Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Try Visual Studio 2022 v17.6 Preview 1

The first Preview for Visual Studio 2022 17.6 is now available! This release expands on the recently released 17.5 version of Visual Studio and aims at enhancing your productivity whether you’re a .NET developer, a game developer, and/or a C++ developer. Why should you try the latest preview? Because it’s like living in the future – ...

Top News from April 2015

This top trending post is a collection of what we think are some of the top stories in April. This is our third such post (top news from February 2015, top news from March 2015) and we would love to hear your feedback. Are these posts interesting and informational? Do you have other blogs or articles to share with us? Let us know by leaving a ...

Visual Studio Partners with Unity, Unreal, and Cocos2d Game Engines

A moment ago, Soma blogged that today we’re announcing that Visual Studio has partnerships with three of the top gaming engine providers: Unity Technologies (creators of Unity3D), Epic Games (creators of Unreal), and Chukong Technologies (creators of Cocos2d). The gist of the partnerships is that these three gaming platforms will provide...