not rise; Lightweight application server, 2-core 2G, as low as 87 yuan per year... official full discount and up discount

seven hundred and eighty four
come from: ECS Section
Before September
Elastic calculation developer
Official column

Alibaba Cloud elastic computing economic e-instance is released!

First choice for price performance, preferential cloud servers, personal developers, students, small and micro businesses and the public are on the line! The price is as low as 0.5 yuan/day!!! Low price is the first choice for the whole user group. No price increase for renewal!!

sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty thirty-four
come from: ECS Section
11 hours ago
Heterogeneous computing Elastic calculation Parallel computing

Deployment of Alpaca model on AliCloud GPU server

[June Change Challenge Day 1]

six four
2 days ago
Operation and maintenance Relational database Distributed database

[Cloud story exploration] NO.3: Smart travel, cloud thinking, see how to create a new business type of intelligent transportation

Cao Yajuan, Director of Operation and Maintenance of Xiangdao Travel, shared how the company uses cloud computing to achieve innovation and development. As a mobile travel brand of SAIC Group, Xiangdaochou, with the help of Alibaba Cloud, completed the core business relocation in only five days, becoming the first large-scale travel platform to use Alibaba Cloud PolarDB. Through in-depth cooperation, the two sides integrate in mobile payment and other fields to build a smart travel experience of the whole scene. Enterprises realize that releasing cloud potential needs to go beyond traditional IT models, improve efficiency and reduce costs through prediction algorithms and serverless architecture optimization. In the future, Xiangdao Travel and Alibaba Cloud will continue to cooperate, leading the intelligent development of the mobile travel industry.

twenty-four six
2 days ago
Operation and maintenance Relational database Distributed database

[Cloud story exploration] NO.3: Smart travel, cloud thinking, see how to create a new business type of intelligent transportation

Cao Yajuan, Director of Operation and Maintenance of Xiangdao Travel, shared how the company uses cloud computing to achieve innovation and development. As a mobile travel brand of SAIC Group, Xiangdaochou, with the help of Alibaba Cloud, completed the core business relocation in only five days, becoming the first large-scale travel platform to use Alibaba Cloud PolarDB. Through in-depth cooperation, the two sides integrate in mobile payment and other fields to build a smart travel experience of the whole scene. Enterprises realize that releasing cloud potential needs to go beyond traditional IT models, improve efficiency and reduce costs through prediction algorithms and serverless architecture optimization. In the future, Xiangdao Travel and Alibaba Cloud will continue to cooperate, leading the intelligent development of the mobile travel industry.

twenty-one two
2 days ago

[Cloud Story Exploration] Case Collection · Winner List in May

List of winners in May

twenty-six zero
2 days ago
storage Solid state storage security

The latest charging standard and activity price reference for renting Alibaba Cloud enterprise ECS

How much does it cost to rent Alibaba Cloud enterprise class ECS? AliCloud servers have a variety of instance classifications, among which general, computing, memory, general computing, big data, local SSD, high frequency and enhanced are enterprise class ECS. At present, in AliCloud activities, general, computing, memory and general computing are all preferential. The following is the price list of AliCloud enterprise class ECS, It includes the latest charging standards and activity prices, which are displayed in the form of tables for reference and understanding.

twenty-seven one
come from: ECS Section

Server data recovery - data recovery case of EqualLogic storage hard disk failure

Server data recovery environment: An EqualLogic PS 6011 storage of a certain brand has a RAID5 array composed of 16 SAS hard disks at the bottom. The upper storage space is divided into four volumes, formatted as VMFS file system, and used to store virtual machine files. Server failure: The indicator lights of the two hard disks on the storage device are yellow. The disk fails, making the storage unavailable. The storage has been insured. The user contacts the North Asia Enterprise Security Data Recovery Center to recover the data.

sixty-one zero
2 days ago
security cloud computing Network virtualization

[Technology sharing] On premises/Cloud

Internal deployment is the traditional way for companies to build and operate their own servers, while cloud computing uses cloud provider equipment through the network. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and are suitable for systems with different scales and requirements. The hybrid cloud combines the two. Sensitive data is processed internally, and other services use the cloud to ensure security through VPN. Hybrid cloud reduces the cost and increases the customization flexibility of the system.

fifty-nine one
come from: ECS Section
3 days ago
Cloud security algorithm Data modeling

Alibaba Cloud SSL certificate free version application process, charging standard of paid version certificate and certificate type selection reference

SSL certificate is a cloud security product that must be purchased to achieve https access to websites. Now many users purchase SSL certificates for website domain names to achieve https access to websites. Alibaba Cloud provides SSL certificate application services. Now every Alibaba Cloud individual or enterprise user (subject to real name authentication) Each year, you can apply for 20 free Digicert DV single domain name trial certificates (hereinafter referred to as free certificates) at a time. This article introduces the specific application process, the latest charging standards for charging certificates, and references for selecting different types of certificates.

one hundred and thirty-five zero
come from: ECS Section
3 days ago
artificial intelligence Parallel computing monitor

Cost performance increased by 50%, and Alibaba Cloud HPC optimization instance hpc8ae was officially commercialized

Recently, Alibaba Cloud, the world's leading cloud computing manufacturer, announced the official launch of the commercial release of the latest HPC optimization instance hpc8ae. This instance relies on Alibaba Cloud's self-developed "Apsara+CIPU" architecture, and is equipped with the fourth generation AMD EPYC processor. It is optimized for high-performance computing applications, especially for simulation applications such as computational fluid, finite element analysis, and multi physical field simulation, The price performance ratio in the CAE scenario should be improved by at least 50%.

thirty-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine one
come from: ECS Section
3 days ago
artificial intelligence Front end development JavaScript

Alibaba Cloud security cloud products, sliding verification process and online problem troubleshooting when using verification codes

Alibaba Cloud verification code products use the industry's advanced risk control engine combined with the "rules+AI" model to effectively distinguish between real users and machine automation script attacks, and avoid business losses caused by machine requests. It is mainly applicable to risk scenarios such as garbage registration, stock brushing and stock bumping, wool pulling, and SMS being brushed. Provide you with a safe and reliable business environment. This article introduces the sliding verification process when using the verification code and the troubleshooting of failed verification.

sixty-four thousand four hundred and fifteen one

Server data recovery - a P2000 server raid5 array data recovery case of a brand

Server data recovery environment: A P2000 server of a brand has a raid5 disk array (with hot spare disks) composed of several hard disks, and has deployed the VMWARE ESX virtualization platform and VMFS file system. Server failure: When the server is running normally, two hard disks in the raid5 array have yellow fault lights. According to the preliminary detection by the user's staff, the hard disk with the yellow fault light has a physical fault. The fault is that the serial number cannot be read, and the hard disk cannot be identified through the SAS expansion card.

one hundred and forty two
3 days ago
algorithm security programmer

Uncover distributed system: how does log replication ensure data consistency?

This paper introduces the log replication technology in distributed systems, which is an important means to ensure high availability and data consistency. Taking the Raft algorithm as an example, the article explains how the leader copies the client request to the follower's log: the leader first records the request, then sends it to the follower through RPC, waits for ACK confirmation, and retries if necessary. When most followers confirm, the leader submits the log and notifies the followers. The paper also mentioned challenges such as network partition and log consistency, as well as coping strategies, such as timeout mechanism, leader election, log matching and compression. Finally, it emphasizes the role of log replication in ensuring system consistency and availability in the face of failures.

one hundred and thirty four
come from: ECS Section
3 days ago
Solid state storage Positioning technology

Lanyi Cloud - How to choose a Hong Kong game server? Recommended for renting a Hong Kong game server

In Hong Kong, there are some well-known game server rental companies, such as Dataplugs, iAdvantage and SunnyVision. These companies all provide high-performance servers and high-quality customer service. However, you need to choose the most suitable server provider according to your specific needs and budget.

one hundred and nineteen zero
4 days ago
storage Positioning technology Data Center

Lanyi Cloud - comparative analysis of the advantages of Hong Kong servers

These are the main advantages of Hong Kong servers. However, when selecting servers, you need to consider their business needs and budget comprehensively.

one hundred and fifty-one zero
4 days ago
Elastic calculation Continuous delivery Data Center

One click cloud deployment: ROS's Terraform hosting service helps you easily launch 2048 classic games

Alibaba Cloud's resource orchestration service ROS provides Terraform hosting capability. Users can directly deploy Terraform scripts on the ROS console. This article will detail how to use ROS's Terraform hosting service to deploy classic 2048 mini games to the cloud in one click, so that players around the world can experience online.

one hundred and sixty-seven one

Server data recovery - data recovery case of mistakenly deleting VMware virtual machine vmdk files

Server data recovery environment: A PS4000 server of a large factory is deployed with VMware ESXi virtualization platform. Server failure: The computer room is powered off, and a virtual machine in the server cannot start normally after restart. The administrator viewed the virtual machine configuration file and found that all configuration files of the virtual machine that could not be started except the disk file were lost, and the xxx-flat.vmdk disk file and xxx-00001-delta.vmdk snapshot file still existed. Contact the VMware original factory engineer for diagnosis. The VMware original factory engineer tried to create a new virtual machine, but found that the storage space was insufficient, so the xxx-flat.vmdk disk file under the failed virtual machine was deleted. VMware engineers rebuilt a virtual machine, allocated a fixed size virtual disk, and installed Window for the virtual machine

one hundred and twenty five
4 days ago
storage Solid state storage security

Alibaba Cloud 4-core CPU ECS price reference, the latest charging standard and activity price

How much is AliCloud 4-core CPU ECS? The number of AliCloud server cores refers to the number of virtual CPU cores. To be precise, it should be vCPU. The number of CPU cores represents the computing power of the ECS. The higher the CPU, the better the performance of the ECS. Alibaba Cloud Server's one core CPU is a hyper thread, two core CPUs have two hyper threads, and four core CPUs have four hyper threads. In this way, the ECS can process multiple tasks at the same time, and its computing performance is stronger. If the website process is small and a small number of pictures are displayed on the enterprise website, it is recommended to choose 2 cores or more CPUs; If the website traffic is large, there are many dynamic pages, videos, etc., it is recommended to choose a CPU with 4 cores or more than 8 cores.

one hundred and fifty zero
come from: ECS Section
4 days ago
monitor Internet of Things Java

Build a highly available system: in-depth understanding of heartbeat detection mechanism

This paper introduces the important mechanism of * * heartbeat detection * * in the distributed system, which is used to monitor the health status of system nodes and smooth communication. Heartbeat detection sends signals on a regular basis. If the node does not respond within the predetermined period, it is considered as possible failure. The processing mechanism includes retry, alarm and automatic repair. The article also mentioned two strategies: * * cycle detection * * and * * cumulative failure detection * *, and gave Java code examples to show the implementation of heartbeat detection. In addition, the applications of heartbeat detection in distributed database, microservice, Internet of Things and other scenarios are listed, as well as optimization strategies such as dynamically adjusting heartbeat rate and optimizing timeout mechanism. Finally, the key role of heartbeat detection in system stability and high availability is emphasized.

thirty-eight two
come from: ECS Section
4 days ago
Algorithm framework/tools TensorFlow artificial intelligence

What is the highest<2.0 tensorflow version supported by DPCA AI products?

nineteen one
come from: ECS Section
5 days ago
Edge computing security network security

How to hide the server source IP?

An article to understand the hidden source IP!

forty-six zero
come from: ECS Section
5 days ago
Elastic calculation Operation and maintenance Linux

How to configure the Docker environment? Use Alibaba Cloud OOS to do it in one step!

Alibaba Cloud OOS simplifies application deployment on ECS and provides one click installation of Docker. It supports multiple operating systems, including Alibaba Cloud Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, and Windows Server. To install Docker, the user only needs to select and confirm the instance in the OOS extension program and execute the installation. The OOS extension program also supports the rapid configuration of Java, Python and other development environments as well as pagoda panels, WordPress and other applications, improving the operation and maintenance efficiency and making cloud resource management more convenient.

sixty one
5 days ago
Elastic calculation Application service middleware Shell

Tutorial on building enterprise websites using AliCloud ECS

In this tutorial, we will guide you how to use Alibaba Cloud ECS to build an enterprise website. Steps include: 1) Register an AliCloud account and purchase an ECS instance, and select an appropriate configuration; 2) Configure security groups and open necessary ports; 3) Connect ECS through SSH, update the system and install Nginx; 4) Upload website files and configure Nginx server; 5) Bind domain name and configure HTTPS certificate. Following these steps, your enterprise website will run securely on Alibaba Cloud ECS.

sixty one
come from: ECS Section
5 days ago
storage Encoding and decoding Elastic calculation

Rent 2-core 4G, 4-core 8G, and 8-core 16G to configure Alibaba Cloud servers. Please refer to the optional instance types and prices

When renting Alibaba Cloud servers, the ratio of ECS processors and memory for general computing instance types is 1:2. The 2-core 4G, 4-core 8G, and 8-core 16G configurations are the configurations that users choose more. These ECS configurations can be used for various types and scales of enterprise applications such as website applications, batch computing, video coding, and so on. At present, in Alibaba Cloud's activities, economic e The general computing u1, computing c7, computing c8y, computing c7a, and other instance 2-core 4G, 4-core 8G, and 8-core 16G configurations are available at a discount. This article introduces the instance types, specific prices, and charging standards available for these configurations in Alibaba Cloud's current activities for reference.

eighty-three one
come from: ECS Section
5 days ago
storage cache NoSQL

Redis and Database Synchronization Guide: Subscribe to Binlog to achieve data consistency

This article is shared by developer Xiaomi to discuss the consistency in distributed systems, especially the consistency between databases and Redis. This article introduces the advantages of the full cache strategy, such as efficient reading and stability, but also points out its consistency challenges. In order to solve this problem, a method of data synchronization through Binlog of subscription database is proposed, the working principle and steps are explained in detail, and the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. In addition, the asynchronous calibration scheme is mentioned as a supplement to further ensure data consistency. Finally, we remind you to pay attention to logging, gradual optimization and monitoring alarms in the actual online environment.

thirty-two three

Server data recovery - A data recovery scheme that the virtual machine cannot start after the EVA storage is powered off and restarted abnormally

Server storage data recovery environment: A brand of EVA8400 has a VMware ESXi virtualization platform installed on the server. The virtual disks of the virtual machine include data disks (thin mode)+snapshot data disks. Some virtual machines run oracle databases and mysql databases. Server storage failure&detection: A virtual machine in the storage cannot be started after the storage is powered off and restarted abnormally. The staff speculated that the failure was caused by an abnormal power failure, which led to the failure of the power module. After clearing the cache and restarting the storage, it was found that the virtual machine still could not start normally.

twenty-three zero
6 days ago
Distributed Computing Hadoop Encoding and decoding

JindoDistCp kerberos authentication failed

fifty-four zero
6 days ago
storage Elastic calculation cache

Alibaba Cloud 2-core CPU ECS rental fee standard and activity price reference

How much is AliCloud 2-core CPU ECS? The number of AliCloud server cores refers to the number of virtual CPU cores. To be precise, it should be vCPU. The number of CPU cores represents the computing power of the ECS. The higher the CPU, the better the performance of the ECS. Alibaba Cloud Server's one core CPU is a hyper thread, two core CPUs have two hyper threads, and four core CPUs have four hyper threads. In this way, the ECS can process multiple tasks at the same time, and its computing performance is stronger. If the website process is small and a small number of pictures are displayed on the enterprise website, it is recommended to choose 2 cores or more CPUs; If the website traffic is large, there are many dynamic pages, videos, etc., it is recommended to choose a CPU with 4 cores or more than 8 cores.

one hundred and twenty-six zero
come from: ECS Section
6 days ago
Continuous delivery Data security/privacy protection

ROS dummy parameter tutorial: configure resource groups of resources in the stack through ALIYUN:: ResourceGroupId

The new pseudo parameter ALIYUN:: ResourceGroupId of Alibaba Cloud Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) provides a mechanism to simplify resource group management. This parameter allows the user to directly specify the resource group to which the resource should belong when writing the resource stack template, without knowing the resource group ID in advance. This function simplifies the management process in the automated deployment process, improves the accuracy of deployment, and enhances the reusability of templates. Using this pseudo parameter, you can achieve more accurate partition management and access control of resources, and improve the efficiency of resource deployment and integration.

fifty-nine zero

Server data recovery - common server raid failures&solutions

RAID (disk array) is a technology that integrates multiple physical hard disks into a virtual storage. The raid module is equivalent to an intermediate layer of storage management. The upper layer receives and executes data read and write instructions from the operating system and file system, and the lower layer manages the storage, read and write of data on each physical hard disk. Compared with a separate physical hard disk, raid can provide users with larger independent storage space, faster read and write speed, higher data storage security and more convenient unified management mode. Whether the disk array can operate normally is the key to ensure the normal reading and writing of data in the server.

thirty-one zero
6 days ago
Elastic calculation Operation and maintenance Java

Best practice: large-scale application of Alibaba Cloud Sky Reliant ECS in Qianxun location space-time intelligent service

The Apsara Technology Salon jointly held by Alibaba Cloud, Pingtou Brother and Anmou Technology discussed the application of the Sky Reliant Arm architecture in business innovation. During the activity, the operation and maintenance experts of Qianxun shared the successful case of migrating core business to the ECS instance of the Reliance processor, emphasizing the energy efficiency ratio and cost reduction and efficiency enhancement advantages of the Reliance processor. The migration process involves the adaptation of the operating system, CICD system and monitoring system, as well as the performance test of the business system. At present, Chihiro has migrated thousands of ECS instances to Reliance processors, achieving significant cost and efficiency improvements. In the future, it is planned to continue to expand the application of the Reliance processor in the core business and K8S.

ninety two
come from: ECS Section
6 days ago
algorithm programmer Distributed database

A prerequisite for distributed consistency: understand Raft algorithm

Raft algorithm is an algorithm for consistency management of replication logs in distributed systems. It coordinates log replication by electing leaders to ensure data consistency of all nodes. The algorithm includes heartbeat mechanism, election process, log copy and consistency guarantee. When the leader fails, the node will be re elected to ensure high availability. Raft is easy to understand and implement, provides strong consistency, and is commonly used in distributed databases and coordination services. The author Xiaomi shared relevant knowledge and encouraged readers interested in distributed systems to further explore.

fifty-two zero
come from: ECS Section
6 days ago
storage cloud computing developer

[Preview] Express delivery of new Alibaba Cloud computing products: commercial release of HPC optimization instances

At 14:00 on May 30, an HPC optimization instance hpc8ae designed for cloud based high-performance computing will be launched, aiming to solve the problem that the existing cloud computing infrastructure does not optimize HPC applications sufficiently, provide cost-effective simulation solutions, improve computing efficiency and accelerate business innovation. In the live broadcast, Alibaba Cloud experts will demonstrate the application of examples in computational fluid, finite element analysis and other fields, and conduct practical demonstration through two cloud based industrial simulation demos. There is also a chance to win rich gifts when participating in the live broadcast.

thirty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five three
come from: ECS Section
6 days ago
security Linux network security

The latest offer for business migration from other cloud platforms to Alibaba Cloud, introduction to using SMC in the server migration center for fast migration

More and more individuals and enterprises want to migrate businesses deployed on other cloud platforms or IDC enterprises to Alibaba Cloud. For these users, the most important issue is whether there are any incentives for migrating to Alibaba Cloud, and whether the migration process is troublesome. Alibaba Cloud has launched 500 million computing subsidies for these users' needs, and provided subsidies for migrating users, During the migration process, users can perform data transfer migration by themselves, or use Alibaba Cloud's server migration center to quickly complete the migration. This article introduces the latest preferential policies for other cloud service providers to migrate their services to Alibaba Cloud, and how to use the server migration center to achieve rapid migration.

ninety-one one
come from: ECS Section

Paru server adding UE4SS link timeout

twenty-four zero
come from: ECS Section

Server data recovery - EVA storage raid 5 array data recovery case of storage crash caused by multiple disks offline

Server data recovery environment: One EVA4400 controller of a certain brand+three EVA4400 expansion enclosures+28 FC hard disks. Server failure: Because two disks are offline, some LUNs in the storage are unavailable and some LUNs are lost, causing the storage to crash.

sixty-four four

Elastic calculation

Elastic Compute Service (ECS) is a simple and efficient computing service with elastically scalable processing capacity. It can quickly build more stable and secure applications, improve operation and maintenance efficiency, and reduce IT costs.

six thousand two hundred and fifty-seven
four hundred and twenty-two thousand nine hundred and seventeen